Our inventory file is large, depending on the speed of your internet it may take several minutes to fully display.
Title | Genre | ID | Price | Author |
Dead on arrival | Light Mystery | 5 | 3.50 | Avocato, Lori |
The Burglar Who Studied Spinoza | Mystery | 89 | 3.00 | Block, Lawrence |
Specimen Song | Westerns | 107 | 2.75 | Bowen, Peter |
Fat Tuesday | Mystery | 151 | 4.00 | Brown, Sandra |
Star Witness | Mystery | 184 | 3.50 | Buffa, D. W. |
Act of Betrayal | Mystery | 190 | 3.00 | Buchanan, Edna |
Sweet La La Land | Light Mystery | 192 | 2.50 | Campbell, Robert |
The Murder Artist | Mystery | 231 | 3.50 | Case, John |
The sword of the Templars | Thriller | 244 | 4.00 | Christopher, Paul |
It Only Takes a Moment | Light Mystery | 246 | 4.00 | Clark, Mary Jane |
Dark Hollow | Mystery | 280 | 4.00 | Connolly, John |
CSI: Grave Matters | Mystery | 287 | 3.50 | Collins, Max Allan |
Breakheart Hill | Mystery | 312 | 3.00 | Cook, Thomas H. |
Marker | Mystery | 319 | 5.00 | Cook, Robin |
Fever | Mystery | 323 | 2.50 | Cook, Robin |
The Front | Mystery | 341 | 4.00 | Cornwell, Patricia |
Cause of death | Mystery | 347 | 3.75 | Cornwell, Patricia |
The Firm | Mystery | 772 | 3.50 | Grisham, John |
The Spire | Mystery | 1777 | 5.00 | Patterson, Richard North |
L. A. Times | Mystery | 2479 | 3.00 | Woods, Stuart |
The Whisper | Mystery | 5055 | 5.50 | Neggers, Carla |
The eight | Mystery | 5056 | 7.50 | Neville, Katherine |
The Story of Chicago May | General Fiction | 5058 | 5.50 | O'Faolain, Nuala |
Heir to the glimmering world | Mystery | 5059 | 5.50 | Ozick, Cynthia |
Bad money | Business | 5065 | 5.50 | Phillips, Kevin |
Light of the moon | Romance | 5069 | 4.00 | Rice, Luanne |
Shattered | Romance | 5070 | 6.50 | Robards, Karen |
Fiona Range | General Fiction | 7791 | 5.50 | Morris, Mary McGarry |
A day late and a dollar short | General Fiction | 7802 | 4.00 | McMillan, Terry |
You only die twice | Mystery | 8770 | 3.50 | Buchanan, Edna |
Star Gate | Science Fiction | 8777 | 2.50 | Norton, Andre |
The Judgment | Mystery | 349 | 3.50 | Coughlin, William J. |
The heart of justice | Mystery | 350 | 3.50 | Coughlin, William J. |
Against All Enemies | Thriller | 363 | 4.00 | Coyle, Harold |
The Broken Window | Mystery | 437 | 5.00 | Deaver, Jeffery |
The Bride Collector | Thriller | 448 | 4.00 | Dekker, Ted |
Getting Back | Mystery | 463 | 3.75 | Dietrich, William |
Blood on the moon | Mystery | 497 | 2.00 | Ellroy, James |
So Close the Hand of Death | Mystery | 500 | 4.00 | Ellison, J. T. |
All The Pretty Girls | Mystery | 501 | 3.50 | Ellison, J. T. |
14 | Mystery | 502 | 3.50 | Ellison, J. T. |
Full Blast | Mystery | 527 | 4.00 | Evanovich, Janet |
The Bone Vault | Mystery | 548 | 4.00 | Fairstein, Linda |
Tagged for murder | Light Mystery | 552 | 3.50 | Flinn, Elaine |
Mad River Road | Mystery | 556 | 5.00 | Fielding, Joy |
Paper money | Mystery | 599 | 3.00 | Follett, Ken |
Flying Finish | Mystery | 619 | 2.50 | Francis, Dick |
Reflex | Mystery | 647 | 1.50 | Francis, Dick |
Run the Risk | Mystery | 664 | 4.00 | Frost, Scott |
The Neighbor | Mystery | 677 | 4.00 | Gardner, Lisa |
Gone | Mystery | 685 | 4.00 | Gardner, Lisa |
Ice Cold | Mystery | 689 | 4.00 | Gerritsen, Tess |
The sinner | Mystery | 708 | 4.00 | Gerritsen, Tess |
Brainwaves | Mystery | 713 | 3.50 | Goldberg, Leonard |
Deadly harvest | Mystery | 714 | 3.50 | Goldberg, Leonard |
Lethal measures | Mystery | 715 | 3.50 | Goldberg, Leonard |
Deadly Exposure | Mystery | 717 | 3.50 | Goldberg, Leonard |
Fatal care | Mystery | 718 | 3.50 | Goldberg, Leonard |
CSI: In Extremis: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation | Mystery | 721 | 4.00 | Goddard, Ken |
Balefire | Mystery | 723 | 3.50 | Goddard, Ken |
Long, lean, and lethal | Romance | 749 | 3.50 | Graham, Heather |
Dying to have her | Romance | 750 | 3.50 | Graham, Heather |
Drop dead gorgeous | Romance | 753 | 3.50 | Graham, Heather |
Even Steven | Mystery | 796 | 4.00 | Gilstrap, John |
Red sky at night | Mystery | 826 | 3.50 | Hall, James W. |
The Big Thaw | Mystery | 845 | 3.50 | Harstad, Donald |
The Ghost | Thriller | 853 | 4.00 | Harris, Robert |
Cold Day in Hell | Mystery | 862 | 4.00 | Hawke, Richard |
Killer Body | Mystery | 875 | 3.50 | Hill, Bonnie Hearn |
Double Exposure | Mystery | 877 | 3.50 | Hill, Bonnie Hearn |
Hunting Badger | Mystery | 881 | 5.00 | Hillerman, Tony |
Cry wolf | Mystery | 914 | 4.00 | Hoag, Tami |
Cry no more | Mystery | 933 | 4.00 | Howard, Linda |
Shining Through | Romance | 956 | 3.50 | Isaacs, Susan |
Tears of Pride | Mystery | 982 | 3.50 | Jackson, Lisa |
Stormy Nights: Summer Rain\Hurricane Force | Mystery | 983 | 4.00 | Jackson, Lisa |
Dark summer | Mystery | 1024 | 4.00 | Johansen, Iris |
Countdown | Mystery | 1027 | 4.00 | Johansen, Iris |
The Search | Mystery | 1049 | 4.00 | Johansen, Iris |
Quicksand | Mystery | 1053 | 4.00 | Johansen, Iris |
The next accident | Mystery | 1055 | 4.00 | Gardner, Lisa |
The killing game | Mystery | 1057 | 4.00 | Johansen, Iris |
Just cause | Mystery | 1073 | 3.50 | Katzenbach, John |
Hart's War | Mystery | 1074 | 4.00 | Katzenbach, John |
The Genius | Mystery | 1127 | 5.00 | Kellerman, Jesse |
Keepers of the gate | Mystery | 1203 | 3.50 | Land, Jon |
Fired Up: Book One in the Dreamlight Trilogy | Romance | 1212 | 4.00 | Krentz, Jayne Ann |
The Walls of Jericho | Mystery | 1225 | 4.00 | Land, Jon |
When Night Falls | Mystery | 1262 | 3.00 | London, Cait |
With her last breath | Mystery | 1283 | 3.00 | London, Cait |
What Memories Remain | Mystery | 1284 | 3.00 | London, Cait |
Silence the Whispers | Mystery | 1285 | 3.00 | London, Cait |
Tropical Heat | Mystery | 1301 | 2.00 | Lutz, John |
Night kills | Mystery | 1306 | 3.50 | Lutz, John |
Mister X | Mystery | 1307 | 4.00 | Lutz, John |
Kiss | Mystery | 1308 | 2.00 | Lutz, John |
Hyde | Mystery | 1347 | 3.50 | Mahoney, Dan |
Black and White | Mystery | 1349 | 3.50 | Mahoney, Dan |
Seawitch | Mystery | 1353 | 2.50 | MacLean, Alistair |
Night Watch | Mystery | 1356 | 3.00 | MacLean, Alistair |
The Lost Constitution | Thriller | 1370 | 5.00 | Martin, William |
Double tap | Mystery | 1388 | 4.00 | Martini, Steve |
The Arraignment | Mystery | 1391 | 4.00 | Martini, Steve |
The Intruders | Horror | 1395 | 4.00 | Marshall, Michael |
Blind Faith | True Crime | 1437 | 3.00 | McGinniss, Joe |
The Dancing Floor | Mystery | 1472 | 3.50 | Michaels, Barbara |
Hide and Seek | Romance | 1478 | 3.50 | Michaels, Fern |
Shattered Silk | Mystery | 1487 | 2.00 | Michaels, Barbara |
The Shimmer | Mystery | 1529 | 4.00 | Morrell, David |
Dead end game | Mystery | 1551 | 3.00 | Newman, Christopher |
Backfire | Mystery | 1553 | 2.50 | Newman, Christopher |
19th Precinct | Mystery | 1554 | 3.00 | Newman, Christopher |
South of Eden | Historic Fiction | 1582 | 3.00 | Murray, Earl |
Precinct Command | Mystery | 1592 | 2.50 | Newman, Christopher |
Midtown North | Mystery | 1597 | 3.00 | Newman, Christopher |
Acts of malice | Mystery | 1610 | 3.75 | O'Shaughnessy, Perri |
Closer Than Blood | Thriller | 1613 | 4.00 | Olsen, Gregg |
Presumption of Death | Mystery | 1623 | 4.00 | O'Shaughnessy, Perri |
The first patient | Mystery | 1640 | 5.00 | Palmer, Michael |
Sail | Mystery | 1737 | 5.00 | Patterson, James |
Thriller: Stories To Keep You Up All Night | Mystery | 1753 | 5.00 | Patterson, James |
Half Moon street | Mystery | 1797 | 3.50 | Perry, Anne |
Omerta | Thriller | 1856 | 4.00 | Puzo, Mario |
Bare Bones | Mystery | 1867 | 4.00 | Reichs, Kathy |
Guilty | Romance | 1874 | 4.00 | Robards, Karen |
Scandalous | Romance | 1877 | 4.00 | Robards, Karen |
Bait | Romance | 1881 | 4.00 | Robards, Karen |
The Cheater | Mystery | 1951 | 4.00 | Rosenberg, Nancy Taylor |
No Safe Place | Romance | 1977 | 3.75 | Ross, JoAnn |
Crossfire: A High Risk Novel | Romance | 1978 | 4.00 | Ross, JoAnn |
The dragon king's palace | Mystery | 1993 | 3.50 | Rowland, Laura Joh |
Stolen blessings | Mystery | 1996 | 3.00 | Sanders, Lawrence |
Mistaken identity | Mystery | 2068 | 4.00 | Scottoline, Lisa |
The vendetta defense | Mystery | 2086 | 4.00 | Scottoline, Lisa |
Running from the Law | Mystery | 2088 | 4.00 | Scottoline, Lisa |
Black Alley | Mystery | 2163 | 3.50 | Spillane, Mickey |
Forbidden Fruit | Mystery | 2177 | 3.25 | Spindler, Erica |
Copycat | Mystery | 2180 | 4.00 | Spindler, Erica |
Last Known Victim | Mystery | 2193 | 4.00 | Spindler, Erica |
Killer takes all | Mystery | 2194 | 4.00 | Spindler, Erica |
In Silence | Mystery | 2196 | 3.50 | Spindler, Erica |
The Echelon Vendetta | Mystery | 2242 | 5.00 | Stone, David |
Finding Mary Blaine | Romance | 2271 | 3.25 | Thomas, Jodi |
The weatherman | Mystery | 2274 | 3.25 | Thayer, Steve |
True Justice | Mystery | 2280 | 4.00 | Tanenbaum, Robert K. |
Reversible errors | Mystery | 2339 | 4.00 | Turow, Scott |
Double edge | Mystery | 2353 | 3.50 | Walker, Robert W. |
Darkest Instinct | Mystery | 2354 | 3.50 | Walker, Robert W. |
Cold edge | Mystery | 2357 | 3.50 | Walker, Robert W. |
Donor | Mystery | 2429 | 3.50 | Wilson, Charles |
Love is a gentle stranger | Christian Fiction | 2525 | 3.00 | Bacher, June Masters |
Power of a Woman | Romance | 2539 | 3.75 | Bradford, Barbara Taylor |
Evening star | Romance | 2565 | 4.00 | Coulter, Catherine |
Sweet liar | Romance | 2573 | 4.00 | Deveraux, Jude |
A Woman's place | Romance | 2578 | 4.00 | Delinsky, Barbara |
A Wicked Gentleman | Romance | 2589 | 4.00 | Feather, Jane |
A Wedding Wager | Romance | 2590 | 4.00 | Feather, Jane |
Summer Island | General Fiction | 2608 | 3.50 | Hannah, Kristin |
A Season Of Miracles | Romance | 2612 | 3.50 | Graham, Heather |
Night Of The Blackbird | Mystery | 2614 | 3.50 | Graham, Heather |
The golden valkyrie | Romance | 2622 | 3.50 | Johansen, Iris |
The Same Sweet Girls | Romance | 2636 | 3.50 | King, Cassandra |
River god | Mystery | 2645 | 4.00 | Smith, Wilbur |
Net Force: Hidden Agendas | Thriller | 2646 | 4.00 | Clancy, Tom |
Always time to die | Mystery | 2665 | 4.00 | Lowell, Elizabeth |
Summer on Blossom Street | Romance | 2668 | 4.00 | Macomber, Debbie |
To distraction | Romance | 2678 | 4.00 | Laurens, Stephanie |
All About Passion | Romance | 2683 | 3.50 | Laurens, Stephanie |
The lady chosen | Romance | 2692 | 4.00 | Laurens, Stephanie |
A Lady of His Own | Romance | 2694 | 3.50 | Laurens, Stephanie |
Impetuous Innocent | Romance | 2696 | 3.50 | Laurens, Stephanie |
A gentleman's honor | Romance | 2699 | 4.00 | Laurens, Stephanie |
Four in hand | Romance | 2701 | 4.00 | Laurens, Stephanie |
The Elusive Bride | Romance | 2702 | 4.00 | Laurens, Stephanie |
The taste of innocence | Romance | 2704 | 4.00 | Laurens, Stephanie |
A rogue's proposal | Romance | 2708 | 3.50 | Laurens, Stephanie |
A Rake's Vow | Romance | 2710 | 3.50 | Laurens, Stephanie |
The promise in a kiss | Romance | 2711 | 3.75 | Laurens, Stephanie |
The perfect lover | Romance | 2712 | 3.50 | Laurens, Stephanie |
On a Wild Night | Romance | 2713 | 3.50 | Laurens, Stephanie |
What Price Love? | Romance | 2726 | 4.00 | Laurens, Stephanie |
Susanna's Choice | Romance | 2727 | 4.00 | Luck, Sara |
The Book of Scandal | Romance | 2737 | 3.50 | London, Julia |
Fairy Tale Weddings | Romance | 2743 | 4.00 | Macomber, Debbie |
The Million Dollar Cowboy | Romance | 2749 | 2.50 | Lyons, Judith |
Defender | Romance | 2754 | 4.00 | Mann, Catherine |
The Real Deal | Romance | 2796 | 4.00 | Michaels, Fern |
Hey, Good Looking | Romance | 2798 | 4.00 | Michaels, Fern |
The Maverick | Romance | 2813 | 2.50 | Palmer, Diana |
Nora | Romance | 2814 | 4.00 | Palmer, Diana |
Nelson's Brand | Romance | 2815 | 3.50 | Palmer, Diana |
Lawman | Romance | 2817 | 4.00 | Palmer, Diana |
Summer Lovin' | Romance | 2827 | 4.00 | Phillips, Carly |
Sealed with a kiss | Romance | 2828 | 4.00 | Phillips, Carly |
Summer's child | Romance | 2856 | 3.75 | Rice, Luanne |
Outer Banks | Romance | 2860 | 3.50 | Siddons, Anne Rivers |
Shameless | Romance | 2869 | 4.00 | Robards, Karen |
The Eye of the Moon | Paranormal | 2912 | 5.50 | Anonymous |
Lothaire | Paranormal | 2922 | 4.00 | Cole, Kresley |
The Mediator #6: Twilight | Young Adult | 2924 | 3.50 | Cabot, Meg |
Chosen | Paranormal | 2925 | 4.50 | Cast, P. C. |
The Immortals | Mystery | 2931 | 4.00 | Ellison, J. T. |
Night of the Wolves | Paranormal | 2976 | 4.00 | Graham, Heather |
The lunatic cafe | Paranormal | 2987 | 4.00 | Hamilton, Laurell K. |
The dream-hunter | Paranormal | 2993 | 5.50 | Kenyon, Sherrilyn |
Midnight in Ruby Bayou | Romance | 3005 | 4.00 | Lowell, Elizabeth |
A Vampire for Christmas | Paranormal | 3006 | 4.00 | London, Laurie |
Styx's Storm | Paranormal | 3007 | 4.00 | Leigh, Lora |
Scent of roses | Paranormal | 3026 | 4.00 | Martin, Kat |
Single White Vampire | Paranormal | 3027 | 4.00 | Sands, Lynsay |
The immortal hunter | Paranormal | 3028 | 4.00 | Sands, Lynsay |
Heart of stone | Paranormal | 3038 | 4.50 | Murphy, C. E. |
Seduced by the Wolf | Paranormal | 3042 | 4.00 | Spear, Terry |
Covet | Paranormal | 3054 | 4.00 | Ward, J. R. |
The demon you know | Paranormal | 3073 | 3.50 | Warren, Christine |
Duets | Romance | 3092 | 6.50 | Roberts, Nora |
Longing for Home | Romance | 3127 | 3.50 | Springer, Kathryn |
A Match Made In Dry Creek | Romance | 3128 | 3.50 | Tronstad, Janet |
A Doctor's Vow | Romance | 3129 | 3.50 | Richer, Lois |
An Honest Life | Romance | 3131 | 3.50 | Corbit, Dana |
Promise of Time | Romance | 3135 | 2.50 | Moore, S. Dionne |
The Master's Match | Romance | 3136 | 2.50 | Murray, Tamela Hancock |
The Bounty Hunter and the Bride | Romance | 3137 | 2.50 | McDonough, Vickie |
Picket Fence Pursuit | Romance | 3138 | 2.50 | Johnson, Jennifer |
Bay Hideaway | Romance | 3139 | 2.50 | Loughner, Beth |
Before the Dawn | Romance | 3140 | 2.50 | Vetsch, Erica |
Soaring Home | Romance | 3142 | 3.50 | Johnson, Christine |
Presidential Agent: By Order of the President | Thriller | 3163 | 4.00 | Griffin, W. E. B. |
Presidential Agent: The hostage | Thriller | 3164 | 5.00 | Griffin, W. E. B. |
The scorpion's gate | Thriller | 3171 | 5.50 | Clarke, Richard A. |
The Alexander Cipher | Thriller | 3183 | 6.50 | Adams, Will |
The dark river | General Fiction | 3185 | 6.50 | Hawks, John Twelve |
Icarus | Thriller | 3197 | 4.00 | Andrews, Russell |
The Amber Room | Thriller | 3241 | 4.00 | Berry, Steve |
Black Wolf | Thriller | 3246 | 5.00 | Brown, Dale |
Slow Motion Riot | Thriller | 3252 | 3.50 | Blauner, Peter |
Dreamland #04: Piranha | Thriller | 3259 | 4.00 | Brown, Dale |
Dreamland #02: Nerve center | Thriller | 3260 | 4.00 | Brown, Dale |
Bright Star | Thriller | 3328 | 3.00 | Coyle, Harold |
Hong Kong | Thriller | 3333 | 4.00 | Coonts, Stephen |
Liars & thieves | Thriller | 3334 | 4.00 | Coonts, Stephen |
Flight of the Intruder | Thriller | 3335 | 2.00 | Coonts, Stephen |
The Disciple | Thriller | 3337 | 5.00 | Coonts, Stephen |
Prometheus's child | Thriller | 3348 | 4.00 | Coyle, Harold |
Pandora's Legion | Thriller | 3349 | 4.00 | Coyle, Harold |
Wild fire | Thriller | 3382 | 7.50 | DeMille, Nelson |
The Thieves of heaven | Thriller | 3392 | 4.00 | Doetsch, Richard |
The Thieves of Darkness | Thriller | 3393 | 4.00 | Doetsch, Richard |
Terminal run | Thriller | 3397 | 3.50 | DiMercurio, Michael |
Whirlpool | Thriller | 3412 | 3.00 | Forbes, Colin |
Terminal | Thriller | 3413 | 2.00 | Forbes, Colin |
The Janus man | Thriller | 3414 | 4.00 | Forbes, Colin |
Cover Story | Thriller | 3415 | 3.00 | Forbes, Colin |
The Machiavelli Covenant | Thriller | 3418 | 5.00 | Folsom, Allan |
The Fourth Protocol | Thriller | 3426 | 3.50 | Forsyth, Frederick |
The fist of God | Thriller | 3428 | 3.50 | Forsyth, Frederick |
The Odessa File | Thriller | 3445 | 3.50 | Forsyth, Frederick |
The ripple effect | Thriller | 3451 | 4.00 | Garrison, Paul |
Sea Hunter | Thriller | 3452 | 4.00 | Garrison, Paul |
Fire and ice | Thriller | 3455 | 3.50 | Garrison, Paul |
Joshua's hammer | Thriller | 3487 | 4.00 | Hagberg, David |
The Cabal | Thriller | 3489 | 4.00 | Hagberg, David |
The 13th apostle | Thriller | 3502 | 4.00 | Heller, Richard and Rachel |
On dangerous ground | Thriller | 3512 | 3.25 | Higgins, Jack |
Angel of death | Thriller | 3516 | 3.75 | Higgins, Jack |
Child 44 | Thriller | 3521 | 6.50 | Smith, Tom Rob |
The Bourne Dominion | Thriller | 3525 | 5.00 | Ludlum, Robert |
The bridge across forever | General Fiction | 3532 | 3.00 | Bach, Richard |
Running from safety | General Fiction | 3536 | 6.50 | Bach, Richard |
The graveyard shift | Thriller | 3544 | 4.00 | Higgins, Jack |
Eye of the Storm | Thriller | 3547 | 3.00 | Higgins, Jack |
A Darker Place | Thriller | 3549 | 5.00 | Higgins, Jack |
The Eagle Has Flown | Thriller | 3550 | 4.00 | Higgins, Jack |
One | General Fiction | 3554 | 2.50 | Bach, Richard |
Season in Hell | Thriller | 3555 | 2.75 | Higgins, Jack |
Thunder point | Thriller | 3577 | 3.75 | Higgins, Jack |
Sheba | Thriller | 3578 | 3.00 | Higgins, Jack |
The day before midnight | Thriller | 3590 | 3.25 | Hunter, Stephen |
The Sanctuary | Thriller | 3609 | 5.00 | Khoury, Raymond |
Talk Down | Thriller | 3623 | 2.50 | Lecomber, Brian |
The Sisters | Thriller | 3637 | 2.00 | Littell, Robert |
The Sigma Protocol | Thriller | 3652 | 5.00 | Ludlum, Robert |
The Scarlatti Inheritance | Thriller | 3657 | 3.00 | Ludlum, Robert |
The Road to Gandolfo | Thriller | 3659 | 2.00 | Ludlum, Robert |
Annapolis | Thriller | 3679 | 5.00 | Martin, William |
The Pirate Hunters | Thriller | 3684 | 4.00 | Maloney, Mack |
Superhawks | Thriller | 3685 | 3.50 | Maloney, Mack |
Blackout | Thriller | 3687 | 4.00 | Nance, John J. |
Skyhook | Thriller | 3706 | 4.00 | Nance, John J. |
The Circle | Thriller | 3714 | 3.50 | Poyer, David |
The Devil's Garden | Thriller | 3719 | 3.50 | Peters, Ralph |
The Dark Arena | Thriller | 3723 | 2.00 | Puzo, Mario |
The Last Don | Thriller | 3724 | 4.00 | Puzo, Mario |
The Overseer | Thriller | 3740 | 3.50 | Rabb, Jonathan |
The family | Thriller | 3745 | 4.00 | Puzo, Mario |
H. M. S. Unseen | Thriller | 3747 | 3.75 | Robinson, Patrick |
War of the Rats | Thriller | 3751 | 3.50 | Robbins, David L. |
Last Citadel | Thriller | 3752 | 3.50 | Robbins, David L. |
The End of War | Thriller | 3753 | 3.00 | Robbins, David L. |
Assassin's Gallery | Thriller | 3754 | 3.75 | Robbins, David L. |
Scimitar SL-2 | Thriller | 3766 | 4.00 | Robinson, Patrick |
OSS Commando | Thriller | 3771 | 4.00 | Sasser, Charles W. |
Detachment Delta | Thriller | 3772 | 3.50 | Sasser, Charles W. |
The shadow war | Thriller | 3773 | 3.50 | Salazar, Michael |
The Lucifer light | Thriller | 3774 | 3.25 | Salazar, Michael |
Duty bound | Thriller | 3780 | 3.50 | Scott, Leonard B. |
WW III: Rage of battle | Thriller | 3790 | 3.00 | Slater, Ian |
Knockout | Thriller | 3791 | 3.50 | Slater, Ian |
Battle front: USA vs Militia #3 | Thriller | 3792 | 3.25 | Slater, Ian |
Force 10 | Thriller | 3793 | 3.50 | Slater, Ian |
The Blooding | Mystery | 3819 | 3.25 | Wambaugh, Joseph |
The Black Sun | Thriller | 3822 | 4.00 | Twining, James |
The emperor's general | Thriller | 3831 | 4.00 | Webb, James |
Fields of Fire | Thriller | 3832 | 3.50 | Webb, James |
Unholy Grail | Thriller | 3845 | 4.00 | Wilson, D. L. |
The Medici Dagger | Thriller | 3846 | 4.00 | West, Cameron |
Soar: A Black Ops Mission | Thriller | 3848 | 3.75 | Weisman, John |
Jack in the Box | Thriller | 3849 | 4.00 | Weisman, John |
White | Thriller | 3856 | 4.00 | Whitcomb, Christopher |
Voyage of the Gray Wolves | Thriller | 3863 | 3.50 | Wilson, Steven |
Seven Deadly Wonders | Thriller | 3878 | 4.00 | Reilly, Matthew |
The Six Sacred Stones | Thriller | 3879 | 4.00 | Reilly, Matthew |
The Jakarta Plot | Thriller | 3887 | 3.00 | Largent, R. Karl |
Mack Bolan - Ultimate game | Thriller | 3894 | 3.00 | Pendleton, Don |
Mack Bolan - Initiation | Thriller | 3897 | 3.00 | Pendleton, Don |
Mack Bolan - Showdown | Thriller | 3901 | 2.50 | Pendleton, Don |
Mack Bolan - Deep treachery | Thriller | 3903 | 3.00 | Pendleton, Don |
Mine | Horror | 3951 | 5.50 | McCammon, Robert R. |
Secrets in the Shadows | Horror | 3978 | 4.00 | Andrews, V. C. |
Rain | Horror | 3979 | 4.00 | Andrews, V. C. |
Gates of paradise | Horror | 3980 | 3.50 | Andrews, V. C. |
April Shadows | Horror | 3982 | 4.00 | Andrews, V. C. |
Resurrection | Science Fiction | 3984 | 4.00 | Alten, Steve |
The Taking | Horror | 3988 | 2.50 | Beman, Donald |
Delia's Heart | Horror | 3992 | 4.00 | Andrews, V. C. |
Scattered Leaves | Horror | 3994 | 4.00 | Andrews, V. C. |
Secrets in the Attic | Horror | 3995 | 4.00 | Andrews, V. C. |
Delia's Gift | Horror | 3996 | 4.00 | Andrews, V. C. |
Afterlife | Horror | 4001 | 3.50 | Clegg, Douglas |
The web that has no weaver | Horror | 4002 | 3.00 | Kaptchuk, Ted J. |
Triple Identity | Horror | 4003 | 4.00 | Carmon, Haggai |
The Chameleon Conspiracy | Horror | 4004 | 4.00 | Carmon, Haggai |
Twisted Branch | Horror | 4006 | 3.50 | Blaine, Chris |
The dirty secrets club | Mystery | 4028 | 4.00 | Gardiner, Meg |
The Fraternity | Horror | 4039 | 3.00 | Gresham, Stephen |
The Midnight Room | Horror | 4043 | 4.00 | Gorman, Ed |
Hawk Moon | Horror | 4044 | 3.00 | Gorman, Ed |
The Darkest Place | Horror | 4051 | 3.50 | Judson, Daniel |
Dolores Claiborne | Horror | 4060 | 3.50 | King, Stephen |
From a Buick 8 | Horror | 4065 | 4.00 | King, Stephen |
One door away from heaven | Horror | 4109 | 4.00 | Koontz, Dean |
Grave Intent | Horror | 4132 | 4.00 | Leblanc, Deborah |
The upright man | Horror | 4162 | 3.50 | Marshall, Michael |
Blood of Angels | Horror | 4165 | 4.00 | Marshall, Michael |
Psalm Killer | Horror | 4174 | 3.50 | Petit, Christopher |
I am legend | Horror | 4179 | 6.50 | Matheson, Richard |
Black lightning | Horror | 4199 | 3.50 | Saul, John |
The Donor | Thriller | 4202 | 4.00 | Robinson, Frank M. |
Sleepwalk | Horror | 4204 | 3.00 | Saul, John |
Nightshade | Horror | 4211 | 4.00 | Saul, John |
Midnight voices | Horror | 4214 | 4.00 | Saul, John |
The Harrowing | Horror | 4216 | 3.50 | Sokoloff, Alexandra |
Gatekeeper | Horror | 4224 | 3.75 | Shelby, Philip |
Hellfire Club | Horror | 4238 | 3.50 | Straub, Peter |
Last Whisper | Horror | 4245 | 3.50 | Thompson, Carlene |
Father and son | Thriller | 4273 | 3.75 | Maas, Peter |
Everything to gain | Romance | 4292 | 3.50 | Bradford, Barbara Taylor |
The Heir | Romance | 4293 | 4.00 | Bradford, Barbara Taylor |
Act of will | Romance | 4296 | 2.50 | Bradford, Barbara Taylor |
Where you belong | Romance | 4303 | 4.00 | Bradford, Barbara Taylor |
Voice of the Heart | Romance | 4304 | 3.00 | Bradford, Barbara Taylor |
The triumph of Katie Byrne | Romance | 4306 | 4.00 | Bradford, Barbara Taylor |
A Sudden Change of Heart | Romance | 4308 | 4.00 | Bradford, Barbara Taylor |
Sunset Embrace | Romance | 4314 | 3.00 | Brown, Sandra |
Lethal Seduction | Romance | 4350 | 4.00 | Collins, Jackie |
Hollywood Wives - The New Generation | Romance | 4352 | 4.00 | Collins, Jackie |
Hollywood Kids | Romance | 4353 | 3.50 | Collins, Jackie |
Hollywood Divorces | Romance | 4355 | 4.00 | Collins, Jackie |
Hollywood husbands | Romance | 4358 | 2.50 | Collins, Jackie |
Thrill! | Romance | 4370 | 4.00 | Collins, Jackie |
Legacies | Romance | 4412 | 3.50 | Dailey, Janet |
The Great Alone | Romance | 4433 | 4.00 | Dailey, Janet |
The vineyard | Romance | 4446 | 4.00 | Delinsky, Barbara |
Three wishes | Romance | 4449 | 3.50 | Delinsky, Barbara |
Threats and promises | Romance | 4450 | 3.50 | Delinsky, Barbara |
The summer I dared | Romance | 4452 | 5.00 | Delinsky, Barbara |
Pawleys Island | Romance | 4482 | 4.00 | Frank, Dorothea Benton |
Redemption | Historic Fiction | 4492 | 3.50 | Fast, Howard |
Song of the Road | Romance | 4494 | 3.50 | Garlock, Dorothy |
The edge of town | Romance | 4501 | 3.50 | Garlock, Dorothy |
The Saving graces | General Fiction | 4503 | 3.50 | Gaffney, Patricia |
Slow Burn | Romance | 4527 | 4.00 | Garwood, Julie |
The Passions of Chelsea Kane | Romance | 4528 | 3.25 | Delinsky, Barbara |
Corelli's Mandolin | General Fiction | 4529 | 4.00 | De Bernieres, Louis |
Long time no see | Romance | 4548 | 4.00 | Isaacs, Susan |
The Sunday wife | Romance | 4554 | 3.50 | King, Cassandra |
White Satin | Romance | 4565 | 4.00 | Johansen, Iris |
Mrs. Miracle | Romance | 4580 | 4.00 | Macomber, Debbie |
The Man You'll Marry | Romance | 4585 | 4.00 | Macomber, Debbie |
1022 Evergreen Place | Romance | 4587 | 4.00 | Macomber, Debbie |
1105 Yakima Street | Romance | 4612 | 4.00 | Macomber, Debbie |
Captive Splendors | Romance | 4616 | 4.00 | Michaels, Fern |
About Face | Romance | 4620 | 4.00 | Michaels, Fern |
Sara's Song | Romance | 4627 | 3.00 | Michaels, Fern |
Montana Creeds: Logan | Romance | 4656 | 4.00 | Miller, Linda Lael |
The Third Circle | Romance | 4691 | 5.00 | Quick, Amanda |
Silver Bells | Romance | 4699 | 3.75 | Rice, Luanne |
The secret hour | Romance | 4700 | 3.75 | Rice, Luanne |
Sandcastles | Romance | 4701 | 3.75 | Rice, Luanne |
Safe Harbor | Romance | 4702 | 3.75 | Rice, Luanne |
The Edge of Winter | Romance | 4707 | 3.75 | Rice, Luanne |
Follow the stars home | Romance | 4709 | 3.50 | Rice, Luanne |
Daring to dream | Romance | 4724 | 3.50 | Roberts, Nora |
The MacGregor Brides | Romance | 4760 | 4.00 | Roberts, Nora |
Perfect Harmony | Romance | 4771 | 4.00 | Roberts, Nora |
Mysterious | Romance | 4778 | 4.00 | Roberts, Nora |
Treasures | Romance | 4796 | 4.00 | Roberts, Nora |
Sweet Rains | Romance | 4799 | 4.00 | Roberts, Nora |
Stars: Hidden Star\Captive Star | Romance | 4802 | 4.00 | Roberts, Nora |
Johnny Angel | Romance | 4855 | 3.50 | Steel, Danielle |
Silent honor | Romance | 4877 | 3.75 | Steel, Danielle |
Second Chance | Romance | 4879 | 4.50 | Steel, Danielle |
Rogue | Romance | 4881 | 4.00 | Steel, Danielle |
Thurston House | Romance | 4896 | 4.00 | Steel, Danielle |
Star | Romance | 4898 | 3.25 | Steel, Danielle |
Special Delivery | Romance | 4899 | 2.50 | Steel, Danielle |
The unauthorized Dan Brown companion | Thriller | 4902 | 6.50 | Helfers, John |
Split estate | Mystery | 4904 | 5.50 | Bacon, Charlotte |
Playing the Game | Romance | 4909 | 5.50 | Bradford, Barbara Taylor |
Evil at heart | Mystery | 4912 | 6.50 | Cain, Chelsea |
Await your reply | General Fiction | 4913 | 6.50 | Chaon, Dan |
The body farm | Mystery | 4925 | 5.50 | Cornwell, Patricia |
Cause of death | Mystery | 4926 | 5.50 | Cornwell, Patricia |
Cruel and Unusual | Mystery | 4927 | 5.50 | Cornwell, Patricia |
The Sea Hunters II | Mystery | 4943 | 5.50 | Cussler, Clive |
Valhalla Rising | Mystery | 4948 | 5.50 | Cussler, Clive |
The Broken Window | Mystery | 4950 | 6.50 | Deaver, Jeffery |
The inheritance | Mystery | 4953 | 5.50 | Dilke, Annabel |
Oh, play that thing | General Fiction | 4954 | 5.50 | Doyle, Roddy |
Cause celeb | Mystery | 4962 | 5.50 | Fielding, Helen |
Starcarbon | General Fiction | 4974 | 6.50 | Gilchrist, Ellen |
Dead Ringer | Mystery | 4983 | 5.50 | Gately, William |
"J", "K", & "L" | Mystery | 4985 | 5.50 | Grafton, Sue |
"R" is for Ricochet | Mystery | 4988 | 5.50 | Grafton, Sue |
Under cover of darkness | Mystery | 4996 | 3.50 | Grippando, James |
The partner | Mystery | 4998 | 4.00 | Grisham, John |
Allah's scorpion | Thriller | 4999 | 5.50 | Hagberg, David |
Jigs & reels | General Fiction | 5006 | 5.50 | Harris, Joanne |
Deeper Than the Dead | Mystery | 5012 | 5.00 | Hoag, Tami |
Honky tonk Kat | Mystery | 5024 | 5.50 | Kijewski, Karen |
Thunderstruck | General Fiction | 5030 | 5.50 | Larson, Erik |
Missing Mark | Mystery | 5031 | 5.50 | Kramer, Julie |
The mission song | Mystery | 5032 | 7.50 | Le Carre, John |
The Hades Factor | Thriller | 5043 | 5.50 | Ludlum, Robert |
The burning man | Mystery | 5045 | 5.50 | Margolin, Phillip |
Executive privilege | Mystery | 5046 | 5.50 | Margolin, Phillip |
Naked Cruelty | Mystery | 5049 | 7.50 | McCullough, Colleen |
The book of lies | Mystery | 5050 | 5.50 | Meltzer, Brad |
Lady killer | Mystery | 5080 | 5.00 | Scottoline, Lisa |
Think Twice | Mystery | 5081 | 5.50 | Scottoline, Lisa |
In America | General Fiction | 5088 | 5.50 | Sontag, Susan |
A fine and bitter snow | Mystery | 5089 | 5.50 | Stabenow, Dana |
Sundays at Tiffany's | Mystery | 5111 | 7.50 | Patterson, James |
Betrayed | Mystery | 5127 | 6.50 | Tanenbaum, Robert K. |
Capture | Mystery | 5128 | 5.50 | Tanenbaum, Robert K. |
The Dream Giver | Christian Fiction | 5143 | 5.50 | Wilkinson, Bruce H. |
The Godfather Returns | Thriller | 5144 | 5.50 | Winegardner, Mark |
KBL: Kill Bin Laden | Mystery | 5145 | 6.50 | Weisman, John |
Lucid Intervals | Mystery | 5147 | 5.50 | Woods, Stuart |
A Stranger's Game | Romance | 5155 | 4.00 | Johnston, Joan |
Sizzle and Burn | Romance | 5179 | 5.00 | Krentz, Jayne Ann |
The Seven Sins | Mystery | 5191 | 5.50 | Land, Jon |
Lyon's gate | Romance | 5209 | 5.00 | Coulter, Catherine |
Storm of visions | Paranormal | 5212 | 4.00 | Dodd, Christina |
Storm of Shadows | Paranormal | 5214 | 4.00 | Dodd, Christina |
Hot flash holidays | Seasonal | 5223 | 3.50 | Thayer, Nancy |
Mr. and Miss Anonymous | Romance | 5231 | 6.50 | Michaels, Fern |
Songs in ordinary time | General Fiction | 5234 | 7.00 | Morris, Mary McGarry |
Nineteen Minutes | Romance | 5238 | 6.50 | Picoult, Jodi |
Where The Heart Is | Romance | 5246 | 6.50 | Roberts, Nora |
44 Charles Street | Romance | 5257 | 5.50 | Steel, Danielle |
By My Side | Romance | 5271 | 5.50 | Roberts, Nora |
Cassandra's deception | Romance | 5275 | 2.50 | Buck, Gayle |
Something More | Romance | 5298 | 6.00 | Dailey, Janet |
Shifting Calder wind | Romance | 5299 | 6.50 | Dailey, Janet |
Honor Thyself | Romance | 5304 | 4.00 | Steel, Danielle |
My Sister's Keeper | Romance | 5317 | 7.50 | Picoult, Jodi |
Picture Perfect | Romance | 5318 | 4.00 | Michaels, Fern |
Downtown | Romance | 5321 | 3.50 | Siddons, Anne Rivers |
Dangerous evidence | True Crime | 5347 | 3.00 | Cohen, Ellis A. |
Sins of the Mother | True Crime | 5352 | 2.75 | Eftimiades, Maria |
Mind Hunter | True Crime | 5358 | 3.50 | Douglas, John |
The Innocent Man | Mystery | 5364 | 7.50 | Grisham, John |
The Unicorn's Secret | True Crime | 5374 | 3.50 | Levy, Steven |
Signature killers | True Crime | 5380 | 3.50 | Keppel, Robert D. |
A Perfect Husband | True Crime | 5382 | 3.25 | Jones, Aphrodite |
Small sacrifices | True Crime | 5423 | 4.00 | Rule, Ann |
Possession | True Crime | 5425 | 3.00 | Rule, Ann |
Without pity | True Crime | 5441 | 4.00 | Rule, Ann |
Who Killed Jonbenet Ramsey? | True Crime | 5445 | 3.25 | Bosworth, Charles |
The search for the Green River killer | True Crime | 5453 | 4.00 | Smith, Carlton |
The murder of Helen Jewett | True Crime | 5454 | 6.50 | Cohen, Patricia Cline |
Murder in Brentwood | True Crime | 5456 | 5.50 | Fuhrman, Mark |
Innocence lost | True Crime | 5457 | 5.50 | Stowers, Carlton |
This bloody deed | True Crime | 5459 | 5.50 | Hamilton, Ladd |
The Monster of Florence | Thriller | 5461 | 6.50 | Preston, Douglas |
The Death of a President | True Crime | 5464 | 5.50 | Manchester, William |
The Boy Who Couldn't Die | Young Adult | 5465 | 3.50 | Sleator, William |
Divine secrets of the Ya-Ya sisterhood | General Fiction | 5507 | 7.00 | Wells, Rebecca |
Ancestors of Avalon | Fantasy | 5509 | 5.50 | Bradley, Marion Zimmer |
Tathea | Fantasy | 5512 | 6.50 | Perry, Anne |
A time of omens | Fantasy | 5519 | 2.50 | Kerr, Katharine |
The red wyvern | Fantasy | 5520 | 6.50 | Kerr, Katharine |
Shadowmancer | Fantasy | 5533 | 5.50 | Taylor, G. P. |
The Shadowmancer Returns | Fantasy | 5534 | 5.50 | Taylor, G. P. |
Wormwood | Fantasy | 5535 | 5.50 | Taylor, G. P. |
Valorian | Fantasy | 5542 | 5.50 | Herbert, Mary H |
Pirates, Bats, and Dragons: A Science Adventure | Fantasy | 5552 | 6.50 | Davis, Mike |
The Younger Gods | Fantasy | 5553 | 7.50 | Eddings, David |
The lost years of Merlin | Fantasy | 5562 | 3.00 | Barron, T. A. |
Crusader | Young Adult | 5578 | 3.75 | Bloor, Edward |
Eye of the serpent | Fantasy | 5579 | 2.75 | Charrette, Robert N. |
The Sharing Knife | Fantasy | 5587 | 4.00 | Bujold, Lois McMaster |
War of the maelstrom | Science Fiction | 5596 | 2.50 | Chalker, Jack L. |
Vengeance of the Dancing Gods | Science Fiction | 5597 | 2.50 | Chalker, Jack L. |
Wizard of bones | Fantasy | 5602 | 2.75 | Charrette, Robert N. |
The white rose | Fantasy | 5604 | 2.00 | Cook, Glen |
Warautumn | Fantasy | 5615 | 3.25 | Deitz, Tom |
Stoneskin's revenge | Fantasy | 5616 | 2.00 | Deitz, Tom |
Fireshaper's Doom | Fantasy | 5617 | 2.00 | Deitz, Tom |
Dreambuilder | Fantasy | 5618 | 2.50 | Deitz, Tom |
The gryphon king | Fantasy | 5620 | 2.00 | Deitz, Tom |
The Woad to Wuin | Fantasy | 5622 | 4.00 | David, Peter |
Last Dream | Science Fiction | 5637 | 1.50 | Dickson, Gordon R. |
Dark debts | Science Fiction | 5647 | 3.50 | Durgin, Doranna |
Spider-Man: The Venom Factor | Science Fiction | 5648 | 3.50 | Duane, Diane |
Silverthorn Vol III | Fantasy | 5666 | 2.00 | Feist, Raymond E. |
Pendragon | Fantasy | 5723 | 3.50 | Lawhead, Stephen R. |
Duncton rising | Science Fiction | 5735 | 3.00 | Horwood, William |
Master and fool | Fantasy | 5743 | 3.50 | Jones, J. V. |
Deryni checkmate | Fantasy | 5762 | 2.00 | Kurtz, Katherine |
Camber the Heretic | Fantasy | 5763 | 2.50 | Kurtz, Katherine |
The legends of Camber of Culdi | Fantasy | 5766 | 2.00 | Kurtz, Katherine |
Quest for Saint Camber | Fantasy | 5769 | 3.00 | Kurtz, Katherine |
Knights of the Blood | Fantasy | 5770 | 2.50 | Kurtz, Katherine |
The temple and the crown | Fantasy | 5777 | 3.50 | Kurtz, Katherine |
King Javan's year | Fantasy | 5779 | 3.00 | Kurtz, Katherine |
High Deryni | Fantasy | 5780 | 2.00 | Kurtz, Katherine |
The harrowing of Gwynedd | Fantasy | 5782 | 3.00 | Kurtz, Katherine |
Deryni rising | Fantasy | 5783 | 2.00 | Kurtz, Katherine |
Le morte d'Arthur | Fantasy | 5806 | 2.50 | Malory, Thomas |
Horse Goddess | Historic Fiction | 5811 | 2.50 | Llywelyn, Morgan |
The Riddle-Master of Hed | Fantasy | 5822 | 2.50 | McKillip, Patricia A. |
The Warrior's Bond | Fantasy | 5823 | 4.00 | McKenna, Juliet E. |
Treasure of light | Science Fiction | 5826 | 2.50 | O'Neal, Kathleen M. |
Wheel of stars | Science Fiction | 5829 | 3.00 | Norton, Andre |
Exiles #2: The Mageborn traitor | Fantasy | 5839 | 3.50 | Rawn, Melanie |
Gatherer of clouds | Fantasy | 5850 | 4.00 | Russell, Sean |
Daughter of the lion | Fantasy | 5854 | 2.00 | Roberson, Jennifer |
Split Heirs | Fantasy | 5876 | 2.50 | Watt-Evans, Lawrence |
The Prophet of Akhran | Fantasy | 5887 | 2.75 | Weis, Margaret |
Darksword: Triumph of the darksword | Fantasy | 5888 | 3.00 | Weis, Margaret |
Guardians of the Lost | Fantasy | 5891 | 4.00 | Weis, Margaret |
Darksword: Doom of the darksword | Fantasy | 5894 | 2.50 | Weis, Margaret |
Darksword adventures | Fantasy | 5895 | 2.50 | Weis, Margaret |
Triplet | Science Fiction | 5910 | 2.00 | Zahn, Timothy |
The Wanderer | Fantasy | 5911 | 4.00 | Wilder, Cherry |
Warhost of Vastmark | Fantasy | 5915 | 4.00 | Wurts, Janny |
The master of White Storm | Fantasy | 5916 | 2.50 | Wurts, Janny |
Peril's gate | Fantasy | 5917 | 4.00 | Wurts, Janny |
The bad place | Horror | 5924 | 3.00 | Koontz, Dean |
Fear | Science Fiction | 5925 | 3.00 | Hubbard, L. Ron |
Coast road | Romance | 5941 | 4.00 | Delinsky, Barbara |
The Taggerung | Fantasy | 5943 | 6.50 | Jacques, Brian |
The Gates | Mystery | 5949 | 6.50 | Connolly, John |
Blade of fire | Science Fiction | 5950 | 6.50 | Hill, Stuart |
2061: Odyssey Three | Science Fiction | 5954 | 6.50 | Clarke, Arthur C. |
Explorer | Science Fiction | 5955 | 5.50 | Cherryh, C. J. |
Diplomatic immunity | Science Fiction | 5959 | 5.50 | Bujold, Lois McMaster |
For those who fell | Science Fiction | 5978 | 6.50 | Dietz, William C. |
Lorich | Fantasy | 5997 | 5.50 | Brust, Steven |
Relics | Science Fiction | 6000 | 2.50 | Friedman, Michael Jan |
All Good Things... | Science Fiction | 6001 | 3.00 | Friedman, Michael Jan |
Star Trek: New frontier Book 4 | Science Fiction | 6003 | 2.00 | David, Peter |
Star Trek: New frontier Book 2 | Science Fiction | 6004 | 2.00 | David, Peter |
Star Trek: New frontier Book 3 | Science Fiction | 6005 | 2.00 | David, Peter |
Probe | Science Fiction | 6007 | 3.00 | Bonanno, Margaret Wander |
Home is the hunter | Science Fiction | 6008 | 2.50 | Kramer-Rolls, Dana |
Dominion War | Science Fiction | 6015 | 3.25 | Carey, Diane |
Sky Trillium | Science Fiction | 6022 | 5.50 | May, Julian |
Star Trek Excelsior: Forged in Fire | Science Fiction | 6024 | 4.00 | Martin, Michael A. |
My enemy, my ally | Science Fiction | 6025 | 2.75 | Duane, Diane |
Star Trek: New frontier Book 1 | Science Fiction | 6028 | 2.00 | David, Peter |
Unification | Science Fiction | 6035 | 2.50 | Taylor, Jeri |
Of Fire and Night | Science Fiction | 6037 | 4.00 | Anderson, Kevin J. |
The War Machine | Science Fiction | 6038 | 2.00 | Drake, David |
The Malacia Tapestry | Science Fiction | 6041 | 1.50 | Aldiss, Brian |
Bio of an ogre | Science Fiction | 6048 | 2.50 | Anthony, Piers |
The earth book of Stormgate | Science Fiction | 6055 | 1.50 | Anderson, Poul |
Ruins | Science Fiction | 6059 | 3.00 | Anderson, Kevin J. |
Hard Sell | Science Fiction | 6061 | 2.50 | Anthony, Piers |
Fractal Mode | Science Fiction | 6063 | 3.00 | Anthony, Piers |
But what of earth? | Science Fiction | 6069 | 2.50 | Anthony, Piers |
Bearing an Hourglass | Science Fiction | 6074 | 2.00 | Anthony, Piers |
Thousandstar: Cluster Book 4 | Science Fiction | 6076 | 1.75 | Anthony, Piers |
Mercycle | Science Fiction | 6082 | 2.50 | Anthony, Piers |
Heart of the comet | Science Fiction | 6096 | 2.25 | Benford, Gregory |
Across the sea of suns | Science Fiction | 6099 | 2.50 | Benford, Gregory |
Against infinity | Science Fiction | 6100 | 2.50 | Benford, Gregory |
Moving Mars | Science Fiction | 6103 | 3.50 | Bear, Greg |
The forge of God | Science Fiction | 6104 | 2.50 | Bear, Greg |
The fires of Merlin | Fantasy | 6112 | 3.50 | Barron, T. A. |
The Serpent and the Grail | Fantasy | 6116 | 3.50 | Attanasio, A. A. |
The Kinsman Saga | Science Fiction | 6122 | 2.50 | Bova, Ben |
Future Crime | Science Fiction | 6124 | 2.50 | Bova, Ben |
Brothers | Science Fiction | 6126 | 3.25 | Bova, Ben |
Gray Matter | Science Fiction | 6136 | 4.00 | Braver, Gary |
Venus | Science Fiction | 6139 | 4.00 | Bova, Ben |
Triumph | Science Fiction | 6140 | 2.50 | Bova, Ben |
Titan | Science Fiction | 6141 | 4.00 | Bova, Ben |
Sam Gunn Forever | Science Fiction | 6142 | 3.00 | Bova, Ben |
Orion | Science Fiction | 6143 | 2.00 | Bova, Ben |
Star Bright | Science Fiction | 6174 | 1.50 | Caidin, Martin |
Prison Ship | Science Fiction | 6175 | 2.25 | Caidin, Martin |
Dark Messiah | Science Fiction | 6177 | 2.50 | Caidin, Martin |
Gods of the Well of Souls | Science Fiction | 6185 | 3.00 | Chalker, Jack L. |
From a Changeling Star | Science Fiction | 6187 | 2.00 | Carver, Jeffrey A. |
The Ships of Earth | Science Fiction | 6188 | 3.50 | Card, Orson Scott |
Earthborn | Science Fiction | 6189 | 3.50 | Card, Orson Scott |
A meeting with Medusa | Science Fiction | 6196 | 1.50 | Clarke, Arthur C. |
The Star Crowned Kings | Science Fiction | 6199 | 1.50 | Chilson, Robert |
Chanur's Venture | Science Fiction | 6203 | 3.00 | Cherryh, C. J. |
Ghosthunt | Science Fiction | 6204 | 2.00 | Clayton, Jo |
Skeens Search | Science Fiction | 6205 | 1.75 | Clayton, Jo |
Wild magic | Science Fiction | 6206 | 2.50 | Clayton, Jo |
3001: The Final Odyssey | Science Fiction | 6209 | 3.50 | Clarke, Arthur C. |
Return of the Emperor | Science Fiction | 6220 | 2.50 | Cole, Allan |
The snares of Ibex | Science Fiction | 6221 | 2.00 | Clayton, Jo |
Shadowkill | Science Fiction | 6222 | 2.50 | Clayton, Jo |
Shadowplay | Science Fiction | 6223 | 2.25 | Clayton, Jo |
Shadowspeer | Science Fiction | 6224 | 2.25 | Clayton, Jo |
Star hunters | Science Fiction | 6225 | 2.00 | Clayton, Jo |
Maeve | Science Fiction | 6226 | 2.00 | Clayton, Jo |
Irsud | Science Fiction | 6227 | 2.00 | Clayton, Jo |
Rogue Queen | Science Fiction | 6228 | 1.50 | De Camp, L. Sprague |
Steeldriver | Science Fiction | 6229 | 3.00 | DeBrandt, Don |
Starbridge | Science Fiction | 6236 | 2.00 | Crispin, A. C. |
The forever man | Science Fiction | 6245 | 2.50 | Dickson, Gordon R. |
Nylon angel | Science Fiction | 6249 | 3.50 | de Pierres, Marianne |
Wolf and iron | Science Fiction | 6254 | 2.50 | Dickson, Gordon R. |
Pro | Science Fiction | 6257 | 2.00 | Dickson, Gordon R. |
Mindspan | Science Fiction | 6260 | 2.50 | Dickson, Gordon R. |
Wordwright | Science Fiction | 6267 | 2.50 | Deitz, Tom |
Soulsmith | Science Fiction | 6269 | 2.50 | Deitz, Tom |
For more than glory | Science Fiction | 6270 | 4.00 | Dietz, William C. |
By blood alone | Science Fiction | 6273 | 3.50 | Dietz, William C. |
By force of arms | Science Fiction | 6274 | 3.50 | Dietz, William C. |
Daughter of regals and other tales | Fantasy | 6285 | 2.00 | Donaldson, Stephen R. |
A dark and hungry God arises | Science Fiction | 6286 | 3.00 | Donaldson, Stephen R. |
The Dragon Lord | Science Fiction | 6289 | 2.00 | Drake, David |
Vengeance | Science Fiction | 6291 | 2.50 | Drake, David |
Bright Islands in a Dark Sea | Science Fiction | 6296 | 2.25 | Douglas, L. Warren |
Star Carrier #1: Earth Strike | Science Fiction | 6297 | 4.00 | Douglas, Ian |
Inheritance #1: Star strike | Science Fiction | 6299 | 4.00 | Douglas, Ian |
Nature of the Beast | Science Fiction | 6300 | 3.50 | Fawkes, Richard |
High wizardry | Science Fiction | 6303 | 3.25 | Duane, Diane |
Starquake | Science Fiction | 6321 | 2.00 | Forward, Robert L. |
Return to Rocheworld | Science Fiction | 6322 | 2.50 | Forward, Robert L. |
Challenger's Hope | Science Fiction | 6323 | 2.75 | Feintuch, David |
Ghost Shadow | Science Fiction | 6327 | 3.00 | Franklin, Cheryl J. |
Gamester Wars 3-in-1 | Science Fiction | 6328 | 3.50 | Forstchen, William R. |
The Forlorn | Science Fiction | 6345 | 3.50 | Freer, Dave |
Stormrider | Fantasy | 6355 | 3.75 | Gemmell, David |
Wolfwalker | Science Fiction | 6399 | 2.50 | Harper, Tara K. |
Tool of the Trade | Science Fiction | 6403 | 2.00 | Haldeman, Joe |
The neutronium alchemist | Science Fiction | 6404 | 3.25 | Hamilton, Peter F. |
Deathstalker Rebellion | Science Fiction | 6407 | 3.00 | Green, Simon R. |
The green hills of earth | Science Fiction | 6412 | 3.50 | Heinlein, Robert A. |
Giants' Star | Science Fiction | 6426 | 2.50 | Hogan, James P. |
Mission Earth #01: The Invaders Plan | Science Fiction | 6444 | 3.00 | Hubbard, L. Ron |
An alien light | Science Fiction | 6448 | 2.00 | Kress, Nancy |
Beggars in Spain | Science Fiction | 6449 | 3.75 | Kress, Nancy |
The Observers | Science Fiction | 6451 | 2.00 | Knight, Damon |
Writers of the Future Vol XXII | Science Fiction | 6457 | 4.00 | Hubbard, L. Ron |
Balance of Trade | Science Fiction | 6458 | 4.00 | Lee, Sharon |
The monitors | Science Fiction | 6461 | 1.50 | Laumer, Keith |
The Breaking Earth | Science Fiction | 6463 | 2.00 | Laumer, Keith |
The death of sleep | Science Fiction | 6483 | 2.50 | McCaffrey, Anne |
Kill ratio | Science Fiction | 6509 | 1.75 | Morris, Janet |
Outpassage | Science Fiction | 6511 | 2.00 | Morris, Janet |
Wanderer | Science Fiction | 6516 | 3.50 | McQuinn, Donald E. |
Illumination | Science Fiction | 6520 | 4.00 | McGarry, Terry |
The X Factor | Science Fiction | 6553 | 2.50 | Norton, Andre |
Moon called | Science Fiction | 6554 | 1.50 | Norton, Andre |
Farthest star | Science Fiction | 6559 | 1.50 | Pohl, Frederik |
The Proof House | Science Fiction | 6561 | 4.00 | Parker, K. J. |
The Belly of the Bow | Science Fiction | 6562 | 4.00 | Parker, K. J. |
A Taste of Magic | Science Fiction | 6568 | 3.50 | Norton, Andre |
Wolfbane | Science Fiction | 6572 | 1.50 | Pohl, Frederik |
Narabedla Ltd | Science Fiction | 6576 | 2.50 | Pohl, Frederik |
Mining the Oort | Science Fiction | 6577 | 2.50 | Pohl, Frederik |
The Cool War | Science Fiction | 6580 | 2.00 | Pohl, Frederik |
Callahan's Lady | Science Fiction | 6616 | 3.50 | Robinson, Spider |
Transcendence | Science Fiction | 6624 | 2.50 | Sheffield, Charles |
Kris Longknife | Science Fiction | 6633 | 4.00 | Shepherd, Mike |
Kris Longknife: Intrepid | Science Fiction | 6635 | 4.00 | Shepherd, Mike |
Proteus in the underworld | Science Fiction | 6637 | 3.00 | Sheffield, Charles |
Legacies | Science Fiction | 6643 | 3.00 | Sinclair, Alison |
Valentine pontifex | Science Fiction | 6647 | 2.00 | Silverberg, Robert |
Lord Valentine's Castle | Science Fiction | 6650 | 3.00 | Silverberg, Robert |
Only forward | Science Fiction | 6663 | 3.25 | Smith, Michael Marshall |
A wizard in Bedlam | Science Fiction | 6670 | 3.00 | Stasheff, Christopher |
The warlock rock | Science Fiction | 6673 | 2.00 | Stasheff, Christopher |
The Warlock Wandering | Science Fiction | 6675 | 1.75 | Stasheff, Christopher |
Warlock and son | Science Fiction | 6676 | 2.25 | Stasheff, Christopher |
The shaman | Science Fiction | 6678 | 3.00 | Stasheff, Christopher |
The secular wizard | Science Fiction | 6680 | 3.00 | Stasheff, Christopher |
The Tau Ceti Agenda | Science Fiction | 6698 | 4.00 | Taylor, Travis S. |
Heretics | Science Fiction | 6699 | 4.00 | Swann, S. Andrew |
Glasshouse | Science Fiction | 6701 | 4.00 | Stross, Charles |
Transformation: The Breakthrough | UFO | 6703 | 2.50 | Strieber, Whitley |
Majestic | Science Fiction | 6704 | 2.50 | Strieber, Whitley |
Jericho Moon | Science Fiction | 6707 | 3.50 | Stover, Matthew Woodring |
Worldwar: Upsetting the balance | Science Fiction | 6716 | 3.50 | Turtledove, Harry |
The Great War | Historic Fiction | 6717 | 4.00 | Turtledove, Harry |
The Guns of the South | Historic Fiction | 6718 | 3.50 | Turtledove, Harry |
Noninterference | Science Fiction | 6719 | 2.00 | Turtledove, Harry |
Krispos of Videssos | Science Fiction | 6720 | 3.00 | Turtledove, Harry |
Krispos Rising | Science Fiction | 6721 | 2.50 | Turtledove, Harry |
Homeward Bound | Science Fiction | 6722 | 4.00 | Turtledove, Harry |
Colonization: Aftershocks | Science Fiction | 6724 | 4.00 | Turtledove, Harry |
Counterstrike | Science Fiction | 6735 | 4.00 | Ward, Dayton |
Moonspeaker | Science Fiction | 6738 | 2.50 | Wentworth, K. D. |
The Imperium game | Science Fiction | 6739 | 2.00 | Wentworth, K. D. |
King's sacrifice | Science Fiction | 6740 | 3.50 | Weis, Margaret |
Off Armageddon Reef | Science Fiction | 6745 | 4.00 | Weber, David |
Beyond the gate of worlds | Science Fiction | 6749 | 2.00 | Silverberg, Robert |
Lifeburst | Science Fiction | 6759 | 1.50 | Williamson, Jack |
Tomorrow's World | Science Fiction | 6773 | 5.00 | Henderson, Davie |
The Duchess | Romance | 6860 | 3.00 | Deveraux, Jude |
Enchanted | Romance | 6865 | 2.25 | Roberts, Nora |
The fires of Coventry | Science Fiction | 6869 | 3.00 | Shelley, Rick |
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? | Drama and Plays | 6877 | 2.50 | Albee, Edward |
The death of Achilles | General Fiction | 6879 | 6.50 | Akunin, Boris |
Traveller | General Fiction | 6880 | 2.50 | Adams, Richard |
We think the world of you | General Fiction | 6886 | 5.50 | Ackerley, J. R. |
Plato's Pond | General Fiction | 6905 | 7.50 | Andrews, Fred |
The story of Zahra | General Fiction | 6907 | 6.50 | Al-Shaykh, Hanan |
The Locust and the Bird | General Fiction | 6908 | 6.50 | Al-Shaykh, Hanan |
In the Wilderness | General Fiction | 6939 | 6.50 | Barnes, Kim |
The girls' guide to hunting and fishing | General Fiction | 6944 | 4.00 | Bank, Melissa |
Dreamland | General Fiction | 6945 | 3.50 | Baker, Kevin |
Firefly summer | General Fiction | 6967 | 4.00 | Binchy, Maeve |
Hothouse Flower | General Fiction | 6970 | 6.50 | Berwin, Margot |
Midwives | General Fiction | 6972 | 5.50 | Bohjalian, Chris |
Tara Road | General Fiction | 6981 | 4.00 | Binchy, Maeve |
The Road to Wellville | General Fiction | 6987 | 3.00 | Boyle, T. C. |
The sisterhood of the traveling pants | General Fiction | 7000 | 4.50 | Brashares, Ann |
Sisterhood Everlasting | General Fiction | 7001 | 7.50 | Brashares, Ann |
Forever in blue | General Fiction | 7005 | 6.50 | Brashares, Ann |
To shield the Queen | General Fiction | 7008 | 6.50 | Buckley, Fiona |
The White House Mess | General Fiction | 7009 | 5.50 | Buckley, Christopher |
The Tell-Tale Horse | Light Mystery | 7015 | 6.50 | Brown, Rita Mae |
People of the Book | General Fiction | 7018 | 6.50 | Brooks, Geraldine |
Bangkok Tattoo | General Fiction | 7025 | 6.50 | Burdett, John |
A pirate looks at fifty | General Fiction | 7030 | 4.00 | Buffett, Jimmy |
The Palace Thief: Stories | General Fiction | 7034 | 5.50 | Canin, Ethan |
The city of your final destination | General Fiction | 7036 | 6.50 | Cameron, Peter |
The angel is near | Consciousness | 7057 | 3.50 | Chopra, Deepak |
The lady and the unicorn | General Fiction | 7060 | 5.50 | Chevalier, Tracy |
The epicure's lament | General Fiction | 7079 | 5.50 | Christensen, Kate |
Dick Tracy | Thriller | 7088 | 2.50 | Collins, Max Allan |
Last Kingdow #04: Sword song | Historic Fiction | 7099 | 6.50 | Cornwell, Bernard |
Rising of the Moon | Thriller | 7135 | 3.00 | Martin, William |
Strangers: Mystery Man\Obsession | Mystery | 7161 | 6.50 | Jackson, Lisa |
The presence | Paranomal | 7175 | 3.50 | Graham, Heather |
Leaven of malice | General Fiction | 7183 | 2.50 | Davies, Robertson |
What's bred in the bone | General Fiction | 7187 | 3.50 | Davies, Robertson |
Inside Story | Christian Fiction | 7188 | 6.50 | Davis, Susan Page |
Ireland | Historic Fiction | 7193 | 4.00 | Delaney, Frank |
Hullabaloo in the guava orchard | General Fiction | 7201 | 7.50 | Desai, Kiran |
Queen of dreams | General Fiction | 7216 | 6.50 | Divakaruni, Chitra Banerjee |
The van | General Fiction | 7239 | 5.50 | Doyle, Roddy |
People Like Us | General Fiction | 7252 | 3.00 | Dunne, Dominick |
Hollywood Nocturnes | Mystery | 7280 | 5.00 | Ellroy, James |
Peace like a river | General Fiction | 7287 | 6.50 | Enger, Leif |
Devil May Care | General Fiction | 7318 | 5.50 | Faulks, Sebastian |
Human Traces | General Fiction | 7319 | 6.50 | Faulks, Sebastian |
Birdsong | General Fiction | 7322 | 5.00 | Faulks, Sebastian |
Cold mountain | General Fiction | 7348 | 6.50 | Frazier, Charles |
The magus | General Fiction | 7359 | 3.50 | Fowles, John |
The death of Artemio Cruz | General Fiction | 7365 | 5.50 | Fuentes, Carlos |
Mrs. 'Arris Goes to New York | General Fiction | 7390 | 5.50 | Gallico, Paul |
A Reliable Wife | General Fiction | 7410 | 6.50 | Goolrick, Robert |
Bee season | General Fiction | 7414 | 5.50 | Goldberg, Myla |
The Priestly Sins | General Fiction | 7421 | 4.00 | Greeley, Andrew M. |
Irish mist | General Fiction | 7422 | 3.50 | Greeley, Andrew M. |
Happy are those who mourn | General Fiction | 7424 | 3.00 | Greeley, Andrew M. |
The bishop and the beggar girl of St. Germain | General Fiction | 7425 | 3.50 | Greeley, Andrew M. |
Five fortunes | General Fiction | 7433 | 5.50 | Gutcheon, Beth |
Swapping lives | General Fiction | 7443 | 6.50 | Green, Jane |
Sleep, pale sister | General Fiction | 7469 | 6.50 | Harris, Joanne |
Chocolat | General Fiction | 7472 | 5.50 | Harris, Joanne |
Mariette in ecstasy | General Fiction | 7479 | 5.00 | Hansen, Ron |
The Canterbury Papers | Historic Fiction | 7492 | 6.50 | Healey, Judith Koll |
The believers | General Fiction | 7504 | 6.50 | Heller, Zoe |
Stones from the river | General Fiction | 7512 | 6.50 | Hegi, Ursula |
Salt Dancers | General Fiction | 7513 | 5.00 | Hegi, Ursula |
Property of | General Fiction | 7548 | 3.25 | Hoffman, Alice |
Local girls | General Fiction | 7550 | 5.50 | Hoffman, Alice |
What Goes without Saying | Short Stories | 7581 | 5.50 | Jacobsen, Josephine |
Alibi | General Fiction | 7589 | 6.50 | Kanon, Joseph |
Traveling with Pomegranates | General Fiction | 7614 | 6.50 | Kidd, Sue Monk |
Passion Play | General Fiction | 7640 | 1.50 | Kosinski, Jerzy |
Cockpit | General Fiction | 7642 | 2.50 | Kosinski, Jerzy |
The white man in the tree and other stories | General Fiction | 7657 | 6.50 | Kurlansky, Mark |
The Eye of Jade | General Fiction | 7685 | 6.50 | Liang, Diane Wei |
Kosher Chinese | General Fiction | 7686 | 6.50 | Levy, Michael |
Made in the U.S.A. | General Fiction | 7689 | 6.50 | Letts, Billie |
Then She Found Me | General Fiction | 7702 | 6.50 | Lipman, Elinor |
Black Water Rising | General Fiction | 7716 | 7.50 | Locke, Attica |
The Storyteller | General Fiction | 7717 | 6.50 | Llosa, Mario Vargas |
The bad girl | General Fiction | 7718 | 7.00 | Llosa, Mario Vargas |
Midaq Alley | General Fiction | 7727 | 6.50 | Mahfouz, Naguib |
Palace walk | General Fiction | 7728 | 5.50 | Mahfouz, Naguib |
No great mischief | General Fiction | 7729 | 6.50 | MacLeod, Alistair |
Tales of the city #5: Significant others | General Fiction | 7745 | 6.50 | Maupin, Armistead |
Lost Man's River | General Fiction | 7749 | 6.50 | Matthiessen, Peter |
Four seasons in five senses | Biography | 7752 | 6.50 | Masumoto, David Mas |
Season of Life | General Fiction | 7755 | 4.00 | Marx, Jeffrey |
McCarthy's Bar | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 7757 | 6.50 | McCarthy, Pete |
Atonement | General Fiction | 7770 | 6.50 | McEwan, Ian |
Positively fifth street | General Fiction | 7780 | 6.50 | McManus, James |
Promise not to tell | General Fiction | 7781 | 5.50 | McMahon, Jennifer |
Trading dreams at midnight | General Fiction | 7811 | 6.50 | McKinney-Whetstone, Diane |
Arabian nights and days | General Fiction | 7812 | 5.50 | Mahfouz, Naguib |
The novel | General Fiction | 7838 | 3.50 | Michener, James A. |
The Book Club | General Fiction | 7840 | 6.50 | Monroe, Mary Alice |
Beach House | General Fiction | 7841 | 3.25 | Monroe, Mary Alice |
A theory of relativity | General Fiction | 7845 | 4.00 | Mitchard, Jacquelyn |
Becoming Madame Mao | General Fiction | 7849 | 6.50 | Min, Anchee |
Beast | Young Adult | 7891 | 3.00 | Napoli, Donna Jo |
Vita Nuova | Mystery | 7894 | 5.50 | Nabb, Magdalen |
The mammy | General Fiction | 7917 | 6.50 | O'Carroll, Brendan |
The granny | General Fiction | 7918 | 5.50 | O'Carroll, Brendan |
The chisellers | General Fiction | 7919 | 5.50 | O'Carroll, Brendan |
Now you see her | General Fiction | 7924 | 5.50 | Otto, Whitney |
The orchid thief | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 7926 | 6.50 | Orlean, Susan |
Walking Into the Night | General Fiction | 7931 | 5.50 | Olafsson, Olaf |
Lost and Found | General Fiction | 7936 | 6.50 | Parkhurst, Carolyn |
The dogs of Babel | General Fiction | 7937 | 6.50 | Parkhurst, Carolyn |
Girl from the south | General Fiction | 7948 | 7.00 | Trollope, Joanna |
Scarlett: Sequel to Gone with the Wind | General Fiction | 7949 | 8.00 | Ripley, Alexandra |
Ten days in the hills | General Fiction | 7953 | 7.50 | Smiley, Jane |
Neptune's Inferno | General Fiction | 7955 | 6.50 | Hornfischer, James D. |
Abundance | General Fiction | 7957 | 7.50 | Naslund, Sena Jeter |
Netherland | General Fiction | 7959 | 6.50 | O'Neill, Joseph |
Bright shiny morning | General Fiction | 7962 | 7.50 | Frey, James |
The Evolution of Bruno Littlemore | General Fiction | 7964 | 7.50 | Hale, Benjamin |
Are you afraid of the dark? | General Fiction | 7966 | 5.50 | Sheldon, Sidney |
The age of miracles | General Fiction | 7968 | 6.50 | Gilchrist, Ellen |
Iberia | General Fiction | 7977 | 3.50 | Michener, James A. |
The covenant | General Fiction | 7978 | 5.50 | Michener, James A. |
Recessional | General Fiction | 7982 | 5.50 | Michener, James A. |
The Crowning Glory of Calla Lily Ponder | General Fiction | 7988 | 7.50 | Wells, Rebecca |
Mantissa | General Fiction | 7994 | 7.50 | Fowles, John |
Captain Alatriste | General Fiction | 7998 | 6.50 | Perez-Reverte, Arturo |
Ghosts of the Titanic | Science Fiction | 8017 | 3.75 | Pellegrino, Charles |
The gift of Asher Lev | General Fiction | 8020 | 4.00 | Potok, Chaim |
Three farmers on their way to a dance | General Fiction | 8039 | 2.50 | Powers, Richard |
The fields | Young Adult | 8069 | 2.00 | Richter, Conrad |
Blind Fall | General Fiction | 8076 | 6.50 | Rice, Christopher |
Bitterroot Landing | General Fiction | 8078 | 5.50 | Reynolds, Sheri |
The Color of Fire | General Fiction | 8088 | 5.00 | Rinaldi, Ann |
Miss Julia meets her match | General Fiction | 8108 | 6.50 | Ross, Ann B. |
Idlewild | General Fiction | 8116 | 6.50 | Sagan, Nick |
The human stain | General Fiction | 8125 | 6.50 | Roth, Philip |
To See You Again | Military | 8129 | 6.50 | Schimmel, Betty |
The reader | General Fiction | 8130 | 6.00 | Schlink, Bernhard |
Baltasar and Blimunda | General Fiction | 8134 | 6.50 | Saramago, Jose |
The Marlen Revelation | General Fiction | 8136 | 6.50 | Santana, Miguel |
The bookseller of Kabul | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 8141 | 6.50 | Seierstad, Åsne |
Beyond deserving | General Fiction | 8150 | 5.50 | Scofield, Sandra |
Nightwork | General Fiction | 8156 | 1.50 | Shaw, Irwin |
Evening in Byzantium | General Fiction | 8157 | 1.50 | Shaw, Irwin |
Vintage stuff | General Fiction | 8159 | 3.50 | Sharpe, Tom |
The Sands of Time | General Fiction | 8167 | 3.00 | Sheldon, Sidney |
The Fig Eater | General Fiction | 8179 | 6.50 | Shields, Jody |
The Crimson Portrait | General Fiction | 8180 | 6.50 | Shields, Jody |
Unless | General Fiction | 8181 | 6.50 | Shields, Carol |
The Visibles | General Fiction | 8184 | 6.50 | Shepard, Sara |
Wanda Hickey's Night of Golden Memories | General Fiction | 8185 | 5.50 | Shepherd, Jean |
In God we trust | General Fiction | 8186 | 5.50 | Shepherd, Jean |
A Fistful of Fig Newtons | General Fiction | 8187 | 5.50 | Shepherd, Jean |
Fortune's Rocks | General Fiction | 8196 | 7.50 | Shreve, Anita |
The God of War | General Fiction | 8204 | 6.50 | Silver, Marisa |
Morality for Beautiful Girls | General Fiction | 8212 | 6.00 | Smith, Alexander McCall |
The miracles of Santo Fico | General Fiction | 8227 | 5.50 | Smith, D. L. |
The Limpopo Academy of Private Detection | General Fiction | 8231 | 5.50 | Smith, Alexander McCall |
On Agate Hill | General Fiction | 8247 | 6.00 | Smith, Lee |
The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner | General Fiction | 8273 | 2.00 | Sillitoe, Alan |
The Passions of the Mind | General Fiction | 8292 | 2.00 | Stone, Irving |
Waterland | General Fiction | 8305 | 6.50 | Swift, Graham |
Last orders | General Fiction | 8306 | 5.50 | Swift, Graham |
The Men and the Girls | General Fiction | 8335 | 6.50 | Trollope, Joanna |
A Village Affair | General Fiction | 8355 | 3.50 | Trollope, Joanna |
Ladder of Years | General Fiction | 8357 | 6.50 | Tyler, Anne |
A patchwork planet | General Fiction | 8368 | 6.50 | Tyler, Anne |
Promises in the Dark | Romance | 8379 | 4.00 | Tyler, Stephanie |
Trust me | General Fiction | 8381 | 2.50 | Updike, John |
Unforgettable | Young Adult | 8410 | 4.50 | von Ziegesar, Cecily |
The R Document | General Fiction | 8417 | 1.50 | Wallace, Irving |
The guest of honor | General Fiction | 8418 | 3.00 | Wallace, Irving |
The almighty | General Fiction | 8419 | 2.00 | Wallace, Irving |
In love & trouble | General Fiction | 8427 | 4.00 | Walker, Alice |
Horses make a landscape look more beautiful | General Fiction | 8428 | 3.50 | Walker, Alice |
The End of the Battle | General Fiction | 8430 | 5.00 | Waugh, Evelyn |
The Dark Room | Mystery | 8433 | 6.50 | Walters, Minette |
Slow waltz in Cedar Bend | General Fiction | 8434 | 3.00 | Waller, Robert James |
Old songs in a new café | General Fiction | 8435 | 6.50 | Waller, Robert James |
Border Music | General Fiction | 8436 | 3.00 | Waller, Robert James |
The Seven Minutes | General Fiction | 8440 | 2.50 | Wallace, Irving |
In Her Shoes | General Fiction | 8444 | 4.00 | Weiner, Jennifer |
Good in bed | General Fiction | 8445 | 6.50 | Weiner, Jennifer |
One Writer's Beginnings | General Fiction | 8456 | 4.50 | Welty, Eudora |
The devil wears Prada | General Fiction | 8463 | 6.50 | Weisberger, Lauren |
The age of innocence | General Fiction | 8475 | 3.00 | Wharton, Edith |
The Oath | General Fiction | 8480 | 2.00 | Wiesel, Elie |
A beggar in Jerusalem | General Fiction | 8482 | 5.50 | Wiesel, Elie |
The Age of Consent | General Fiction | 8515 | 5.50 | Wolff, Geoffrey |
Psmith in the city | Light Mystery | 8518 | 3.00 | Wodehouse, P. G. |
Meet Mr Mulliner | Light Mystery | 8519 | 3.00 | Wodehouse, P. G. |
Jeeves in the offing | Light Mystery | 8520 | 2.50 | Wodehouse, P. G. |
Carry on Jeeves | Light Mystery | 8521 | 3.00 | Wodehouse, P. G. |
The Glory | General Fiction | 8530 | 3.50 | Wouk, Herman |
Radical Chic & Mau-Mauing the Flak Catchers | General Fiction | 8533 | 4.00 | Wolfe, Tom |
The Secret Lives of the Sushi Club | General Fiction | 8538 | 6.50 | Yorke, Christy |
Full Moon | General Fiction | 8539 | 5.50 | York, Rebecca |
Revolutionary road | General Fiction | 8543 | 6.50 | Yates, Richard |
Lying on the couch | General Fiction | 8546 | 6.50 | Yalom, Irvin D. |
The Story of Edgar Sawtelle | General Fiction | 8548 | 6.50 | Wroblewski, David |
The Negotiator | Mystery | 8567 | 3.50 | Henderson, Dee |
The Queen's Gambit | Fantasy | 8594 | 4.00 | Chester, Deborah |
The wreck of Heaven | Fantasy | 8595 | 3.50 | Lisle, Holly |
The Silver Crown - Vol 3 | Fantasy | 8609 | 3.00 | Rosenberg, Joel |
The sword and the chain - Vol 2 | Fantasy | 8612 | 2.50 | Rosenberg, Joel |
The Dome in the Forest | Science Fiction | 8617 | 2.25 | Williams, Paul O. |
The fall of the shell | Science Fiction | 8618 | 2.50 | Williams, Paul O. |
The tale of the body thief | Horror | 8623 | 3.50 | Rice, Anne |
Mad genius | True Crime | 8647 | 3.00 | Gibbs, Nancy |
The Milwaukee murders | True Crime | 8657 | 2.75 | Davis, Don |
Storming Las Vegas | True Crime | 8690 | 6.50 | Huddy, John |
Fly, Colton, Fly | True Crime | 8693 | 6.50 | Holtz, Jackson |
Evil Brothers | True Crime | 8695 | 6.50 | Stiles, Frank P |
Evil Eyes | True Crime | 8700 | 3.50 | Mitchell, Corey |
The hills of homicide | Westerns | 8744 | 3.00 | L'Amour, Louis |
Valentine's Rising | Science Fiction | 8786 | 4.00 | Knight, E. E. |
The Missing | Horror | 8802 | 3.50 | Langan, Sarah |
Summer Moon | Romance | 8810 | 3.50 | Landis, Jill Marie |
Twice a Hero | Paranormal | 8815 | 3.00 | Krinard, Susan |
Cloud nine | Romance | 8820 | 3.75 | Rice, Luanne |
Partners | Westerns | 8887 | 3.00 | Bagdon, Paul |
Once They Wore the Gray | Westerns | 8893 | 2.50 | Boggs, Johnny D. |
Heaven Is a Long Way Off | Westerns | 8898 | 3.50 | Blevins, Winfred |
Beauty for ashes | Westerns | 8899 | 3.50 | Blevins, Winfred |
The Lawman: Slade's Law | Westerns | 8908 | 3.00 | Brandt, Lyle |
Pilgrim | Westerns | 8914 | 3.00 | Bowman, Doug |
Rogue Lawman #6 | Westerns | 8920 | 3.00 | Brandvold, Peter |
Rogue Lawman #2: Deadly Prey | Westerns | 8925 | 3.00 | Brandvold, Peter |
The Devil Gets His Due | Westerns | 8927 | 3.00 | Brandvold, Peter |
Rogue Lawman #3: Cold Corpse, Hot Trail | Westerns | 8938 | 3.00 | Brandvold, Peter |
Riding With the Devil's Mistress | Westerns | 8940 | 3.00 | Brandvold, Peter |
Brotherhood of blood | Westerns | 8953 | 3.00 | Butts, J. Lee |
Vengeance Trail | Westerns | 8954 | 3.00 | Brooks, Bill |
You Know My Name | Westerns | 8957 | 3.00 | Braun, Matt |
Larimont | Westerns | 8968 | 3.00 | Cade, Will |
A bad day to die | Westerns | 8971 | 3.00 | Butts, J. Lee |
And Kill Them All | Westerns | 8972 | 3.00 | Butts, J. Lee |
Brotherhood of blood | Westerns | 8973 | 3.00 | Butts, J. Lee |
Gun Work | Westerns | 8974 | 3.00 | Butts, J. Lee |
Hell in the nations | Westerns | 8975 | 3.00 | Butts, J. Lee |
Hell to Pay | Westerns | 8976 | 3.00 | Butts, J. Lee |
Tombstone Showdown | Westerns | 9041 | 1.50 | Denver, W. |
Buckskin #41: Gold Town Gal | Westerns | 9044 | 3.00 | Dalton, Kit |
The Rainbow Runner | Westerns | 9045 | 2.50 | Cunningham, John |
The Prisoners | Westerns | 9052 | 2.00 | Hart, Matthew |
Who Rides With Wyatt | Westerns | 9071 | 3.00 | Henry, Will |
The American Heiress | General Fiction | 9074 | 6.50 | Goodwin, Daisy |
Lavender morning | Romance | 9078 | 4.00 | Deveraux, Jude |
High prairie | Westerns | 9103 | 2.00 | King, Hiram |
Sword And Drum | Westerns | 9124 | 3.00 | Lassiter, Karl |
The hellraisers | Westerns | 9133 | 3.00 | MacKenna, Wolf |
Dust riders | Westerns | 9134 | 3.00 | MacKenna, Wolf |
The Burning Trail | Westerns | 9135 | 3.00 | MacKenna, Wolf |
The Bodacious Kid | Westerns | 9137 | 3.50 | Lynde, Stan |
The English Horses | Westerns | 9138 | 3.00 | Luckey, William A. |
Hopalong Cassidy | Westerns | 9161 | 3.00 | Mulford, Clarence E. |
Track the man down | Westerns | 9183 | 2.25 | Olsen, T. V. |
Appaloosa | Westerns | 9192 | 4.00 | Parker, Robert B. |
Kitt Peak | Westerns | 9211 | 3.00 | Sarrantonio, Al |
West Texas | Westerns | 9212 | 3.00 | Sarrantonio, Al |
Fire in the Sky | Westerns | 9225 | 2.00 | Shears, J. A. |
Longhorn Empire | Westerns | 9228 | 3.00 | Scott, Bradford |
The peacemaker's vengeance | Westerns | 9241 | 3.00 | Svee, Gary |
Dust Devil | Westerns | 9246 | 2.00 | Roe, Kenn Sherwood |
The Lawmen | Westerns | 9247 | 3.00 | Vaughan, Robert |
The Treasure of the Sierra Madre | Westerns | 9251 | 2.00 | Traven, B. |
Warner and Laura | Westerns | 9253 | 2.50 | Tippette, Giles |
Gunsmoke #3: Blizzard of lead | Westerns | 9259 | 3.00 | West, Joseph A. |
From hell to midnight | Westerns | 9273 | 3.00 | Wheeler, Richard S. |
Seven Miles To Sundown | Westerns | 9276 | 3.00 | Wheeler, Richard S. |
Incident at Butler's Station | Westerns | 9285 | 3.00 | Wyler, Richard |
Ride west to dawn | Westerns | 9286 | 2.50 | Work, James C. |
Ride to Banshe Canon | Westerns | 9287 | 2.50 | Work, James C. |
Warrior's Road | Westerns | 9288 | 2.50 | Wisler, G. Clifton |
Thompson's Mountain | Westerns | 9289 | 2.00 | Wisler, G. Clifton |
Medicine Trail | Westerns | 9291 | 2.50 | Wisler, G. Clifton |
Cheyenne #05: Blood on the Plains | Westerns | 9300 | 1.75 | Cole, Judd |
White Apache: Blood Bounty | Westerns | 9301 | 2.00 | McMasters, Jake |
Buckskin #35: Pistol whipped | Westerns | 9303 | 3.00 | Dalton, Kit |
Ruff Justice #09: Windwolf | Westerns | 9304 | 2.00 | Longtree, Warren T. |
Ruff Justice #23: The death hunters | Westerns | 9305 | 2.50 | Longtree, Warren T. |
The Savage Journey | Westerns | 9306 | 3.00 | Wyler, Richard |
Longarm 336 The Midnight Mistress | Westerns | 9309 | 3.00 | Evans, Tabor |
Wilderness #33 Fang & claw | Westerns | 9377 | 2.50 | Thompson, David |
Renegade #26: Blood on the Border | Westerns | 9385 | 1.50 | Thorne, Ramsay |
Renegade #33: Costa Rican Carnage | Westerns | 9387 | 1.50 | Thorne, Ramsay |
Gunsmoke #1: Blood, Bullets, and Buckskin | Westerns | 9389 | 3.00 | West, Joseph A. |
Gunsmoke #2: The Last Dog Soldier | Westerns | 9390 | 3.00 | West, Joseph A. |
Brokentrail | Westerns | 9486 | 5.50 | Geoffrion, Alan |
Marley Rides | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 9487 | 6.50 | Hart, Jennifer |
The killer of Horseman's Flats | Westerns | 9488 | 2.50 | Sisson, Rosemary Anne |
The oxtail cocktail | Westerns | 9493 | 3.50 | Hicks, Shirley |
The legend of Storey County | Westerns | 9494 | 5.50 | Thoene, Brock |
Son of the Morning Star | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 9495 | 5.00 | Connell, Evan S. |
The Chinese Parrot | Light Mystery | 9514 | 6.50 | Biggers, Earl Derr |
Behind That Curtain | Light Mystery | 9515 | 6.50 | Biggers, Earl Derr |
Doggie Day Care Murder | Light Mystery | 9516 | 5.50 | Berenson, Laurien |
Aunt Dimity Takes a holiday | Light Mystery | 9520 | 5.00 | Atherton, Nancy |
Mrs. Jeffries Holds the Trump | Light Mystery | 9533 | 5.50 | Brightwell, Emily |
Mrs. Jeffries and the feast of St. Stephen | Light Mystery | 9534 | 5.50 | Brightwell, Emily |
No Rest for the Wiccan | Light Mystery | 9626 | 4.00 | Alt, Madelyn |
Risky Business | Mystery | 9690 | 4.00 | Jackson, Lisa |
The Mist | Mystery | 9695 | 4.00 | Neggers, Carla |
The Garden Tour Affair | Light Mystery | 10396 | 3.00 | Ripley, Ann |
Soldiers of God | Military | 10983 | 6.50 | Kaplan, Robert D. |
Black Hawk down | Military | 10984 | 4.00 | Bowden, Mark |
Waiting for an army to die | Military | 10992 | 3.50 | Wilcox, Fred A. |
And the Devil Will Drag You Under | Science Fiction | 9731 | 2.50 | Chalker, Jack L. |
Tom Paine Maru | Science Fiction | 9732 | 2.25 | Smith, L. Neil |
The Dueling Machine | Science Fiction | 9736 | 2.00 | Bova, Ben |
The Penetrator | Thriller | 9744 | 2.50 | Cunningham, Chet |
Line of Sight | Thriller | 9749 | 3.50 | Kelly, Jack |
Angels & Demons | Thriller | 9753 | 5.00 | Brown, Dan |
The River Sorrow | Thriller | 9755 | 3.00 | Holden, Craig |
Mack Bolan - Power of the lance | Thriller | 9760 | 3.00 | Pendleton, Don |
Reaper | Thriller | 9761 | 3.50 | Mezrich, Ben |
A Bullet for Billy | Westerns | 9773 | 3.00 | Brooks, Bill |
Sips of Blood | Horror | 9786 | 2.75 | Mitchell, Mary Ann |
Malice Domestic | Light Mystery | 9790 | 3.00 | Pickard, Nancy |
Nibbled to Death by Ducks | Light Mystery | 9797 | 2.50 | Campbell, Robert |
The junkyard dog | Light Mystery | 9800 | 2.00 | Campbell, Robert |
The maze in the mirror | Science Fiction | 9827 | 2.00 | Chalker, Jack L. |
The cat who tailed a thief | Light Mystery | 9836 | 3.50 | Braun, Lilian Jackson |
Claws and effect | Light Mystery | 9862 | 3.75 | Brown, Rita Mae |
Mulch ado about nothing | Light Mystery | 9913 | 3.50 | Churchill, Jill |
The merchant of menace | Light Mystery | 9914 | 3.50 | Churchill, Jill |
From Here to Paternity | Light Mystery | 9916 | 3.50 | Churchill, Jill |
The house of seven Mables | Light Mystery | 9933 | 3.50 | Churchill, Jill |
War and peas | Light Mystery | 9935 | 3.00 | Churchill, Jill |
Silence of the Hams | Light Mystery | 9936 | 3.25 | Churchill, Jill |
Just Take My Heart | Light Mystery | 9937 | 4.00 | Clark, Mary Higgins |
I'll be seeing you | Light Mystery | 9941 | 3.50 | Clark, Mary Higgins |
He sees you when you're sleeping | Light Mystery | 9945 | 4.00 | Clark, Mary Higgins |
Mount Vernon love story | Light Mystery | 9954 | 3.50 | Clark, Mary Higgins |
The Shadow of Your Smile | Light Mystery | 9955 | 6.50 | Clark, Mary Higgins |
Loves music, loves to dance | Light Mystery | 9956 | 4.00 | Clark, Mary Higgins |
Santa Cruise | Light Mystery | 9964 | 4.00 | Clark, Mary Higgins |
Dashing Through the Snow | Light Mystery | 9971 | 5.50 | Clark, Mary Higgins |
We'll meet again | Light Mystery | 9981 | 4.00 | Clark, Mary Higgins |
Dancing in the dark | Light Mystery | 9996 | 4.00 | Clark, Mary Jane |
Suture self | Light Mystery | 10021 | 4.00 | Daheim, Mary |
The Alpine Pursuit | Light Mystery | 10027 | 3.50 | Daheim, Mary |
The Alpine nemesis | Light Mystery | 10030 | 3.50 | Daheim, Mary |
This Old Souse | Light Mystery | 10041 | 3.50 | Daheim, Mary |
Bantam of the opera | Light Mystery | 10042 | 3.00 | Daheim, Mary |
Vi Agra Falls | Light Mystery | 10043 | 4.00 | Daheim, Mary |
Scots on the Rocks | Light Mystery | 10044 | 3.50 | Daheim, Mary |
Cat on a Hyacinth Hunt | Light Mystery | 10049 | 3.50 | Douglas, Carole Nelson |
Danger in D.C. | Light Mystery | 10133 | 3.00 | Greenberg, Martin H. |
Dying on the Vine | Light Mystery | 10202 | 3.00 | King, Peter |
Wedding Day Murder | Light Mystery | 10265 | 3.25 | Meier, Leslie |
Back to School Murder | Light Mystery | 10266 | 3.50 | Meier, Leslie |
Children of the Storm | Light Mystery | 10317 | 3.75 | Peters, Elizabeth |
Two cooks a-killing | Light Mystery | 10320 | 3.50 | Pence, Joanne |
Night Train to Memphis | Light Mystery | 10321 | 3.50 | Peters, Elizabeth |
Lord of the silent | Light Mystery | 10326 | 4.00 | Peters, Elizabeth |
The last camel died at noon | Light Mystery | 10329 | 3.50 | Peters, Elizabeth |
The hippopotamus pool | Light Mystery | 10330 | 3.50 | Peters, Elizabeth |
Lion in the valley | Light Mystery | 10341 | 3.00 | Peters, Elizabeth |
One corpse too many | Light Mystery | 10366 | 2.50 | Peters, Ellis |
Ring of Truth | Light Mystery | 10373 | 3.50 | Pickard, Nancy |
Marriage is Murder | Light Mystery | 10378 | 2.50 | Pickard, Nancy |
When Wallflowers Die | Light Mystery | 10387 | 3.00 | Prowell, Sandra West |
A Fiery Hint of Murder | Light Mystery | 10405 | 2.00 | Roe, C. F. |
How I Spent My Summer Vacation | Light Mystery | 10412 | 3.00 | Roberts, Gillian |
Dire Happenings at Scratch Ankle | Light Mystery | 10441 | 2.50 | Sibley, Celestine |
Straight As an Arrow | Light Mystery | 10442 | 2.50 | Sibley, Celestine |
Ah, Sweet Mystery | Light Mystery | 10443 | 2.50 | Sibley, Celestine |
Hotel South Dakota | Light Mystery | 10465 | 3.25 | Taylor, Kathleen |
Foreign Body | Light Mystery | 10466 | 3.50 | Taylor, Kathleen |
Take Me Tonight | Romance | 10474 | 3.50 | St. Claire, Roxanne |
First You Run | Romance | 10475 | 3.50 | St. Claire, Roxanne |
A Stiff Risotto | Light Mystery | 10481 | 3.00 | Temple, Lou Jane |
A long time dead | Light Mystery | 10485 | 2.75 | Orde, A. J. |
Mourning shift | Light Mystery | 10488 | 3.00 | Taylor, Kathleen |
A Plague of Kinfolks | Light Mystery | 10513 | 2.50 | Sibley, Celestine |
White hot - Large Print | Large Print | 10515 | 5.00 | Brown, Sandra |
A Secret Affair - Large Print | Large Print | 10519 | 5.50 | Bradford, Barbara Taylor |
Divine Justice - Large Print | Large Print | 10521 | 5.50 | Baldacci, David |
Secrets - Large Print | Large Print | 10525 | 5.50 | Deveraux, Jude |
The General's Daughter - Large Print | Large Print | 10526 | 6.00 | Demille, Nelson |
The Front - Large Print | Large Print | 10529 | 5.50 | Cornwell, Patricia |
While My Sister Sleeps - Large Print | Large Print | 10536 | 6.50 | Delinsky, Barbara |
Killer Heat - Large Print | Large Print | 10539 | 6.50 | Fairstein, Linda |
Finger Lickin' Fifteen - Large Print | Large Print | 10540 | 6.50 | Evanovich, Janet |
In the Dark - Large Print | Large Print | 10543 | 5.50 | Freeman, Brian |
In My Dark Dreams - Large Print | Large Print | 10552 | 5.50 | Freedman, J. P. |
Songs without words - Large Print | Large Print | 10561 | 7.50 | Packer, Ann |
Sometimes Mine - Large Print | Large Print | 10562 | 6.50 | Moody, Martha |
The Scoop - Large Print | Large Print | 10565 | 6.50 | Michaels, Fern |
Sweet Trouble - Large Print | Large Print | 10566 | 5.50 | Mallery, Susan |
Sweet Spot - Large Print | Large Print | 10567 | 5.50 | Mallery, Susan |
A Summer Affair - Large Print | Large Print | 10569 | 5.50 | Hilderbrand, Elin |
A Christmas Star - Large Print | Large Print | 10571 | 5.50 | Kinkade, Thomas |
Bait - Large Print | Large Print | 10573 | 6.50 | Robards, Karen |
Sweet Home Carolina - Large Print | Large Print | 10574 | 6.50 | Rice, Patricia |
The Coming Storm - Large Print | Large Print | 10576 | 6.50 | Paterson, Tracie |
Stranger in Paradise - Large Print | Large Print | 10582 | 5.50 | Parker, Robert B. |
The Second Opinion - Large Print | Large Print | 10584 | 6.50 | Palmer, Michael |
Long Road Home - Large Print | Large Print | 10589 | 5.50 | Steel, Danielle |
Mixed Blessings - Large Print | Large Print | 10590 | 5.50 | Steel, Danielle |
Innocent in Death - Large Print | Large Print | 10596 | 6.50 | Roberts, Nora |
The Sweetheart's Knitting Club - Large Print | Large Print | 10599 | 5.50 | Wilde, Lori |
Champions of the Sidhe | Science Fiction | 10606 | 3.00 | Flint, Kenneth C. |
The Clone Republic | Science Fiction | 10618 | 4.00 | Kent, Steven L. |
Alien Death Fleet | Science Fiction | 10619 | 3.00 | Hudson, Edward S. |
Spirits of Flux and Anchor Rider 1 | Science Fiction | 10622 | 3.00 | Chalker, Jack L. |
The web of the chozen | Science Fiction | 10625 | 2.50 | Chalker, Jack L. |
The hunters | Science Fiction | 10627 | 2.75 | Lovejoy, Jack |
When the changewinds blow | Science Fiction | 10630 | 3.50 | Chalker, Jack L. |
The breaking of Northwall | Science Fiction | 10631 | 2.25 | Williams, Paul O. |
Voyage of the Starwolf | Science Fiction | 10634 | 2.50 | Gerrold, David |
Single combat | Science Fiction | 10635 | 2.50 | Ing, Dean |
The blackcollar | Science Fiction | 10653 | 2.50 | Zahn, Timothy |
Skin for Skin | General Fiction | 10686 | 6.50 | Arnold, Jeffrey Maria D. |
Mute | Science Fiction | 10702 | 3.00 | Anthony, Piers |
The Mocking Program | Science Fiction | 10703 | 3.50 | Foster, Alan Dean |
Juxtaposition | Science Fiction | 10706 | 3.00 | Anthony, Piers |
Hunters of the Red Moon | Science Fiction | 10713 | 2.00 | Bradley, Marion Zimmer |
The Cat's Meow | Light Mystery | 10718 | 3.50 | Campbell, Robert |
My life on a napkin | Sports | 10729 | 6.00 | Majerus, Rick |
The practical book of bicycling | Sports | 10730 | 3.75 | Call, Frances |
What do you think of Ted Williams now? | Sports | 10731 | 6.50 | Cramer, Richard Ben |
It's not about the bike | Sports | 10742 | 6.50 | Armstrong, Lance |
Home game | Sports | 10743 | 6.50 | Quarrington, Paul |
Counting Coup Basketball Story | Sports | 10744 | 6.50 | Colton, Larry |
A Promise Kept the Story of the Founding of Little League Baseball | Sports | 10745 | 6.50 | Stotz, Carl E. |
The complete book of bicycling | Sports | 10746 | 5.50 | Sloane, Eugene A. |
Spring Creek Chronicles II | Sports | 10748 | 5.50 | Lovel, Leo |
Crashing the Net | Sports | 10750 | 5.50 | Turco, Mary |
Tuning the rig | Sports | 10751 | 6.00 | Oxenhorn, Harvey |
Game Plan for Life | Sports | 10752 | 4.50 | Gibbs, Joe |
It's not about the bike | Sports | 10753 | 6.00 | Armstrong, Lance |
The girls of summer | Sports | 10756 | 6.50 | Longman, Jere |
South | Sports | 10758 | 6.50 | Shackleton, Ernest |
Green cathedrals | Sports | 10761 | 15.00 | Lowry, Philip J. |
It's not about the bra | Sports | 10763 | 5.50 | Chastain, Brandi |
Power yoga | Sports | 10764 | 5.50 | Birch, Beryl Bender |
The handy sportsman | Sports | 10765 | 5.50 | Wilson, Loring D. |
The Secret Art of Seamm-Jasani | Sports | 10766 | 7.50 | Asanaro |
Every Second Counts | Sports | 10769 | 4.00 | Armstrong, Lance |
Breaking into the current | Sports | 10770 | 5.50 | Teal, Louise |
The Everything Pilates Book | Sports | 10776 | 6.50 | Alpers, Amy Taylor |
Rude Behavior | Sports | 10780 | 3.75 | Jenkins, Dan |
The gold standard | Sports | 10781 | 5.50 | Krzyzewski, Mike |
Holy yoga | Sports | 10787 | 6.50 | Boon, Brooke |
Lifetide | New Age | 10788 | 2.50 | Watson, Lyall |
God's Equation | Science | 10790 | 5.50 | Aczel, Amir D. |
Astro turf | Science | 10811 | 6.50 | Lord, M. G. |
Thread of life | Science | 10816 | 6.50 | Lewin, Roger |
Dead men do tell tales | Science | 10835 | 6.50 | Maples, William R. |
Volcano Cowboys | Science | 10836 | 5.50 | Thompson, Dick |
America B. C | Science | 10840 | 5.50 | Fell, Barry |
Great Airships The Tragedy | Military | 10845 | 9.50 | Flynn, Mike |
Greece and Rome at War | Military | 10848 | 10.00 | Connolly, Peter |
Legend, memory, and the Great War in the air | Military | 10849 | 6.50 | Pisano, Dominick A. |
Great military battles | Military | 10858 | 7.50 | Falls, Cyril |
The Resistance | Military | 10859 | 7.50 | Time-Life Books |
Island fighting | Military | 10860 | 7.50 | Time-Life Books |
Bombers over Japan | Military | 10861 | 7.50 | Time-Life Books |
The rising sun | Military | 10862 | 7.50 | Time-Life Books |
The Battle of the Bulge | Military | 10863 | 7.50 | Time-Life Books |
The Road to Tokyo | Military | 10864 | 7.50 | Time-Life Books |
Prelude to war | Military | 10865 | 7.50 | Time-Life Books |
Battle of Britain | Military | 10866 | 7.50 | Time-Life Books |
The air war in Europe | Military | 10867 | 7.50 | Time-Life Books |
Brother against brother | Military | 10868 | 5.50 | Time-Life Books |
Images from the storm | Military | 10875 | 15.00 | Sneden, Robert Knox |
Armored Cav | Thriller | 10890 | 5.50 | Clancy, Tom |
Back from war | Military | 10899 | 5.50 | Alley, Lee |
Journey into the whirlwind | Military | 10905 | 6.50 | Ginzburg, Eugenia Semyonovna |
Young men & fire | Military | 10906 | 5.50 | Maclean, Norman |
From Selma to Appomattox | Military | 10907 | 7.50 | Laboda, Lawrence R. |
Gallipoli | Military | 10911 | 6.50 | Carlyon, Les |
Both My Legs | Military | 10917 | 5.50 | Hemsworth, Wade |
Flags of our fathers | Military | 10919 | 7.00 | Bradley, James |
Hall of Mirrors | Military | 10921 | 5.00 | Sinclair, David |
Heroes At Home | Military | 10926 | 2.50 | Kay, Ellie |
G. I. Joe & Lillie | Military | 10936 | 6.50 | Bonsall, Joseph S. |
An Honorable German | Thriller | 10944 | 5.50 | McCain, Charles L. |
Psychiatrists | Military | 10954 | 5.50 | Röder, Thomas |
As always, Jack | Military | 10959 | 5.50 | Sweeney, Emma |
The Arnheiter Affair | Military | 10965 | 3.50 | Sheehan, Neil |
The Sinking of the Bismarck | Military | 10970 | 3.50 | Shirer, William L. |
Masters Of Chaos | Military | 10997 | 5.50 | Robinson, Linda |
White lies | Romance | 11022 | 5.00 | Krentz, Jayne Ann |
Reunion | Romance | 11023 | 4.00 | Roberts, Nora |
Hotel Vendome | Romance | 11028 | 4.00 | Steel, Danielle |
Unafraid: A Novel of the Possible | Biography | 11041 | 6.50 | Golden, Jeff |
Silk | General Fiction | 11056 | 6.50 | Baricco, Alessandro |
Provence A-Z | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 11063 | 7.50 | Mayle, Peter |
Dark eagle | Historic Fiction | 11091 | 5.50 | Harr, John Ensor |
Black Falcon #1: It sleeps in me | Historic Fiction | 11096 | 5.50 | Gear, Kathleen O'Neal |
Pride of lions | Historic Fiction | 11099 | 4.50 | Llywelyn, Morgan |
The life and times of Lucrezia Borgia | Historic Fiction | 11103 | 6.50 | Bellonci, Maria |
Savannah | Historic Fiction | 11106 | 5.50 | Jakes, John |
White eagle, dark skies | Historic Fiction | 11110 | 4.00 | Karsavina, Jean |
King Arthur and his knights | Classic Novels | 11113 | 5.50 | Malory, Sir Thomas |
The glitter and the gold | Historic Fiction | 11126 | 5.50 | Balsan, Consuelo Vanderbilt |
Liberty's Blueprint | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 11140 | 6.50 | Meyerson, Michael |
The Queen's Sorrow | Historic Fiction | 11161 | 6.50 | Dunn, Suzannah |
The big fisherman | Historic Fiction | 11163 | 2.00 | Douglas, Lloyd C. |
The unicorn hunt | Historic Fiction | 11185 | 4.00 | Dunnett, Dorothy |
Madame Bovary's Daughter | Historic Fiction | 11203 | 6.50 | Urbach, Linda |
Heyday | Historic Fiction | 11224 | 7.50 | Andersen, Kurt |
The notorious Dr. August | Historic Fiction | 11225 | 5.50 | Bram, Christopher |
Jem | Historic Fiction | 11248 | 6.50 | Mount, Ferdinand |
The Fallon Pride | Historic Fiction | 11269 | 3.50 | Jordan, Robert |
The Witch of Cologne | General Fiction | 11274 | 6.50 | Learner, Tobsha |
An Assembly Such as This | General Fiction | 11275 | 5.00 | Aidan, Pamela |
Apache Storm | Historic Fiction | 11285 | 3.00 | Manning, Jason |
NWestTerr #4: Rebellion | Historic Fiction | 11303 | 2.50 | Payne, Oliver |
Lighthouse | Historic Fiction | 11310 | 2.25 | Price, Eugenia |
Where Shadows Go | Historic Fiction | 11312 | 3.25 | Price, Eugenia |
Wagons West #05: Texas! | Historic Fiction | 11332 | 2.00 | Ross, Dana Fuller |
Life and Liberty #4 | Historic Fiction | 11342 | 2.50 | Rutledge, Adam |
Stars and Stripes #6 | Historic Fiction | 11343 | 2.50 | Rutledge, Adam |
Sword of Vengeance #2 | Westerns | 11344 | 2.50 | Newcomb, Kerry |
The Turncoat #3 | Historic Fiction | 11345 | 2.50 | Rutledge, Adam |
The Edge of the World | Historic Fiction | 11348 | 3.00 | Sarabande, William |
Corridor of Storms #2 | Historic Fiction | 11351 | 2.50 | Sarabande, William |
Walkers of the Wind | Historic Fiction | 11354 | 3.00 | Sarabande, William |
Wolves of the Dawn | Historic Fiction | 11355 | 2.50 | Sarabande, William |
The Towers of Silence | Historic Fiction | 11360 | 1.50 | Scott, Paul |
Voice of the Eagle | Historic Fiction | 11365 | 3.00 | Shuler, Linda Lay |
The Children of First Man | Historic Fiction | 11373 | 3.50 | Thom, James Alexander |
In Honored Glory | Historic Fiction | 11383 | 3.00 | Vaughan, Robert |
Masterson | Westerns | 11392 | 3.50 | Wheeler, Richard S. |
Not Between Brothers | Historic Fiction | 11400 | 3.50 | Wilkenson, David Marion |
Harvest of hope | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 11402 | 4.50 | Grout, Phil |
Sts 2: Operation: Shoot | Thriller | 11411 | 4.00 | Fawcett, Bill |
Plain Seeing | General Fiction | 11414 | 6.50 | Scofield, Sandra |
No Way to Treat a First Lady | General Fiction | 11415 | 6.50 | Buckley, Christopher |
Warriors of the storm #3 | Science Fiction | 11434 | 2.50 | Chalker, Jack L. |
Pirates of the Thunder #2 | Science Fiction | 11435 | 2.50 | Chalker, Jack L. |
Lords of the Middle Dark #1 | Science Fiction | 11436 | 2.50 | Chalker, Jack L. |
Masks of the Martyrs #4 | Science Fiction | 11437 | 2.50 | Chalker, Jack L. |
Book One Paratwa Saga: Liege-Killer | Science Fiction | 11445 | 3.00 | Hinz, Christopher |
The way to Dawnworld #1 | Science Fiction | 11446 | 2.50 | Starr, Bill |
The treasure of Wonderwhat #2 | Science Fiction | 11447 | 2.50 | Starr, Bill |
Golden sunlands | Science Fiction | 11449 | 3.00 | Rowley, Christopher |
Hill towns | Romance | 11453 | 3.50 | Siddons, Anne Rivers |
The Pyramids and Sphinx | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 11484 | 7.50 | Stewart, Desmond |
The encyclopedia of world history | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 11488 | 7.50 | Stearns, Peter N. |
Wisdomkeepers | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 11503 | 9.50 | Arden, Harvey |
What if? | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 11506 | 2.50 | Cowley, Robert |
Leo Africanus | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 11507 | 6.50 | Maalouf, Amin |
Kalila and Dimna | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 11514 | 4.50 | Wood, Ramsay |
Heritage | Religion | 11521 | 7.50 | Eban, Abba |
The Almost Chosen People | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 11527 | 4.50 | Wolf, William J. |
Mama Flora's family | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 11530 | 6.50 | Haley, Alex |
A history of knowledge | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 11534 | 5.50 | Doren, Charles Van |
East and west | Political | 11539 | 6.50 | Patten, Christopher |
Land of Lincoln | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 11543 | 6.50 | Ferguson, Andrew |
Taliban | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 11547 | 5.00 | Rashid, Ahmed |
In the Shadow of the Mosque | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 11550 | 6.50 | Sherwood, Jura Maclean |
1969: The Year in Pictures | Biography | 11556 | 6.50 | Contrasto |
The foundations of early modern Europe, 1460-1559 | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 11571 | 6.00 | Rice, Eugene F. |
Floor Coverings in New England | Reference | 11580 | 4.50 | Little, Nina Fletcher |
The Snow Leopard | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 11599 | 2.50 | Matthiessen, Peter |
Return to Earth | Biography | 11601 | 4.00 | Aldrin, Edwin E. |
Calling the Midwest Home: A Lively Look at the Origins, Attitudes, Quirks, and Curiosities of America's Heartlanders | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 11607 | 5.50 | Lieberg, Carolyn |
String too short to be saved | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 11615 | 3.50 | Hall, Donald |
Nothing to do but stay | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 11620 | 4.50 | Young, Carrie |
The greatest generation | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 11637 | 6.50 | Brokaw, Tom |
The RA Expeditions | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 11648 | 2.50 | Heyerdahl, Thor |
A child called Noah | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 11659 | 3.50 | Greenfeld, Josh |
The ride of our lives | Biography | 11682 | 6.00 | Leonard, Mike |
Tales From the Edge of the Ozarks | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 11684 | 5.00 | Anderson, Gene |
Wouldn't take nothing for my journey now | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 11688 | 5.50 | Angelou, Maya |
Rascals in Paradise | General Fiction | 11696 | 6.50 | Michener, James A. |
Scarred | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 11719 | 4.00 | Roever, Dave |
That's what she said | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 11748 | 5.50 | Green, Rayna |
In the trail of the wind | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 11755 | 2.50 | Bierhorst, John |
Warriors of the Rainbow | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 11759 | 3.50 | Willowya, William |
Blue jade from the morning star | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 11761 | 3.50 | Thompson, William Irwin |
Giving birth to Thunder, sleeping with his daughter | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 11766 | 1.50 | Lopez, Barry Holstun |
Indians of the Rocky Mountain Parks | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 11769 | 5.50 | Dempsey, Hugh A. |
T.E. Lawrence | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 11770 | 6.50 | Brent, Peter |
Folklore of the Great West | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 11772 | 5.50 | Greenway, John |
Nemesis: The Last Days of the American Republic | Political | 11777 | 7.50 | Johnson, Chalmers |
The age of American unreason | Political | 11778 | 5.50 | Jacoby, Susan |
Shrub | Political | 11781 | 4.50 | Ivins, Molly |
En route to global occupation | Political | 11782 | 3.50 | Kah, Gary |
Common Sense | Political | 11783 | 4.00 | Beck, Glenn |
Big Russ and Me : Father and Son | Political | 11786 | 6.50 | Russert, Tim |
Wisdom of our fathers | Political | 11787 | 6.50 | Russert, Tim |
Enough: The Phony Leaders, Dead-End Movements, and Culture of Failure That Are Undermining Black America--and What We Can Do About It | Political | 11791 | 5.50 | Williams, Juan |
Intellectual Morons | Political | 11792 | 5.50 | Flynn, Daniel J. |
As If We Were Grownups | Political | 11793 | 6.50 | Golden, Jeff |
From Beirut to Jerusalem | Political | 11796 | 5.50 | Friedman, Thomas L. |
From Bush to Bush | Political | 11801 | 5.50 | Novello, Don |
Citizen Lazlo!: The Continuing, Unrelenting Correspondence of Lazlo Toth, American! | Political | 11802 | 4.50 | Novello, Don |
Citizen Lazlo!: The Continuing, Unrelenting Correspondence of Lazlo Toth, American! | Political | 11803 | 4.50 | Novello, Don |
The Lazlo Letters | Political | 11804 | 4.50 | Novello, Don |
America by heart | Political | 11805 | 5.50 | Palin, Sarah |
Deadly Spin | Political | 11806 | 7.50 | Potter, Wendell |
Dark side | Political | 11810 | 6.50 | Mayer, Jane |
The Cell: Inside the 9/11 Plot and Why the FBI and CIA Failed to Stop It | Political | 11814 | 6.50 | Miller, John |
The atomic bazaar | Political | 11817 | 6.50 | Langewiesche, William |
The crisis of Islam | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 11819 | 5.50 | Lewis, Bernard |
Who's looking out for you? | Political | 11820 | 6.50 | O'Reilly, Bill |
Culture Warrior | Political | 11821 | 6.50 | O'Reilly, Bill |
Our endangered values | Political | 11833 | 7.50 | Carter, Jimmy |
The Scent of Magnolia | Romance | 11844 | 2.50 | Devine, Frances |
Making it home | Travel Stories | 11866 | 5.50 | Nordstrom, Lars |
Vineyard Memiors or "So This Is What It's Like to Plant a Vineyard?" | Travel Stories | 11877 | 3.50 | UNKNOWN |
One city's wilderness | Travel Stories | 11885 | 5.50 | Houle, Marcy Cottrell |
The Journey From the Center to the Page | Reference | 11886 | 6.50 | Davis, Jeff |
The Romantic Road from the River Main to the Alps | Travel Stories | 11888 | 4.50 | Verlag, Kraichgau |
Collecting Greek coins | Reference | 11900 | 5.50 | Anthony, John |
Southern Oregon restaurants | Travel Stories | 11905 | 3.50 | Nesbitt, Hadley |
Swallowing the river ganges | Travel Stories | 11907 | 7.50 | Flickstein, Matthew |
The Key to the Prado | Travel Stories | 11911 | 6.50 | Luca de Tena, Consuelo |
This England | Travel Stories | 11918 | 5.50 | Travel Guide, Regional |
Panama | Travel Stories | 11927 | 5.50 | Travel Guide, Regional |
Siena: Guide with Town Plan | Travel Stories | 11930 | 3.50 | Santini, Loretta |
Hong Kong, Macau & Guangzhou | Travel Stories | 11934 | 2.50 | Harper, Damian |
Italian Education | Travel Stories | 11939 | 5.50 | Parks, Tim |
Ephesus | Travel Stories | 11940 | 4.00 | Travel Guide, Regional |
Mevlana | Travel Stories | 11941 | 4.00 | Onder, Mehmet |
Patmos | Travel Stories | 11942 | 5.50 | Travel Guide, Regional |
Troy : With Legends, Facts, and New Developments | Travel Stories | 11944 | 4.00 | Askin, Mustafa |
History & Masterpieces of Verona | Travel Stories | 11946 | 5.50 | Chiarelli, Renzo |
Beaumaris | Travel Stories | 11948 | 4.00 | Steele, Phillipe |
North of the Golden Gate | Travel Stories | 11958 | 4.50 | Trussell, Margaret Edith |
Vienna | Travel Stories | 11960 | 3.50 | Travel Guide, Regional |
Rothenburg | Travel Stories | 11961 | 3.50 | Travel Guide, Regional |
Santorini | Travel Stories | 11962 | 7.50 | Travel Guide, Regional |
Then There Were None | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 11966 | 5.00 | Noyes, Martha H. |
Shampoo planet | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 11968 | 5.50 | Coupland, Douglas |
Fodor's Costa Rica 2005 | Travel Stories | 11972 | 4.50 | Travel Guide, Fodor's |
Midlife Mavericks | Travel Stories | 11974 | 5.50 | Blue, Karen |
Conway Castle | Travel Stories | 11975 | 4.00 | Taylor, Arnold |
Cambridge | Travel Stories | 11976 | 4.00 | Hall, Michael |
Choose Mexico for retirement | Travel Stories | 11981 | 6.50 | Howells, John |
Flowering plants of the Galápagos | Travel Stories | 11982 | 5.50 | McMullen, Conley K. |
Pack It Up | Travel Stories | 11984 | 4.50 | McAlpin, Anne |
Travel Smart Northern California | Travel Stories | 11986 | 5.50 | Otteson, Paul |
The Black Forest | Travel Stories | 11994 | 3.50 | Ott, Joachim |
Watching Birds | Guides | 12002 | 4.50 | Pasquier, Roger F. |
Adopting the racing greyhound | Animal | 12010 | 5.50 | Branigan, Cynthia A. |
Good owners, great dogs | Animal | 12011 | 7.50 | Kilcommons, Brian |
The Best of Dogs for the Deaf | Animal | 12012 | 5.50 | Paul, Marion |
You & your pet bird | Animal | 12018 | 6.50 | Alderton, David |
Turtles and Tortoises | Animal | 12019 | 4.50 | Bartlett, Richard |
The Everything Bird Book | Guides | 12021 | 6.00 | D'Elgin, Tersha |
Through Animals Eyes | Animal | 12022 | 4.00 | Dickey, R. M. |
The lizard king | Animal | 12023 | 5.50 | Christy, Bryan |
Homer's odyssey | Animal | 12025 | 6.50 | Cooper, Gwen |
The Everything Puppy Book: Choosing, Raising, and Training Your Littlest Best Friend | Animal | 12027 | 5.50 | Devito, Carlo |
The Complete Encyclopedia of Horses | Animal | 12032 | 6.50 | Hermsen, Josee |
Bark | Animal | 12035 | 5.50 | Cook, Ferris |
The social lives of dogs | Animal | 12041 | 5.50 | Thomas, Elizabeth Marshall |
I Just Got A Puppy, What Do I Do? | Animal | 12044 | 5.50 | Siegal, Mordecai |
The tribe of tiger | Animal | 12046 | 7.50 | Thomas, Elizabeth Marshall |
Wild Harmonies | Animal | 12050 | 5.50 | Grimaud, Helene |
To dance with the white dog | Animal | 12054 | 2.50 | Kay, Terry |
Spoken in whispers | Animal | 12069 | 5.50 | Mackay, Nicci |
All things wise and wonderful | Animal | 12080 | 3.50 | Herriot, James |
Practical western training | Animal | 12081 | 5.50 | Jones, Dave |
Dressage With Kyra | Animal | 12086 | 8.50 | Kyrklund, Kyra |
Golden retrievers | Animal | 12088 | 5.00 | Walsh, James E. |
The Labrador retriever | Animal | 12089 | 5.00 | Weiss-Agresta, Lisa |
How Animals Have Sex | Animal | 12090 | 4.50 | Strorm, David |
Care of the competition horse | Animal | 12094 | 8.50 | Pilliner, Sarah |
The Greatest Miracle in the World | Business | 12098 | 3.50 | Mandino, Og |
Yes Lives in the Land of NO: A Tale of Triumph Over Negativity | Business | 12102 | 5.50 | Gallagher, B. J. |
The World's Easiest Guide to Finances | Business | 12108 | 8.50 | Burkett, Larry |
Leadership is an art | Business | 12109 | 5.50 | De Pree, Max |
Mission: Success! | Business | 12110 | 1.75 | Mandino, Og |
The Power of Positive Living | Business | 12114 | 4.50 | Peale, Norman Vincent |
Jim Cramer's Stay Mad for Life: Get Rich, Stay Rich | Business | 12115 | 6.50 | Cramer, James J. |
The truth about money | Business | 12117 | 6.50 | Edelman, Ric |
Big Things Happen When You Do the Little Things Right | Business | 12119 | 5.50 | Gabor, Don |
August Celebration | Business | 12120 | 3.50 | Grover, Linda |
If my career's on the fast track, where do I get a road map? | Business | 12123 | 7.50 | Fisher, Anne |
Fooled by Randomness | Business | 12124 | 5.50 | Taleb, Nassim Nicholas |
Crash proof | Business | 12125 | 8.50 | Schiff, Peter D. |
The accidental salesperson | Business | 12126 | 5.50 | Lytle, Chris |
Jesus, CEO | Business | 12128 | 5.50 | Jones, Laurie Beth |
Do it! | Business | 12131 | 6.50 | John-Roger |
The Way of Conflict | Business | 12132 | 6.50 | Combs, Deidre |
The confidence course | Business | 12134 | 4.00 | Anderson, Walter |
Rule #1: The Simple Strategy for Succesful Investing in Only 15 Minutes a Week! | Business | 12136 | 6.00 | Town, Phil |
Honoring Diverse Teaching Styles | Business | 12142 | 3.50 | Pajak, Edward |
Building leadership capacity in schools | Business | 12143 | 3.50 | Lambert, Linda |
How to Start a Faux Painting or Mural Business | Business | 12144 | 6.50 | Pittman, Rebecca |
The Career Guide for Creative and Unconventional People | Business | 12151 | 5.50 | Eikleberry, Carol |
Thunder in the sky | Business | 12152 | 5.00 | Cleary, Thomas |
The Republic of Tea | Business | 12155 | 8.50 | Ziegler, Mel |
The Forbidden 50 | Business | 12157 | 6.50 | Bottom Line Publishing |
The Green Millionaire | Business | 12158 | 5.50 | Williams, Nigel J. |
The Everything Home-Based Business Book: Everything You Need to Know to Start and Run a Successful Home-Based Business | Business | 12159 | 6.50 | Savage, Jack |
The 150 Most Profitable Home Businesses For Women | Business | 12161 | 4.50 | Jones, Katina Z. |
203 Home Based Businesses | Business | 12162 | 6.50 | Hicks, Tyler G. |
At the crest of the tidal wave | Business | 12163 | 5.50 | Prechter Jr, Robert R. |
Get Clark smart | Business | 12168 | 6.00 | Howard, Clark |
The 9 Steps to Financial Freedom | Business | 12170 | 6.50 | Orman, Suze |
The Everything Job Interview Book | Business | 12171 | 5.50 | Adams, Bob |
Strengths finder 2. 0 | Business | 12173 | 8.50 | Rath, Tom |
Training Camp | Business | 12174 | 6.50 | Gordon, Jon |
How to retire early & live well with less than million dollars | Business | 12176 | 7.50 | Edmunds, Gillette |
Way of the turtle | Business | 12177 | 5.50 | Faith, Curtis M. |
7 Money Rules for Life® | Business | 12179 | 8.00 | Hunt, Mary |
Can I Pay My Credit Card Bill with a Credit Card? | Business | 12180 | 7.00 | Hunt, Mary |
Business mathematics | Business | 12183 | 6.50 | Miller, Charles D. |
Shadowkeep | Science Fiction | 12201 | 3.00 | Foster, Alan Dean |
Nicole Brown Simpson | True Crime | 12248 | 5.50 | Resnick, Faye |
The Bishop in the West Wing | General Fiction | 12249 | 3.50 | Greeley, Andrew M. |
The pearl of Kuwait | General Fiction | 12252 | 6.50 | Paine, Tom |
David the Warrior King | Christian Fiction | 12263 | 6.50 | Ferreira, David J. |
Sisterchicks: Down Under | General Fiction | 12268 | 6.50 | Gunn, Robin Jones |
Make the connection | Sports | 12270 | 5.50 | Greene, Bob |
The man who walked through walls | Mystery | 12273 | 5.50 | Swain, James |
Chaining the Lady: Cluster Book 2 | Science Fiction | 12279 | 2.50 | Anthony, Piers |
Kirlian Quest: Cluster Book 3 | Science Fiction | 12280 | 2.50 | Anthony, Piers |
Mack Bolan - Resurrection day | Thriller | 12285 | 2.50 | Pendleton, Don |
Bio of a space tyrant vol.2: Mercenary | Science Fiction | 12287 | 2.50 | Anthony, Piers |
Privateers | Science Fiction | 12288 | 2.50 | Bova, Ben |
House of sand and fog | General Fiction | 12323 | 6.50 | Dubus, Andre |
Girl with a pearl earring | General Fiction | 12326 | 7.50 | Chevalier, Tracy |
Before You Know Kindness | General Fiction | 12332 | 6.50 | Bohjalian, Chris |
Qué se puede esperar cuando se está esperando | Foreign Language | 12349 | 6.50 | Eisenherg, Arlene |
Protege Mi Sueño | Foreign Language | 12353 | 4.50 | Spanish, Language |
Great American houses and gardens | Art | 12354 | 8.50 | Fischer, Chuck |
Translations from the Chinese | Foreign Language | 12359 | 7.50 | Waley, Arthur |
NTC's new college French and English dictionary | Foreign Language | 12376 | 9.50 | French/English, Language |
Random House Basic Dictionary French | Foreign Language | 12386 | 2.00 | Langbaum, Francesca |
France Frankreich | Foreign Language | 12395 | 4.50 | French, Language |
The Servant of Two Masters | Drama and Plays | 12399 | 4.50 | Goldoni, Carlo |
Four plays | Drama and Plays | 12401 | 2.50 | Gurney, A. R. |
The drunken driver has the right of way | Drama and Plays | 12402 | 5.50 | Coen, Ethan |
Beckett | Drama and Plays | 12404 | 2.50 | Anouilh, Jean |
A Delicate Balance | Drama and Plays | 12407 | 2.00 | Albee, Edward |
Sir Gawin and the Green Knight | Drama and Plays | 12408 | 3.50 | PLAY |
The lais of Marie de France | Drama and Plays | 12413 | 3.50 | Burgess, Glyn S. |
The night Thoreau spent in jail | Drama and Plays | 12414 | 5.50 | Lawrence, Jerome |
Bus stop | Drama and Plays | 12415 | 2.50 | Inge, William |
The Romance of the Western Chamber | Drama and Plays | 12416 | 2.50 | Hasuing, S. I. |
The Judas kiss | Drama and Plays | 12419 | 4.50 | Hare, David |
Everyman, and medieval miracle plays | Drama and Plays | 12420 | 3.00 | Cawley, A. C. |
Eight great tragedies | Drama and Plays | 12421 | 5.50 | Barnet, Sylvan |
Light fantastic | Drama and Plays | 12424 | 7.50 | Lahr, John |
William Shakespeare's Macbeth | Drama and Plays | 12425 | 3.50 | Page, Philip |
Arms and the man | Drama and Plays | 12426 | 1.50 | Shaw, Bernard |
The Emperor Jones | Drama and Plays | 12427 | 3.50 | O'Neill, Eugene |
Henry IV, Part I | Drama and Plays | 12432 | 2.50 | Shakespeare, William |
Julius Caesar | Drama and Plays | 12435 | 1.50 | Shakespeare, William |
The age of Shakespeare | Drama and Plays | 12438 | 5.50 | Laroque, François |
America on Stage | Drama and Plays | 12441 | 5.50 | Richards, Stanley |
Othello | Drama and Plays | 12448 | 3.50 | Shakespeare, William |
Measure for measure | Drama and Plays | 12451 | 2.50 | Shakespeare, William |
Richard III | Drama and Plays | 12459 | 2.00 | Shakespeare, William |
The Complete Works of Shakespeare 2 | Drama and Plays | 12460 | 8.50 | Shakespeare, William |
Modern drama | Drama and Plays | 12463 | 6.50 | Worthen, W. B. |
Sophocles | Drama and Plays | 12468 | 2.50 | Grene, David |
Same time, next year | Drama and Plays | 12469 | 2.50 | Slade, Bernard |
Shorter Plays of Bernard Shaw | Drama and Plays | 12472 | 2.50 | Shaw, Bernard |
One Act Plays | Drama and Plays | 12473 | 1.50 | Shaw, Bernard |
Major Barbara | Drama and Plays | 12475 | 2.50 | Shaw, Bernard |
Oedipus the King, and Antigone | Drama and Plays | 12477 | 2.50 | Sophocles |
A Step from Heaven | Drama and Plays | 12480 | 4.00 | Na, An |
Scarlet music | Christian Fiction | 12481 | 6.50 | Ohanneson, Joan |
Chicago | Drama and Plays | 12482 | 6.50 | Watkins, Maurine |
The Constant wife | Drama and Plays | 12485 | 3.00 | Summerset, W. |
The long Christmas dinner | Drama and Plays | 12487 | 1.50 | Wilder, Thornton |
Ploughshares | Short Stories | 12492 | 2.50 | Young, Al |
Busted Scotch | Short Stories | 12495 | 5.50 | Kelman, James |
Lions, Hearts Leaping Does | Short Stories | 12497 | 4.00 | Powers, J. F. |
Where I'm calling from | Short Stories | 12502 | 6.00 | Carver, Raymond |
The Mammoth Book of Private Eye Stories | Short Stories | 12503 | 6.50 | Pronzini, Bill |
One good road is enough | Short Stories | 12506 | 5.50 | Waller, Robert James |
Musik Aus Afrika | Music | 12516 | 3.50 | Petri, Hasso G. |
Bits and Pieces | Music | 12522 | 2.00 | Poe, John Robert |
Elvis: Films and Career | Music | 12526 | 7.50 | Zmijewsky, Boris and Steven |
Elvis!: An Illustrated Guide to New and Vintage Collectibles | Biography | 12529 | 7.50 | Templeton, Steve |
Bush studies | Poems | 12531 | 4.50 | Baynton, Barbara |
Love | Poems | 12532 | 5.50 | Modern Library Publishers |
The swordfish tooth | Poems | 12538 | 3.50 | Zarin, Cynthia |
A boy's will; and North of Boston | Poems | 12540 | 1.00 | Frost, Robert |
Robinson Jeffers: Selected poems | Poems | 12543 | 3.50 | Jeffers, Robinson |
Selected poetry | Poems | 12546 | 4.50 | Pope, Alexander |
Robinson Jeffers | Poems | 12549 | 3.50 | Karman, James |
Grandparents are special | Poems | 12550 | 4.50 | Mead, Lucy |
Are you experienced ? | Poems | 12556 | 6.50 | Gemin, Pamela |
Dove Feathers | Poems | 12564 | 3.50 | McLeod, H. W. |
Art as Therapy for You | Art | 12565 | 3.50 | Keyes, Margaret Frings |
The photographer's sourcebook | Art | 12570 | 6.50 | Hedgecoe, John |
Claude Monet | Art | 12579 | 5.50 | Tobien, Felicitas |
Metropolis | Home School | 12580 | 6.50 | Lorenz, Albert |
Renaissance | Art | 12589 | 4.50 | Brauchitsch, Boris Von |
The Life and Works of Leonardo Da Vinci: < | Art | 12591 | 5.50 | Doeser, Linda |
Getting Started in Oils | Art | 12595 | 7.50 | Bagnall, Brian |
Stenciling made easy | Crafts | 12602 | 4.50 | Shipman, Wanda |
Step-by-step decorative painting | Do It Yourself | 12603 | 6.50 | Knott, Peter and Paula |
Applique' | Crafts | 12606 | 2.50 | BetterHomesGardens |
Decorating with candles | Crafts | 12607 | 6.50 | Ricapito, Maria |
The Beadecked Ornament | Crafts | 12610 | 5.50 | Jansen, Laura |
Quilt Makers Guide | Crafts | 12623 | 4.50 | Menaugh, Karla |
I Can't Believe I'm Quilting | Crafts | 12626 | 2.50 | Sloan, Pat |
Middlesex | General Fiction | 12638 | 5.50 | Eugenides, Jeffrey |
The Secret River | General Fiction | 12664 | 6.50 | Grenville, Kate |
Introducing Japan | Travel Stories | 12668 | 6.50 | Richie, Donald |
House selling for dummies | Reference | 12675 | 5.50 | Tyson, Eric |
Home buying for dummies | Reference | 12676 | 6.50 | Tyson, Eric |
Exchange-Traded Funds For Dummiesʾ | Reference | 12677 | 5.50 | Wild, Russell |
Cruise Vacations For Dummies ® 2005 | Reference | 12679 | 5.50 | Golden, Fran Wenograd |
The Great American Bathroom Book, Volume 2 | Reference | 12685 | 7.50 | Anderson, Stevens W. |
Uncle John's Great Big Bathroom Reader | Reference | 12686 | 6.50 | BathroomReaders |
Feng shui fusion | Do It Yourself | 12689 | 5.00 | Butler-Biggs, Jane |
Interior design with feng shui | Do It Yourself | 12693 | 6.50 | Rossbach, Sarah |
The New our bodies, ourselves | Reference | 12697 | 9.50 | The Boston Women's Health Book Collective |
Last Wills Made E-Z | Reference | 12707 | 5.50 | E-Z Legal Forms Inc. |
DK encyclopedia of healing therapies | Reference | 12709 | 10.00 | Woodham, Anne |
Flash CS3 professional advanced for Windows and Macintosh | Reference | 12720 | 7.50 | Chun, Russell |
The World Book medical encyclopedia | Reference | 12723 | 10.00 | World Book |
Reader's Digest book of facts | Reference | 12729 | 5.50 | Harvey, Edmund H. |
The Book of Powerful Secrets | Philosophy | 12735 | 4.50 | American Publishing |
Writing as Reflective Action | Reference | 12738 | 6.50 | Carter, Duncan |
Goodlife: Mastering the Art of Everyday Living | Philosophy | 12739 | 5.50 | Cordes, Helen |
Signing Naturally: Student Videotext and Workbook Level 1 | Reference | 12741 | 5.50 | Smith, Cheri |
Signing Naturally: Student Videotext and Workbook Level 1 | Reference | 12742 | 5.50 | Smith, Cheri |
Everything has its price | Reference | 12746 | 4.50 | Donley, Richard E. |
The Postal Service Guide to US Stamps | Reference | 12748 | 4.50 | Gibbons, Stanley |
Pronunciation exercises in English | Reference | 12749 | 2.50 | Clarey, M. Elizabeth |
Cliffs Notes on: Divine Comedy The Inferno | Reference | 12758 | 2.50 | Dante |
Cliffs Notes on: Brave New World | Reference | 12760 | 2.50 | Huxley |
Cliffs Notes on: As you like it | Reference | 12761 | 2.50 | Shakespeare, William |
Cliffs Notes on: All quiet on the western front | Reference | 12762 | 2.50 | Remarque, Erich Maria |
Mary Ellen's guide to good enough housekeeping | Health | 12766 | 5.50 | Pinkham, Mary Ellen |
Cliffs Notes on: Heart of Darkness and Secret Sharer | Reference | 12770 | 2.50 | Conrad |
Cliffs Notes on: Hamlet | Reference | 12771 | 2.50 | Shakespeare, William |
Cliffs Notes on: Hamlet | Reference | 12772 | 2.50 | Shakespeare, William |
Cliffs Notes on: The grapes of wrath | Reference | 12774 | 2.50 | Steinbeck, John |
Cliffs Notes on: The Emperor Jones, The Hairy ape & Mourning becomes electra | Reference | 12778 | 2.50 | O'Neill |
Cliffs Notes on: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde | Reference | 12779 | 2.50 | Stevenson |
Cliffs Notes on: Divine comedy Paradiso | Reference | 12780 | 2.50 | Dante |
Cliffs Notes on: Portrait of the artist as a young man | Reference | 12782 | 2.50 | Joyce |
Cliffs Notes on: Our town | Reference | 12786 | 2.50 | Wilder |
Cliffs Notes on: King Oedipus, Oedipus at Colonus, & Antigone | Reference | 12787 | 2.50 | Sophocles |
Cliffs Notes on: I know why the caged bird sings | Reference | 12790 | 2.50 | Angelou, Maya |
Cliffs Notes on: Uncle Tom's Cabin | Reference | 12798 | 2.50 | Stowe |
Cliffs Notes on: To kill a mocking bird | Reference | 12799 | 2.50 | Lee |
Cliffs Notes on: A Separate Peace | Reference | 12803 | 2.50 | Knowle |
Cliffs Notes on: A separate peace | Reference | 12804 | 2.50 | Knowle |
Mr. Scott's Guide to the Enterprise | Reference | 12814 | 5.50 | Johnson, Shane |
Fundamentals of Poker | Reference | 12820 | 3.00 | Malmuth, Mason |
Beat the House Companion | Reference | 12821 | 5.50 | Cardoza, Avery |
Winning backgammon | Reference | 12830 | 2.00 | Lawrence, Michael S. |
Thrifty Gambling | Reference | 12834 | 5.50 | Brokopp, John G. |
Leighton Rees on Darts | Reference | 12835 | 3.00 | Lanning, Dave |
Beat the dealer | Reference | 12836 | 3.50 | Thorp, Edward O. |
Turning the tables on Las Vegas | Reference | 12837 | 1.50 | Andersen, Ian |
Merriam-Webster's elementary dictionary | Reference | 12842 | 7.00 | Merriam-Webster |
The American Medical Association family medical guide | Reference | 12844 | 7.50 | Kunz, Jeffrey R. M. |
The Book of Secrets | Reference | 12848 | 5.00 | Buhagiar, Marion |
Webster's New World crossword puzzle dictionary | Reference | 12849 | 6.00 | Whitfield, Jane Shaw |
The artful universe | Science | 12869 | 8.50 | Barrow, John D. |
Ring of Fire | Biography | 12872 | 4.50 | Mansfield, Brian |
America's Queen | Biography | 12874 | 6.00 | Bradford, Sarah |
Barbara Bush: A Memoir | Biography | 12875 | 5.50 | Bush, Barbara |
Gonna do great things | Biography | 12883 | 6.50 | Fishgall, Gary |
One brief shining moment | Biography | 12899 | 7.50 | Manchester, William |
Abraham Lincoln | Biography | 12900 | 6.50 | Eliot, Alexander |
Papa Hemingway | Biography | 12902 | 5.50 | Hotchner, A. E. |
Citizen Hearst | Biography | 12909 | 4.00 | Swanberg, W. A. |
Murder List | Mystery | 4510 | 4.00 | Garwood, Julie |
The Persian boy | Historic Fiction | 12919 | 5.50 | Renault, Mary |
Ancestral passions | Biography | 12925 | 7.50 | Morell, Virginia |
Jackie O | Biography | 12926 | 3.50 | Watney, Hedda Lyons |
The Man in the White Sharkskin Suit | Biography | 12927 | 6.50 | Lagnado, Lucette |
A question of character | Biography | 12929 | 5.50 | Reeves, Thomas C. |
Rose: The Life and Times of Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy: Rose | Biography | 12930 | 3.50 | Higham, Charles |
A Woman Named Jackie | Biography | 12931 | 6.50 | Heymann, C. David |
The radical lives of Helen Keller | Biography | 12932 | 5.50 | Nielsen, Kim E. |
Sage-ing While Age-ing | Biography | 12939 | 6.50 | MacLaine, Shirley |
I'm Over All That | Biography | 12941 | 7.50 | MacLaine, Shirley |
It's all in the playing | Biography | 12942 | 2.50 | MacLaine, Shirley |
Dont Fall Off the Mountain | Biography | 12943 | 3.00 | MacLaine, Shirley |
The Norman Maclean reader | Biography | 12944 | 6.50 | Weltzien, O. Alan |
Jack London and his daughters | Classic Novels | 12945 | 4.50 | London, Joan |
Miss Gladys and the Edgar Cayce legacy | Biography | 12948 | 5.50 | Carter, Mary Ellen |
Michelangelo & the Pope's ceiling | Biography | 12949 | 6.50 | King, Ross |
Memoirs of a Minotaur | Biography | 12950 | 5.00 | Magowan, Robin |
Tim O'Reilly in a Nutshell | Biography | 12953 | 5.00 | O'Reilly, Tim |
Change we can believe in | Political | 12954 | 6.50 | Obama, Barack |
Nicholas and Alexandra | Biography | 12957 | 3.50 | Massie, Robert K. |
Marilyn | Biography | 12960 | 3.00 | Steinem, Gloria |
The lives of Danielle Steel | Biography | 12964 | 3.00 | Bane, Vickie L. |
Dear Bertrand Russell | Biography | 12966 | 3.50 | Feinberg, Barry |
The Downing Street years | Biography | 12979 | 6.00 | Thatcher, Margaret |
Gertrude and Alice | Biography | 12981 | 6.50 | Souhami, Diana |
Rosalyn Yalow: Nobel Laureate | Biography | 12989 | 6.50 | Straus, Eugene |
Walt Whitman | Biography | 12991 | 5.00 | Whitman, Walt |
Between You and Me | Biography | 12993 | 6.50 | Wallace, Mike |
Richard Wagner | Biography | 12995 | 6.50 | Gutman, Robert W. |
In His Steps: What Would Jesus Do? | Philosophy | 13003 | 2.50 | Sheldon, Charles |
Quotations to cheer you up when the world is getting you down | Philosophy | 13008 | 4.50 | Klein, Allen |
Instant Health and Happiness Boosters | Awakening | 13012 | 4.00 | Ryan, M. J |
Safe Passage | Philosophy | 13016 | 7.50 | Fumia, Molly |
Living Water | Religion | 13017 | 2.00 | Yun, Brother |
A Day with a Perfect Stranger | Christian Fiction | 13028 | 6.50 | Gregory, David |
Wisdom of the plain folk | Philosophy | 13030 | 5.50 | Leahy, Donna |
Lessons in Truth | Christian Fiction | 13032 | 2.50 | Kady, H. Emilie |
Anyway: The Paradoxical Commandments | Consciousness | 13042 | 7.50 | Keith, Kent M. |
Girls only! | Women | 13054 | 5.50 | Casey, Karen |
A Gift for God | Religion | 13055 | 4.50 | Teresa, Mother |
Chicken Soup for the teenage soul III | Christian Fiction | 13058 | 5.50 | Canfield, Jack |
Chocolate for a woman's heart | Christian Fiction | 13060 | 5.50 | Allenbaugh, Kay |
A 6th Bowl of Chicken Soup for the Soul | Christian Fiction | 13064 | 5.50 | Canfield, Jack |
A 4th Course of Chicken Soup for the Soul | Christian Fiction | 13065 | 5.50 | Canfield, Jack |
Chicken Soup for the Kid's Soul | Christian Fiction | 13073 | 5.50 | Canfield, Jack |
Gettin' old ain't for wimps | Humor | 13076 | 4.50 | O'Connor, Karen |
The Journey | Christian Fiction | 13084 | 6.00 | Hamilton, Adam |
E-Mail from God for Grads | Christian Fiction | 13085 | 4.00 | Cloninger, Claire |
The Quiet Heart | Christian Fiction | 13088 | 4.50 | Bacher, June Masters |
Waiting on Dad | Christian Fiction | 13089 | 3.50 | Bowman, Bill |
Genesis | Christian Fiction | 13092 | 5.50 | Abraham, Ken |
Courting trouble | Christian Fiction | 13093 | 6.50 | Gist, Deeanne |
First light | Christian Fiction | 13095 | 4.50 | Fickett, Harold |
A Most Inconvenient Death | Christian Fiction | 13097 | 4.50 | Crow, Donna Fletcher |
Born in the Year of Courage | Christian Fiction | 13098 | 4.00 | Crofford, Emily |
Serendipity New Testament | Religion | 13108 | 5.00 | Coleman, Lyman |
The Salt Garden | Christian Fiction | 13110 | 6.00 | Martinusen, Cindy |
A Talking Owl is Worth a Thousand Words | Christian Fiction | 13111 | 5.00 | Hicks, Esther |
The stones cry out | Christian Fiction | 13116 | 6.50 | Giorello, Sibella |
The Spear of Tyranny | Christian Fiction | 13118 | 5.50 | Jeffrey, Grant R. |
A Pillar By Day | Christian Fiction | 13127 | 5.50 | Courson, Jon |
The Revelation | Christian Fiction | 13131 | 5.50 | Lewis, Beverly |
The betrayal | Christian Fiction | 13133 | 5.50 | Lewis, Beverly |
The prodigal | Christian Fiction | 13135 | 6.50 | Lewis, Beverly |
The Longing | Christian Fiction | 13136 | 5.50 | Lewis, Beverly |
The brethren | Christian Fiction | 13140 | 6.50 | Lewis, Beverly |
The last battle | Young Adult | 13144 | 2.50 | Lewis, C. S. |
The horse and his boy | Young Adult | 13147 | 2.50 | Lewis, C. S. |
Bridge Called Hope | Christian Fiction | 13174 | 6.50 | Meeder, Kim |
Hope Rising | Christian Fiction | 13175 | 6.50 | Meeder, Kim |
Stories for the Heart | Christian Fiction | 13188 | 5.50 | Gray, Alice |
A Place in the Sun | Christian Fiction | 13227 | 4.50 | Phillips, Michael |
Stranger at Stonewycke | Christian Fiction | 13228 | 4.50 | Phillips, Michael |
Treasure of Stonewycke | Christian Fiction | 13230 | 4.50 | Phillips, Michael |
Jesus Loves the Little Children | Children | 13247 | 6.00 | Seymour, Sylvia |
The Story of Brother Francis | Christian Fiction | 13248 | 3.50 | Mayer-Skumanz, Lene |
After Jesus | Christian Fiction | 13250 | 7.50 | ReadersDigest |
Angels & Demons - Audio Book | Audio Books | 13265 | 15.00 | Brown, Dan |
The Snow Angel - Audio Book | Audio Books | 13266 | 15.00 | Beck, Glenn |
The Da Vinci Code - Audio Book | Audio Books | 13272 | 20.00 | Brown, Dan |
The Final Detail - Audio Book | Audio Books | 13274 | 15.00 | Coben, Harlan |
Dancing in the Dark - Audio Book | Audio Books | 13276 | 15.00 | Clark, Mary Jane |
Prey - Audio Book | Audio Books | 13289 | 12.00 | Crichton, Michael |
Havana - Audio Book | Audio Books | 13321 | 20.00 | Hunter, Stephen |
The Secret of Lost Things - Audio Book | Audio Books | 13326 | 15.00 | Hay, Sheridan |
A Lick of Frost - Audio Book | Audio Books | 13329 | 12.50 | Hamilton, Laurell K. |
Where Angels Go - Audio Book | Audio Books | 13362 | 15.00 | Macomber, Debbie |
Lethal Justice - Audio Book | Audio Books | 13378 | 15.00 | Michaels, Fern |
Mayflower - Audio Book | Audio Books | 13381 | 15.00 | Philbrick, Nathaniel |
Against Medical Advice - Audio Book | Audio Books | 13387 | 15.00 | Patterson, James |
Now & Then - Audio Book | Audio Books | 13389 | 15.00 | Parker, Robert B. |
Double Play - Audio Book | Audio Books | 13392 | 10.00 | Parker, Robert B. |
Vision in White - Audio Book | Audio Books | 13393 | 6.50 | Roberts, Nora |
Key of Light - Audio Book | Audio Books | 13394 | 10.00 | Roberts, Nora |
And the shofar blew - Audio Book | Audio Books | 13397 | 12.50 | Rivers, Francine |
The Threat - Audio Book | Audio Books | 13403 | 15.00 | Poyer, David |
Blue Shoes and Happiness - Audio Book | Audio Books | 13427 | 15.00 | Smith, Alexander McCall |
The Book of Mormon | Bible | 13442 | 5.00 | BIBLE |
The Pocket Bible Dictionary | Bible | 13444 | 2.50 | Jubilee Publishing |
The Simplicity Reader | Awakening | 13464 | 10.50 | St.James, Elaine |
Brother Ray - Audio Book | Audio Books | 13472 | 10.00 | Charles, Ray |
Hell on the border | Westerns | 13486 | 3.00 | Thompson, J. M. |
Babyville | General Fiction | 13495 | 6.00 | Green, Jane |
Memoirs of a geisha | General Fiction | 13497 | 6.50 | Golden, Arthur |
Riona | Christian Fiction | 13502 | 6.00 | Windsor, Linda |
Deirdre | Christian Fiction | 13504 | 6.00 | Windsor, Linda |
Nickel and dimed | Business | 13508 | 6.50 | Ehrenreich, Barbara |
The Big Fifty | Westerns | 13560 | 2.50 | Boggs, Johnny D. |
The Savage Curse | Westerns | 13561 | 3.00 | Sherman, Jory |
Savage Hellfire | Westerns | 13569 | 3.00 | Sherman, Jory |
The Healthy Heart Cookbook | Cookbooks | 13573 | 6.50 | Middleton, Helen |
The world atlas of wine | Cookbooks | 13578 | 6.50 | Johnson, Hugh |
Cookie Sensations | Cookbooks | 13581 | 6.50 | Mountford, Meaghan |
Winter | Cookbooks | 13582 | 5.50 | Weir, Joanne |
Fresh ways with pasta | Cookbooks | 13589 | 4.00 | Time-Life Books |
Lee Bailey's City food | Cookbooks | 13591 | 7.50 | Bailey, Lee |
Weight Watchers: Simply the best | Cookbooks | 13594 | 5.50 | WeightWatchersInternational |
Grilling for friends | Cookbooks | 13598 | 6.50 | Jamison, Cheryl and Bill |
Weight Watchers: Simply the best | Cookbooks | 13599 | 6.50 | WeightWatchersInternational |
Supermarket Super Products | Cookbooks | 13600 | 5.50 | Baker, Jerry |
Welcome to the Table | Cookbooks | 13601 | 6.50 | Scott-Goodman, Barbara |
Better Homes and Gardens Poultry | Cookbooks | 13607 | 6.00 | BH&G |
Better Homes and Gardens Chicken | Cookbooks | 13608 | 4.50 | BH&G |
The New American Cuisine | Cookbooks | 13610 | 6.00 | Olstein, Judi |
Secrets of fat-free cooking | Cookbooks | 13619 | 5.00 | Woodruff, Sandra |
500 things to eat before it's too late | Cookbooks | 13620 | 7.50 | Stern, Jane and Michael |
Tru: A Cookbook from the Legendary Chicago Restaurant | Cookbooks | 13628 | 6.50 | Tramonto, Rick |
In the kitchen with Rosie | Cookbooks | 13643 | 5.50 | Daley, Rosie |
Alpana pours | Cookbooks | 13658 | 4.00 | Singh, Alphana |
Home Landscaping | Gardening | 13664 | 10.00 | BetterHomesGardens |
To everything there is a season | Gardening | 13671 | 4.50 | Cruso, Thalassa |
Iron chef | Cookbooks | 13674 | 6.50 | Television, Fuji |
American gardens | Gardening | 13677 | 6.50 | Loewer, Peter |
Crockett's Victory Garden | Gardening | 13683 | 5.00 | Crockett, James Underwood |
Dream gardens | Gardening | 13685 | 5.50 | Russell, Vivian |
Traditional Garden Décor | Gardening | 13686 | 7.50 | Sommer, Robin Langley |
Basic car care | Reference | 13700 | 5.50 | Time-Life Books |
Small appliances | Do It Yourself | 13701 | 5.50 | Time-Life Books |
Major appliances | Do It Yourself | 13702 | 5.50 | Time-Life Books |
Walls, ceilings & woodwork | Do It Yourself | 13703 | 5.50 | Time-Life Books |
Home workshop techniques | Do It Yourself | 13705 | 5.50 | Time-Life Books |
How to build Shaker furniture | Do It Yourself | 13707 | 5.50 | Moser, Thomas |
Remodeling your bathroom | Do It Yourself | 13708 | 2.50 | Galvin, Patrick |
The well-built house | Do It Yourself | 13709 | 5.50 | Locke, Jim |
Ecologue | Do It Yourself | 13711 | 5.50 | Anderson, Bruce N. |
Cabinetry | Do It Yourself | 13712 | 9.50 | Yoder, Robert A. |
Style on a Budget | Do It Yourself | 13719 | 6.50 | BetterHomesGardens |
Fix it Fast | Do It Yourself | 13725 | 5.50 | Hamilton, Gene |
Remodeling your kitchen and building your own cabinets | Do It Yourself | 13726 | 2.50 | Habeeb, Virginia T. |
Girls Gone Mild | Women | 13733 | 6.50 | Shalit, Wendy |
Dry all night | Women | 13740 | 4.50 | Mack, Alison |
Family guide to natural medicine | Women | 13743 | 5.50 | ReadersDigest |
Never Marry a Woman with Big Feet | Women | 13746 | 7.50 | Schipper, Mineke |
Kid Cooperation | Psychology | 13748 | 5.50 | Pantley, Elizabeth |
When I am an old woman I shall wear purple | Women | 13751 | 5.00 | Martz, Sandra |
A whistling woman is up to no good | Women | 13752 | 5.50 | King, Laurel |
A history of women in the West | Women | 13753 | 9.50 | Duby, Georges |
The shelter of each other | Women | 13755 | 5.50 | Pipher, Mary |
Another Country | Women | 13756 | 5.50 | Pipher, Mary Bray |
Devotions for a new mother | Women | 13757 | 4.00 | Tengbom, Mildred |
The colors of learning | Women | 13764 | 5.50 | Althouse, Rosemary |
Intimate matters | Women | 13766 | 6.50 | D'Emilio, John |
Mother warriors | Women | 13767 | 6.50 | McCarthy, Jenny |
Reasonable creatures | Women | 13768 | 5.50 | Pollitt, Katha |
French Women Don't Get Fat | Cookbooks | 13770 | 7.50 | Guiliano, Mireille |
Smart discipline® | Philosophy | 13771 | 5.50 | Koenig, Larry J. |
Soul trek | Women | 13776 | 6.50 | Hallett, Elisabeth |
A year by the sea | Women | 13778 | 6.50 | Anderson, Joan |
Spontaneous Healing | Women | 13785 | 6.50 | Weil, Andrew |
Raising adopted children | Psychology | 13786 | 5.00 | Melina, Lois Ruskai |
Getting to Dry | Women | 13789 | 5.50 | Maizels, Max |
Women's Choices In Natural Healing | Women | 13792 | 6.50 | O'Donnell, Barbara |
Women's bodies, women's wisdom | Women | 13793 | 7.50 | Northrup, Christiane |
Half the Sky | Women | 13794 | 6.00 | Kristof, Nicholas D. |
Crib Notes | Women | 13795 | 5.50 | Maniatis, Amy |
Woman spirit | Women | 13796 | 2.50 | Iglehart, Hallie |
Smart medicine for a healthier child | Women | 13802 | 5.50 | Zand, Janet |
The Eco Chick guide to life | Health | 13807 | 6.50 | Vartan, Starre |
Beyond prozac | Health | 13819 | 4.50 | Norden, Michael J. |
The Great Bird Flu Hoax | Health | 13820 | 5.50 | Mercola, Joseph |
100 Simple secrets of healthy people | Health | 13821 | 5.50 | Niven, David |
Beating Cancer | Health | 13823 | 5.00 | Contreras, Francisco |
Tell Me What to Eat Before, During, and After Cancer Treatment | Health | 13824 | 4.00 | Weinstein, Jodi Buckman |
Fighting Cancer with Knowledge and Hope | Health | 13825 | 4.00 | Frank, Richard C. |
A Minnesota doctor's home remedies for common and uncommon ailments | Health | 13826 | 5.50 | Eichenlaub, John E. |
Women in white | Health | 13827 | 3.00 | Marks, Geoffrey |
The Omega diet | Health | 13831 | 6.50 | Simopoulos, Artemis P. |
Divine Healing Hands | Health | 13841 | 5.50 | Sha, Zhi Gang |
You, on a diet | Health | 13843 | 7.50 | Roizen, Michael F. |
The Dieter's Prayer Book | Health | 13845 | 4.50 | Kopp, Heather |
Take care of yourself | Health | 13847 | 6.50 | Vickery, Donald M. |
You staying young | Health | 13851 | 6.50 | Oz, Mehmet C. |
Death by diet | Health | 13852 | 7.50 | Barefoot, Robert R. |
Hunger Free Forever | Health | 13853 | 7.50 | Murray, Michael T. |
Bottom Line's Power Aging | Health | 13857 | 7.50 | Null, Gary |
How to Fight Cancer & Win | Health | 13858 | 5.50 | Fischer, William L |
Listening to Prozac | Health | 13859 | 7.50 | Kramer, Peter D. |
The New Glucose Revolution | Health | 13865 | 6.50 | Brand-Miller, Jennie |
Low-fat living | Health | 13868 | 6.50 | Cooper, Robert K. |
The only diet there is | Health | 13870 | 5.50 | Ray, Sondra |
The omega-3 connection | Health | 13872 | 5.50 | Stoll, Andrew L. |
Way of the Winding Path | Awakening | 13875 | 6.50 | Hogan, Eve Eschner |
Your Inner Physician and You | Awakening | 13878 | 7.50 | Upledger, John E. |
Open mind, open heart | Awakening | 13879 | 6.50 | Keating, Thomas |
Journeys of simplicity | Awakening | 13880 | 6.50 | Harnden, Philip |
Seven Hermetic Letters | Awakening | 13889 | 6.50 | Lomer, Georg |
A Higher Standard of Leadership | Awakening | 13895 | 6.50 | Nair, Keshavan |
Voices from the heart | Awakening | 13896 | 7.50 | Shapiro, Eddie and Debbie |
Storycatcher - Audio Book | Awakening | 13897 | 5.50 | Baldwin, Christina |
Life's companion - Audio Book | Awakening | 13902 | 6.50 | Baldwin, Christina |
Quest | Awakening | 13903 | 5.50 | Linn, Denise |
Journey of the Heart | Awakening | 13915 | 5.50 | Welwood, John |
Finding your work, loving your life | Awakening | 13923 | 5.50 | Hucknall, Nanette V. |
Super crunchers - Audio Book | Awakening | 13924 | 5.50 | Ayres, Ian |
A Self-Potrait | Awakening | 13928 | 5.50 | Gibran, Kahlil |
The tao of the loving couple | Awakening | 13933 | 4.50 | Chang, Jolan |
Epicurean simplicity | Awakening | 13949 | 6.50 | Mills, Stephanie |
The hero within | Awakening | 13952 | 4.50 | Pearson, Carol S. |
When the Soul Listens | Awakening | 13954 | 6.00 | Johnson, Jan |
Anyway | Awakening | 13955 | 5.50 | Keith, Kent M. |
The Secret of the Ages | Awakening | 13956 | 5.00 | Collie, Robert |
The Stories we hold secret | Awakening | 13959 | 6.50 | Bruchac, Carol |
Da Vinci decoded | Awakening | 13966 | 7.50 | Gelb, Michael J. |
Simple Truths | Awakening | 13969 | 5.50 | Nerburn, Kent |
Do One Nice Thing | Awakening | 13972 | 5.50 | Tenzer, Debbie |
In the footsteps of Gandhi | Eastern Religion | 13974 | 5.50 | Ingram, Catherine |
Journey Without Distance | Awakening | 13975 | 4.00 | Skutch, Robert |
Modern Religious Though | Awakening | 13980 | 7.50 | Pelikan, Jaroslav |
Love and the world | Consciousness | 13993 | 6.50 | Sardello, Robert |
The Ripple Effect: Our Harvest | Consciousness | 13996 | 5.50 | Eadie, Betty J. |
Wishful thinking | Consciousness | 13998 | 5.50 | Buechner, Frederick |
Katsugen: The Gentle Art of Well-Being | Consciousness | 13999 | 5.00 | Omura, Richard |
Path without destination | Consciousness | 14000 | 6.50 | Kumar, Satish |
Hermits | Consciousness | 14002 | 6.50 | France, Peter |
The new consciousness in science and religion | Consciousness | 14018 | 3.50 | Schilling, Harold K. |
The pathwork of self-transformation | Consciousness | 14024 | 5.00 | Pierrakos, Eva |
The two Marys | Consciousness | 14042 | 10.00 | Browne, Sylvia |
The Not So Big Life | Consciousness | 14050 | 5.50 | Susanka, Sarah |
The Dark Side of the Light Chasers | Consciousness | 14051 | 6.50 | Ford, Debbie |
Soul Connection | Consciousness | 14053 | 5.50 | Hughes, Ann H. |
Labyrinth Walking | Consciousness | 14054 | 5.00 | Telesco, Patricia |
Big George | Consciousness | 14056 | 4.50 | George, Big |
The Case for Heaven | Other Side | 14059 | 6.00 | Cox-Chapman, Mally |
The Radiant Kingdom | Consciousness | 14062 | 4.50 | Macwhinnie, Ian |
Restoration and Revelations | Consciousness | 14063 | 6.50 | Jones, Bryan |
Giving birth to God | Consciousness | 14064 | 6.50 | Watts, Clare |
Inneractions | Consciousness | 14071 | 4.50 | Paul, Stephen C. |
Portrait of the Master | New Age | 14072 | 7.50 | Twyman, James F. |
God | Consciousness | 14074 | 6.50 | Miles, Jack |
Four spiritualities | Consciousness | 14083 | 7.50 | Richardson, Peter Tufts |
The poets of the powers | Consciousness | 14085 | 6.50 | Zvelebil, Zvelebil V. |
Gathering power through insight and love | Consciousness | 14086 | 4.00 | Keyes, Ken |
Summer for the gods | Consciousness | 14091 | 5.50 | Larson, Edward J. |
A man named Dave | Psychology | 14096 | 5.50 | Pelzer, Dave |
Ethnicity and family therapy | Philosophy | 14099 | 6.50 | McGoldrick, Monica |
A kick in the seat of the pants | Philosophy | 14100 | 5.50 | Oech, Roger von |
PlanetHood | Philosophy | 14101 | 2.00 | Keyes, Ken |
Without a map | Philosophy | 14106 | 5.00 | Hall, Meredith |
No more letting go | Philosophy | 14111 | 6.50 | Jay, Debra |
The Man in the Mirror | Philosophy | 14112 | 3.00 | Morley, Patrick |
Handbook of adolescents and family therapy | Philosophy | 14116 | 6.50 | Mirkin, Marsha Pravder |
Nine Critical Mistakes Most Couples Make | Philosophy | 14121 | 4.50 | Hawkins, David |
Teach Me How to Love You | Philosophy | 14122 | 4.50 | Weeks, Thomas |
The Ten Commandments of Marriage | Philosophy | 14123 | 5.50 | Young, Ed |
Staying together | Philosophy | 14124 | 5.00 | Glasser, William |
The third chapter | Philosophy | 14138 | 6.00 | Lawrence-Lightfoot, Sara |
Who knows? | Philosophy | 14144 | 5.50 | Smullyan, Raymond M. |
The new Buddhism | Philosophy | 14147 | 7.50 | Coleman, James William |
The Selfish Pig's Guide to Caring | Philosophy | 14154 | 5.50 | Marriott, Hugh |
The Perfect Gift of Quiet Celebration - Be Calm | Philosophy | 14155 | 3.50 | Seal, Daisy |
Sexual personae | Philosophy | 14163 | 6.50 | Paglia, Camille |
On knowing | Psychology | 14171 | 4.50 | Bruner, Jerome S. |
A child called "it" | Psychology | 14173 | 5.00 | Pelzer, Dave |
The privilege of youth | Psychology | 14174 | 6.50 | Pelzer, Dave |
Eleutherios | Psychology | 14179 | 3.50 | Avatar, Ruchira |
Aristotle for everybody | Psychology | 14180 | 4.50 | Adler, Mortimer J. |
Control theory in the classroom | Psychology | 14188 | 3.00 | Glasser, William |
Invisible Miracles | Psychology | 14189 | 7.50 | Wentz, Dr. Myron |
Discovering the secrets of happiness | Astrology | 14194 | 4.00 | Keyes, Ken |
Magi Astrology | Astrology | 14195 | 7.50 | Magi Society |
Lazaris Interviews Book I | Psychology | 14198 | 5.00 | Lazaris |
Lazaris Interviews Book II | Psychology | 14199 | 5.00 | Lazaris |
Sense Relaxation | Psychology | 14201 | 3.50 | Gunther, Bernard |
The Mentalist's Handbook | Misc. Occult | 14226 | 8.00 | Marsh, Clint |
A Whack on the side of the head | Humor | 14228 | 4.50 | Oech, Roger von |
The first 28 years of Monty Python | Humor | 14235 | 8.50 | Johnson, Kim Howard |
Becoming orgasmic | Psychology | 14243 | 5.50 | Heiman, Julia R. |
Look! It's Jesus! | Religion | 14261 | 6.50 | Choron, Harry |
Roadside Elvis | Humor | 14268 | 4.50 | Barth, Jack |
Age and Guile Beat Youth, Innocence, and a Bad Haircut | Humor | 14273 | 5.50 | O'Rourke, P. J. |
All the trouble in the world | Humor | 14274 | 5.50 | OʾRourke, P. J. |
A Treasure of Mark Twain | Classic Novels | 14279 | 3.50 | Twain, Mark |
No Shit! There I Was | Humor | 14281 | 5.50 | Hodgson, Michael |
Clueless George Goes to War | Humor | 14287 | 4.00 | Bagley, Pat |
The million dollar putt | Humor | 14298 | 5.00 | Gutman, Dan |
Me | Humor | 14301 | 4.50 | Valente, Jimmy |
Typo- Bloopers Hilarious MistEAks in Print | Humor | 14310 | 2.50 | Schafer, Kermit |
A Portrait of Yo Mama as a Young Man | Humor | 14316 | 5.50 | Barlow, Andrew |
Humor For A Friend's Heart | Humor | 14318 | 5.50 | MacDonald, Shari |
Don't Make Me Stop this Car | Humor | 14319 | 4.50 | Roker, Al |
From beginning to end | Religion | 14337 | 3.50 | Fulghum, Robert |
Life's Answers: | Humor | 14346 | 3.50 | Schulz, Charles |
Theology in a new key | Religion | 14356 | 3.50 | Brown, Robert McAfee |
How, then, shall we live? | Religion | 14361 | 7.50 | Muller, Wayne |
Common Era | Religion | 14366 | 6.50 | Scholl, Steven |
Accept This Gift | Religion | 14373 | 4.50 | Vaughan, Frances E. |
Saints and Stones | Religion | 14374 | 6.50 | Eastham, Anne |
The third millennium | Other Side | 14376 | 4.50 | Carey, Ken |
Jesus: The Great Debate | Religion | 14380 | 5.50 | Jeffrey, Grant R. |
Meeting Jesus again for the first time | Religion | 14381 | 6.50 | Borg, Marcus J. |
The evidence for Jesus | Religion | 14385 | 3.50 | France, R. T. |
A Voluptuous God | Religion | 14386 | 5.50 | Thompson, Robert V. |
Beyond belief | Religion | 14387 | 6.50 | Pagels, Elaine |
Creative dislocation | Religion | 14390 | 3.50 | Brown, Robert McAfee |
From Religion Back to Faith | Religion | 14398 | 5.50 | Fiand, Barbara |
Freedom | Religion | 14399 | 6.50 | Frank, Leonard Roy |
Physicians of the Soul | Religion | 14400 | 5.50 | May, Robert M. |
People on the way | Religion | 14401 | 6.50 | Ng, David |
The Applause of Heaven | Religion | 14402 | 5.00 | Lucado, Max |
The Journey of the Hero | Religion | 14411 | 4.50 | Wieland, Friedemann |
Hidden Stories of the Childhood of Jesus | Religion | 14412 | 4.50 | Kimball, Glenn |
Mystery of the Dead Sea Scrolls | Religion | 14415 | 5.50 | Minkoff, Harvey |
Emil Brunner | Religion | 14427 | 4.00 | Humphrey, J. Edward |
Dear Brotherhood | Religion | 14434 | 6.50 | Voyd, Alex |
To a Dancing God | Religion | 14435 | 3.50 | Keen, Sam |
Common Era | Religion | 14437 | 5.50 | Scholl, Steven |
A new Christianity for a new world | Religion | 14441 | 5.50 | Spong, John Shelby |
At the entrance to the Garden of Eden | Religion | 14443 | 7.50 | Halevi, Yossi Klein |
Growing up Jewish | Religion | 14444 | 7.50 | David, Jay |
The Thirteen Petalled Rose | Religion | 14445 | 5.50 | Steinsaltz, Adin |
Beyond the ashes | Religion | 14448 | 5.50 | Gershom, Yonassan |
Lifecycles | Religion | 14449 | 5.50 | Orenstein, Debra |
The New Testament | Religion | 14451 | 6.50 | Stone, David |
Anyway | Religion | 14453 | 7.50 | Keith, Kent M. |
Amish Peace | Religion | 14457 | 6.50 | Fisher, Suzanne Woods |
One Soul, Many Lives | Religion | 14459 | 6.50 | Stemman, Roy |
Remember who you are | Religion | 14462 | 5.50 | Hautzig, Esther |
God in a Black Jag | Religion | 14463 | 5.50 | Ernster, Timothy |
Why Christianity must change or die | Religion | 14464 | 6.50 | Spong, John Shelby |
Bring 'Em Back Alive | Religion | 14467 | 5.50 | Burchett, Dave |
Bridges to Heaven | Religion | 14468 | 6.50 | Robinson, Jonathan |
Let The Journey Begin | Religion | 14471 | 6.50 | Lucado, Max |
Why is this night different from all other nights? | Religion | 14474 | 5.50 | Kurshan, Ilana |
Journey through the Psalms | Religion | 14476 | 3.50 | Hopkins, Denise Dombkowski |
Every Eye Beholds You | Religion | 14479 | 5.50 | Craughwell, Thomas |
Living above the level of mediocrity | Religion | 14480 | 4.50 | Swindoll, Charles R. |
God Came Near | Religion | 14482 | 5.50 | Lucado, Max |
Storm Over Morocco | Religion | 14488 | 6.50 | Romano, Frank |
The Joy in Loving | Religion | 14492 | 5.50 | Teresa, Mother |
The Bible as/in literature | Religion | 14495 | 6.50 | Ackerman, James S. |
God Was Not in the Fire | Religion | 14498 | 4.50 | Gordis, Daniel |
Cracking the Da Vinci Code | Thriller | 14499 | 5.50 | Cox, Simon |
King Solomon's garden | Religion | 14500 | 7.50 | Wieder, Laurance |
Stay Sane Through Change | Religion | 14501 | 4.50 | Webster, David |
Primary purpose | Religion | 14502 | 5.50 | Haggard, Ted |
The Man in the Mirror | Religion | 14506 | 3.00 | Morley, Patrick |
Seven Seasons of the Man in the Mirror | Religion | 14507 | 4.00 | Morley, Patrick |
Three Gospels | Religion | 14511 | 6.00 | Price, Reynolds |
A Cry of Hope, a Call to Action | Religion | 14512 | 6.50 | Gilmer, Charles |
Srimad Bhagavatam | Religion | 14514 | 6.50 | Prabhupāda, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami |
God as Mother | Religion | 14519 | 6.50 | Jennings, Victoria |
God has ninety-nine names | Religion | 14520 | 5.50 | Miller, Judith |
The heart's code | Religion | 14522 | 12.00 | Pearsall, Paul |
Edgar Cayce Speaks | Religion | 14529 | 3.50 | Langley, Noel |
Edgar Cayce on Prophecy | Religion | 14530 | 2.00 | Carter, Mary Ellen |
Śrīmad Bhāgavatam | Religion | 14537 | 4.50 | Prabhupāda, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami |
Toward a meaningful life | Religion | 14541 | 7.50 | Schneerson, Menachem Mendel |
Kindred spirits | Religion | 14542 | 6.50 | Streep, Peg |
God among the Shakers | Religion | 14545 | 6.50 | Skees, Suzanne |
The Five books of Miriam | Religion | 14547 | 6.50 | Frankel, Ellen |
The creative imperative | Religion | 14554 | 5.50 | Johnston, Charles M. |
Science and faith | Religion | 14555 | 4.50 | Bradley, Gerard V. |
The quotable Fulton Sheen | Religion | 14556 | 5.50 | Martin, George J. |
Omens of millennium | Other Side | 14558 | 7.50 | Bloom, Harold |
Haunted happenings in Devon | Other Side | 14562 | 1.50 | Chard, Judy |
Bare bones meditation | Religion | 14566 | 5.00 | Tollifson, Joan |
If the Buddha married | Buddha | 14568 | 5.50 | Kasl, Charlotte Sophia |
The future of peace | Buddha | 14569 | 5.50 | Hunt, Scott A. |
My Guru and His Disciple | Buddha | 14578 | 6.50 | Isherwood, Christopher |
Psychic Surgery | Buddha | 14579 | 7.50 | Bryan, Jessica |
Discovering Torkom's Teachings | Buddha | 14593 | 7.50 | Balyoz, Harold |
Meditation, compassion & lovingkindness | Buddha | 14594 | 7.50 | Weissman, Steve and Rosemary |
Buddhist America | Buddha | 14595 | 6.50 | Morreale, Don |
The Chinese way in religion | Buddha | 14599 | 3.50 | Thompson, Laurence G. |
The essential Confucius | Buddha | 14604 | 3.50 | Cleary, Thomas |
The Good Life | Buddha | 14607 | 3.50 | Roscoe, Gerald |
Taking the path of Zen | Buddha | 14610 | 5.50 | Aitken, Robert |
Buddhism Is Not What You Think | Buddha | 14611 | 6.50 | Hagen, Steve |
The Promised God-Man Is Here | Buddha | 14614 | 5.00 | Lee, Carolyn |
Killing the Buddha | Buddha | 14615 | 7.50 | Manseau, Peter |
Awaken healing energy through the Tao | Buddha | 14617 | 6.50 | Chia, Mantak |
A girl named Zippy | Biography | 14659 | 5.50 | Kimmel, Haven |
Suite Francaise | General Fiction | 14663 | 6.50 | Nemirovsky, Irene |
At play in the fields of the Lord | General Fiction | 14669 | 5.50 | Matthiessen, Peter |
The dive from Clausen's pier | General Fiction | 14689 | 6.50 | Packer, Ann |
The English patient | General Fiction | 14692 | 5.50 | Ondaatje, Michael |
The rapture of Canaan | General Fiction | 14699 | 5.50 | Reynolds, Sheri |
The Scent of Rain and Lightning | General Fiction | 14706 | 6.50 | Pickard, Nancy |
The Club Dumas | General Fiction | 14707 | 7.00 | Pérez-Reverte, Arturo |
The Kalahari Typing School for Men | General Fiction | 14724 | 5.50 | Smith, Alexander McCall |
Balzac and the little Chinese seamstress | General Fiction | 14726 | 5.50 | Sijie, Dai |
A God in Ruins | General Fiction | 14727 | 4.00 | Uris, Leon |
Light on snow | General Fiction | 14731 | 6.50 | Shreve, Anita |
Tears of the Giraffe | General Fiction | 14737 | 6.50 | Smith, Alexander McCall |
In search of our mothers' gardens | General Fiction | 14764 | 5.00 | Walker, Alice |
Learning to breathe | General Fiction | 14772 | 6.50 | White, Karen |
Little altars everywhere | General Fiction | 14774 | 6.50 | Wells, Rebecca |
Up close and personal | Romance | 14788 | 4.00 | Michaels, Fern |
The Marriage Game | Romance | 14790 | 5.00 | Michaels, Fern |
Family Blessings | Romance | 14791 | 4.00 | Michaels, Fern |
Secrets | Romance | 14793 | 4.00 | Deveraux, Jude |
Right next door | Romance | 14800 | 4.00 | Macomber, Debbie |
With Open Arms | Romance | 14809 | 4.00 | Roberts, Nora |
Montana sky | Romance | 14810 | 7.00 | Roberts, Nora |
Reflections and dreams | Romance | 14844 | 4.00 | Roberts, Nora |
The Gift | Romance | 14845 | 4.00 | Roberts, Nora |
Genuine lies | Romance | 14848 | 4.00 | Roberts, Nora |
Skeleton Women | General Fiction | 14875 | 6.50 | Yip, Mingmei |
The Mozart Season | General Fiction | 14885 | 5.50 | Wolff, Virginia Euwer |
The Dante Club | General Fiction | 14891 | 5.50 | Pearl, Matthew |
Numbered account | Mystery | 14910 | 4.00 | Reich, Christopher |
As the wolf loves winter | Thriller | 14918 | 3.50 | Poyer, David |
Scholastic Pocket Thesaurus | Reference | 14923 | 3.50 | Bollard, John |
The known world | General Fiction | 14925 | 6.50 | Jones, Edward P. |
Informania: Aliens | UFO | 14930 | 3.50 | Mitton, Jacqueline |
Afterglow of creation | UFO | 14935 | 6.50 | Chown, Marcus |
Transformed By the Light | UFO | 14958 | 3.00 | Morse, Melvin |
Arthur Ford Speaks from Beyond | UFO | 14965 | 1.50 | Sullivan, Eileen |
The Secret School | UFO | 14968 | 3.50 | Strieber, Whitley |
The Voice | UFO | 14972 | 2.50 | Stewart, Brian |
Out of this world | Other Side | 14976 | 5.50 | Couliano, I. P. |
Desert notes | Other Side | 14994 | 3.50 | Lopez, Barry |
Mind Games | Other Side | 14997 | 5.50 | Kole, Andre |
Secrets from Beyond The Grave | Religion | 15006 | 5.50 | Stone, Perry |
The Romeo error | New Age | 15009 | 8.50 | Watson, Lyall |
Ghosts among us | New Age | 15012 | 7.50 | Praagh, James Van |
Touched by angels | New Age | 15017 | 5.50 | Freeman, Eileen Elias |
Angel letters | New Age | 15019 | 6.50 | Burnham, Sophy |
Angels Around the World | New Age | 15020 | 5.50 | Steiger, Brad |
Ultimate Visions | New Age | 15024 | 5.50 | Forward, Martin |
Our dreaming mind | New Age | 15028 | 7.50 | Van de Castle, Robert L. |
The 4-color person | New Age | 15031 | 4.50 | Lüscher, Max |
Michael for the millennium | New Age | 15033 | 4.50 | Yarbro, Chelsea Quinn |
Nostradamus | New Age | 15047 | 8.50 | Lorie, Peter |
Oracles of Nostradamus | New Age | 15049 | 6.50 | Ward, Chas. A. |
Dreams & relationships | New Age | 15054 | 6.50 | Heyneman, Nicholas |
Dreamscaping | New Age | 15056 | 6.50 | Krippner, Stanley |
The Search for the Beloved | New Age | 15059 | 7.00 | Houston, Jean |
The omega transmissions | New Age | 15066 | 6.50 | Parker, Nancy |
Nostradamus & the millennium | New Age | 15068 | 5.50 | Hogue, John |
Nostradamus | New Age | 15069 | 7.50 | Hewitt, V. J. |
The Fireside treasury of light | New Age | 15075 | 5.50 | Kelly, Mary Olsen |
My Divine Teacher | New Age | 15081 | 2.50 | Refjaerd, Curth |
Ghost Recon | Thriller | 15104 | 4.00 | Clancy, Tom |
Barracuda Final Bearing | Thriller | 15120 | 4.00 | DiMercurio, Michael |
Emergency deep | Thriller | 15121 | 3.75 | DiMercurio, Michael |
The Traitor | Thriller | 15124 | 4.00 | Coonts, Stephen |
Cuba | Thriller | 15128 | 4.00 | Coonts, Stephen |
The Assassin | Thriller | 15130 | 5.00 | Coonts, Stephen |
Avenger | Thriller | 15133 | 4.00 | Forsyth, Frederick |
The Afghan | Thriller | 15134 | 5.00 | Forsyth, Frederick |
The Bourne Deception | Thriller | 15147 | 5.00 | Ludlum, Robert |
The Sign | Thriller | 15150 | 5.00 | Khoury, Raymond |
The day of the Jackal | Thriller | 15152 | 2.00 | Forsyth, Frederick |
The negotiator | Thriller | 15153 | 4.00 | Forsyth, Frederick |
Saving Cascadia | Thriller | 15162 | 4.00 | Nance, John J. |
The Godfather's Revenge | Thriller | 15163 | 5.00 | Winegardner, Mark |
Dark justice | Thriller | 15164 | 4.00 | Higgins, Jack |
Cold Harbour | Thriller | 15165 | 3.00 | Higgins, Jack |
The alibi | Mystery | 15173 | 4.00 | Brown, Sandra |
Crisis | Mystery | 15183 | 5.00 | Cook, Robin |
Critical | Mystery | 15186 | 5.00 | Cook, Robin |
The Passenger | Thriller | 15187 | 3.50 | Davis, Patrick A. |
Cutline | Mystery | 15220 | 3.50 | Hill, Bonnie Hearn |
In the Company of Liars | Mystery | 15222 | 4.00 | Ellis, David |
The Sleeping Doll | Mystery | 15245 | 5.00 | Deaver, Jeffery |
The Lesson of her death | Mystery | 15246 | 4.00 | Deaver, Jeffery |
Gone, But Not Forgotten | Mystery | 15269 | 5.00 | Margolin, Phillip |
Hunting Fear | Mystery | 15275 | 3.75 | Hooper, Kay |
Rules of Vengeance | Mystery | 15304 | 4.00 | Reich, Christopher |
Nimitz Class | Thriller | 15308 | 4.00 | Robinson, Patrick |
How to write articles for newspapers | Reference | 15335 | 5.50 | Arco |
The big orange | Travel Stories | 15343 | 5.50 | Smith, Jack |
What You Need to Know About Fantasy Books and Movies | Young Adult | 15351 | 7.00 | Abanes, Richards |
#1 Midnight for Charlie Bone | Young Adult | 15352 | 5.00 | Nimmo, Jenny |
Sara and the Foreverness of Friends of a Feather | Christian Fiction | 15373 | 5.50 | Hicks, Esther |
Spring Waters, Gathering Places | Young Adult | 15376 | 6.50 | DeYonge, Sandra Chisholm |
The Vampire Diaries: The fury and the dark reunion | Young Adult | 15385 | 5.00 | Smith, L. J. |
Gossip Girl | Young Adult | 15392 | 5.00 | von Ziegesar, Cecliy |
The Next Queen of Heaven | General Fiction | 15394 | 6.50 | Maguire, Gregory |
The Boston Massacre | Young Adult | 15410 | 3.00 | Miller, Susan Martins |
Adventure in the Wilderness | Young Adult | 15411 | 3.00 | Jones, Veda Boyd |
The King's Shadow | Young Adult | 15418 | 2.25 | Alder, Elizabeth |
Andalites #02: In the time of dinosaurs | Young Adult | 15424 | 2.00 | Applegate, K. A. |
Early Winter's Orb | Young Adult | 15425 | 3.00 | Anthony, David |
Skull in the birdcage | Young Adult | 15426 | 3.00 | Anthony, David |
The Smuggler's Treasure | Young Adult | 15427 | 3.00 | Buckey, Sarah Masters |
Boston Revolts | Young Adult | 15431 | 3.00 | Miller, Susan Martins |
Escape from Slavery | Young Adult | 15432 | 3.00 | Lutz, Norma Jean |
Sometimes I think I hear my name | Young Adult | 15433 | 2.00 | AVI |
Everworld #03: Enter the enchanted | Young Adult | 15442 | 2.50 | Applegate, K. A. |
Midnight magic | Young Adult | 15455 | 2.50 | AVI |
A Gathering of Days | Young Adult | 15457 | 2.00 | Blos, Joan W. |
Runaway | Young Adult | 15462 | 2.50 | Benjamin, David |
Survivor | Young Adult | 15463 | 2.50 | Benjamin, David |
The moves make the man | Young Adult | 15469 | 3.50 | Brooks, Bruce |
Rebecca | Young Adult | 15477 | 3.50 | Borntrager, Mary Christner |
Daniel | Young Adult | 15478 | 3.50 | Borntrager, Mary Christner |
Creature of the Mists | Young Adult | 15491 | 1.50 | Brouwer, Sigmund |
Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle #14 | Young Adult | 15495 | 5.50 | Clamp: Nanase Ohkawa |
Things not seen | Young Adult | 15506 | 3.50 | Clements, Andrew |
Things hoped for | Young Adult | 15507 | 3.50 | Clements, Andrew |
Alien Adventures #03: The Search For Snout | Young Adult | 15519 | 2.25 | Coville, Bruce |
The dark is rising | Young Adult | 15520 | 2.50 | Cooper, Susan |
Wellspring of Magic Adventure Book #1 | Young Adult | 15584 | 3.00 | Fields, Jan |
The missing 'gator of Gumbo Limbo | Young Adult | 15592 | 2.00 | George, Jean Craighead |
Nory Ryan's song | Young Adult | 15593 | 2.75 | Giff, Patricia Reilly |
Pure dead magic | Young Adult | 15596 | 2.50 | Gliori, Debi |
Freedom crossing | Young Adult | 15598 | 2.00 | Clark, Margaret Goff |
FUN in the yellow pages | Young Adult | 15600 | 2.50 | Groover, Bobbi |
King Solomon's mines | Young Adult | 15603 | 2.50 | Haggard, H. Rider |
Stepping on the cracks | Young Adult | 15604 | 2.25 | Hahn, Mary Downing |
Trouble Is My Beeswax : A Chet Gecko Mystery | Young Adult | 15607 | 2.50 | Hale, Bruce |
The boy and the Samurai | Young Adult | 15611 | 3.00 | Haugaard, Erik Christian |
Fly Away Home | Young Adult | 15615 | 3.50 | Hermes, Patricia |
The Sands of Time | Young Adult | 15621 | 3.50 | Hoeye, Michael |
#04 Bobbsey Twins Mystery at school | Young Adult | 15623 | 3.00 | Hope, Laura Lee |
NBT #03 The Bobbsey Twins The Dune Buggy Mystery | Young Adult | 15626 | 1.75 | Hope, Laura Lee |
NBT #03 Clue that flew away | Young Adult | 15628 | 1.50 | Hope, Laura Lee |
NBT #06 The camp fire mystery | Young Adult | 15630 | 1.75 | Hope, Laura Lee |
NBT #13 The mystery of the Hindu temple | Young Adult | 15633 | 1.75 | Hope, Laura Lee |
NBT #14 The mystery of the missing mummy | Young Adult | 15634 | 1.50 | Hope, Laura Lee |
NBT #29 The Case of the Tricky Trickster | Young Adult | 15636 | 1.50 | Hope, Laura Lee |
The Indian Cemetery | Young Adult | 15640 | 1.50 | Hutchens, Paul |
Dial a Ghost | Young Adult | 15642 | 3.50 | Ibbotson, Eva |
Helen Keller: From Tragedy to Triumph | Young Adult | 15654 | 2.50 | Doremus, Robert |
Water Steps | Young Adult | 15659 | 3.50 | LaFaye, A. |
The wreckers | Young Adult | 15673 | 2.75 | Lawrence, Iain |
Anastasia at your service | Young Adult | 15678 | 2.00 | Lowry, Lois |
Anastasia has the answers | Young Adult | 15679 | 2.00 | Lowry, Lois |
Anastasia at this Address | Young Adult | 15680 | 2.00 | Lowry, Lois |
My life as polluted pond scum | Young Adult | 15697 | 1.50 | Myers, Bill |
Thunder Rolling in the Mountains | Young Adult | 15698 | 2.25 | O'Dell, Scott |
The black pearl | Young Adult | 15702 | 2.50 | O'Dell, Scott |
The Impatient Turtle | Young Adult | 15703 | 2.00 | Oke, Janette |
Trouble in a Fur Coat | Young Adult | 15704 | 2.00 | Oke, Janette |
Spunky's diary | Young Adult | 15705 | 2.00 | Oke, Janette |
Escape from the Island of Aquarius | Young Adult | 15725 | 2.00 | Peretti, Frank |
The tombs of Anak | Young Adult | 15727 | 2.00 | Peretti, Frank |
Then He Ate My Boy Entrancers | Young Adult | 15729 | 4.00 | Rennison, Louise |
Protector of the Small #4: Lady knight | Young Adult | 15731 | 3.00 | Pierce, Tamora |
Tris's book | Young Adult | 15732 | 2.50 | Pierce, Tamora |
Dread mountain | Young Adult | 15737 | 2.50 | Rodda, Emily |
The Fire Pony | Young Adult | 15747 | 2.25 | Philbrick, W. R. |
The Perilous Gard | Young Adult | 15748 | 2.00 | Pope, Elisabeth Marie |
The sister of the South | Young Adult | 15756 | 2.50 | Rodda, Emily |
Scared stiff | Young Adult | 15757 | 2.50 | Roberts, Willo Davis |
Summer switch | Young Adult | 15763 | 1.50 | Rodgers, Mary |
Riding freedom | Young Adult | 15765 | 2.50 | Ryan, Pam Muñoz |
Sacagawea, American pathfinder | Young Adult | 15775 | 3.00 | Seymour, Flora Warren |
Planet Janet | Young Adult | 15779 | 3.50 | Sheldon, Dyan |
The White Stag | Young Adult | 15802 | 2.00 | Seredy, Kate |
Miracles on Maple Hill | Young Adult | 15806 | 2.50 | Sorensen, Virginia |
The library card | Young Adult | 15807 | 2.50 | Spinelli, Jerry |
Do The Funky Pickle | Young Adult | 15808 | 2.50 | Spinelli, Jerry |
Knots in my yo-yo string | Young Adult | 15809 | 3.00 | Spinelli, Jerry |
Maniac Magee | Young Adult | 15810 | 2.50 | Spinelli, Jerry |
Maniac Magee | Young Adult | 15811 | 2.50 | Spinelli, Jerry |
Gulliver's stories | Young Adult | 15812 | 2.00 | Dolch, Edward W. |
Encyclopedia Brown Boy Detective | Young Adult | 15814 | 1.25 | Sobol, Donald J. |
Abe Lincoln for Class President! | Young Adult | 15818 | 1.50 | Strasser, Todd |
Great escapes of World War II | Young Adult | 15821 | 1.50 | Sullivan, George |
Chasing Lincoln's Killer | Young Adult | 15824 | 4.50 | Swanson, James L. |
Joni's story | Young Adult | 15825 | 2.50 | Tada, Joni Eareckson |
The Amazing Secret | Young Adult | 15826 | 2.50 | Tada, Joni Eareckson |
The Mission Adventure | Young Adult | 15827 | 2.50 | Tada, Joni Eareckson |
The Meanest Teacher | Young Adult | 15828 | 2.50 | Tada, Joni Eareckson |
The Unforgettable Summer | Young Adult | 15829 | 2.50 | Tada, Joni Eareckson |
The weirdo | Young Adult | 15831 | 1.75 | Taylor, Theodore |
Banner In the Sky | Young Adult | 15836 | 2.50 | Ullman, James Ramsey |
Runaways on the Inside Passage | Young Adult | 15837 | 5.00 | Upton, Joe |
A Solitary Blue | Young Adult | 15840 | 2.00 | Voigt, Cynthia |
Seventeen against the dealer | Young Adult | 15841 | 2.00 | Voigt, Cynthia |
Come a Stranger | Young Adult | 15842 | 2.00 | Voigt, Cynthia |
Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm | Classic Novels | 15850 | 5.50 | Wiggin, Kate Douglas |
Day of LIW #08: Land of promise | Young Adult | 15865 | 2.50 | Tedrow, Thomas L. |
Mystery of the Dark Lighthouse | Young Adult | 15866 | 2.50 | Williams, Laura E. |
Star Wars: The phantom menace | Young Adult | 15869 | 3.00 | Wrede, Patricia C. |
Faith, Hope and Chicken Feathers | Young Adult | 15870 | 2.00 | Wyman, Andrea |
The Swiss Family Robinson | Young Adult | 15872 | 2.50 | Wyss, Johann David |
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith | Young Adult | 15873 | 3.00 | Wrede, Patricia |
Dragon's gate | Young Adult | 15875 | 2.50 | Yep, Laurence |
Dragonwings | Young Adult | 15876 | 1.50 | Yep, Laurence |
When the Circus Came to Town | Young Adult | 15877 | 3.00 | Yep, Laurence |
The devil's arithmetic | Young Adult | 15879 | 3.00 | Yolen, Jane |
Zlata's diary | Young Adult | 15883 | 5.50 | Filipović, Zlata |
The time hackers | Young Adult | 15893 | 5.50 | Paulsen, Gary |
#4 Charlie Bone and the castle of mirrors | Young Adult | 15900 | 5.00 | Nimmo, Jenny |
The girl from Playa Blanca | Young Adult | 15901 | 3.00 | Lachtman, Ofelia Dumas |
A Rumpole Christmas | Seasonal | 15908 | 5.50 | Mortimer, John |
Jingle Bells | Seasonal | 15916 | 1.50 | Daly, Kathleen N. |
The Simpsons Xmas book | Seasonal | 15917 | 3.50 | Groening, Matt |
Wrapped up in crosswords | Light Mystery | 15924 | 4.50 | Blanc, Nero |
A Season of joy | Seasonal | 15937 | 4.00 | Arico, Diane |
Search the Shadows | Mystery | 15947 | 2.25 | Michaels, Barbara |
The book of bright ideas | General Fiction | 15979 | 6.50 | Kring, Sandra |
Hermie | Children | 15995 | 2.00 | Lucado, Max |
Caps and crowns | Children | 15999 | 4.50 | Knapp, Amy |
The Power | Children | 16017 | 2.50 | Joseph, S. Ronald |
Walt Disney presents The little mermaid | Children | 16024 | 2.00 | Calmenson, Stephanie |
Basic Balloon Sculpture | Children | 16045 | 2.00 | Schindler, George |
Cross the Golden River | Children | 16047 | 4.50 | Booth, Jack and David |
Wayfaring Princess | Children | 16058 | 3.50 | Lawrence, Edith |
The Paint a Pet Book | Children | 16060 | 1.50 | Moss, Melody |
Sacajawea : Wilderness Guide | Children | 16063 | 1.75 | Jassem, Kate |
Adoption Is for Always | Children | 16064 | 3.50 | Girard, Linda Walvoord |
Make New Friends | Children | 16074 | 3.50 | Brooks, Nan |
Pictures of home | Children | 16076 | 5.50 | Thompson, Colin |
Legend Of Sleepy Hollow | Children | 16086 | 5.00 | Irving, Washington |
Miss Rumphius | Children | 16093 | 1.00 | Cooney, Barbara |
Kachina Dolls | Children | 16098 | 1.50 | Spizzirri, Peter M. |
American Indians | Children | 16100 | 4.50 | Finney, Susan |
The Monitor | Children | 16104 | 2.00 | Thompson, Gare |
The white archer | Young Adult | 16122 | 4.50 | Houston, James |
Two bad mice | Children | 16125 | 2.00 | Toast, Sarah |
Appearances | Children | 16129 | 4.50 | Pitts-Walker, Mildred |
Uncle Magic | Children | 16131 | 5.50 | Gauch, Patricia |
It's itchcraft! | Children | 16138 | 2.50 | Greenburg, Dan |
Lon Po Po | Children | 16152 | 3.50 | Young, Ed |
Luv, Amelia Luv, Nadia | Children | 16156 | 3.00 | Moss, Marissa |
The Usborne story of music | Children | 16160 | 3.50 | Mundy, Simon |
Buried in ice | Children | 16161 | 3.50 | Beattie, Owen |
Pinocchio and the Whale | Children | 16172 | 2.50 | Disney, Walt |
Pinocchio and his puppet show adventure | Children | 16173 | 2.50 | Disney, Walt |
My mom travels a lot | Children | 16181 | 2.50 | Bauer, Caroline Feller |
The Oxford picture dictionary | Children | 16183 | 6.50 | Shapiro, Norma |
Merry-go-round | Children | 16185 | 3.00 | Heller, Ruth |
Kites sail high | Children | 16186 | 3.00 | Heller, Ruth |
Let's Discover Words | Children | 16208 | 2.00 | Supraner, Robyn |
Words Around Us | Children | 16213 | 3.50 | O'Halloran, Tim |
My Fun With Learning | Children | 16214 | 5.50 | Hand, Raymond V. |
Deadly Snakes | Children | 16215 | 1.50 | McCourt, Lisa |
Balloon Modeling | Children | 16219 | 2.50 | Levett, Thelma |
Three Jovial Huntsmen | Children | 16226 | 2.00 | Jeffers, Susan |
Seashore | Children | 16228 | 4.50 | Silver, Donald M. |
Where was George Washington? | Children | 16229 | 3.50 | Heymsfeld, Carla |
Why Why Why Can't Penguins Fly? | Children | 16230 | 4.00 | Bedoyere, De La |
Summer of Fire | Children | 16233 | 4.00 | Lauber, Patricia |
Starting Riding | Children | 16242 | 2.50 | Edom, Helen |
Mommy, Daddy, Where Do Babies Come From? | Children | 16243 | 3.50 | Ayad, Grace |
On our vacation | Children | 16246 | 3.50 | Rockwell, Anne |
The Usborne book of castle tales | Children | 16253 | 5.00 | Amery, Heather |
The Unbelievable Bubble Book | Children | 16258 | 2.00 | Cassidy, John |
Fourth Grade Review | Children | 16259 | 1.50 | Homework Helpers |
The young scientist book of electricity | Children | 16262 | 3.50 | Chapman, Philip |
Great Car Rally | Children | 16263 | 3.50 | Heywood, Rosie |
Greeks | Children | 16265 | 5.50 | Peach, Susan |
Classic Concentration | Children | 16267 | 5.50 | Ryan, Steve |
Where do babies come from? | Children | 16273 | 4.50 | Hummel, Ruth |
Get Crafty Toys and Games | Children | 16275 | 4.00 | Parr, Dempsey |
The Romper Room birthday word book | Children | 16277 | 3.00 | Stevens, Ann |
Arctic Investigations | Children | 16279 | 3.50 | Young, Karen Romano |
The Car | Children | 16281 | 5.50 | Parker, Steve |
Flying machines | Children | 16282 | 5.50 | Parker, Steve |
My Fun With Learning | Children | 16285 | 5.50 | Tesar, Jenny |
The Unbelievably Creative Me | Children | 16286 | 2.00 | Dickerson, Karle |
SRA Open Court reading | Children | 16287 | 4.50 | Bereiter, Carl |
How the world was saved & other Native American tales | Children | 16289 | 6.50 | Harper, Piers |
The young track and field athlete | Children | 16292 | 4.00 | Jackson, Colin |
Big Book of Absolutely Everything | Children | 16293 | 4.50 | Scholastic Books |
How to Draw Funny Faces | Children | 16299 | 1.50 | Walker, Karen |
Mathmania | Children | 16301 | 2.50 | Highlights |
Puzzlemania + Math Mathmania (Function) Highlights | Children | 16303 | 2.50 | O'Hare, Jeff |
50 Nifty Science Experiments | Children | 16305 | 1.50 | Melton, Lisa |
No traveller | Children | 16308 | 5.50 | Howard, Richard |
Light elements | Children | 16313 | 4.00 | Stone, Judith |
Robinson Crusoe | Young Adult | 16319 | 3.00 | Defoe, Daniel |
Picture perfect dictionary 1 | Children | 16321 | 7.50 | Hampton-Brown Publishing |
Why Why Why? Do Orang-Utans Live in Trees? | Children | 16322 | 4.00 | Bedoyere, De La |
Mentoring beginning teachers | Children | 16325 | 5.50 | Boreen, Jean |
The Usborne book of explorers | Children | 16328 | 2.50 | Everett, Felicity |
Literature-based multicultural activities | Children | 16335 | 6.50 | Spann, Mary Beth |
Organizing from the inside out for teens | Children | 16337 | 6.50 | Morgenstern, Julie |
Exploring the moral heart of teaching | Children | 16338 | 4.50 | Hansen, David T. |
Kids InSight | Children | 16346 | 5.50 | Dillon, Deborah R. |
Scholastic guide to balanced reading | Children | 16352 | 4.50 | Baltas, Joyce |
Unlocking Secrets of the Unknown | Children | 16356 | 5.50 | NationalGeographic |
Frontline of Discovery | Children | 16357 | 5.50 | NationalGeographic |
Nature's Masterpieces | Children | 16372 | 5.50 | ReadersDigest |
Planet Earth Underground Worlds | Children | 16375 | 5.50 | TimeLifeBooks |
Power Plays: Zero Hour | Thriller | 16387 | 4.00 | Clancy, Tom |
Until the Real Thing Comes Along | General Fiction | 16412 | 6.50 | Berg, Elizabeth |
The Woman Who Saved the Children | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 16420 | 6.50 | Mulley, Clare |
Gates of fire | General Fiction | 16432 | 4.00 | Pressfield, Steven |
Proof | General Fiction | 16442 | 6.50 | Bright, Bill |
The road from Coorain | Biography | 16457 | 5.00 | Conway, Jill Ker |
The Free World | General Fiction | 16460 | 6.50 | Bezmozgis, David |
Roget's II | Reference | 16474 | 6.00 | American heritage dictionary |
Blood's a Rover | Mystery | 16484 | 6.50 | Ellroy, James |
Mein Allererstes Worterbuch | Foreign Language | 16496 | 3.00 | German, Language |
Wie viel uhr ist es, kleines Gespenst? | Foreign Language | 16498 | 4.50 | Uebe, Ingrid |
Tanjas Traumballett | Foreign Language | 16499 | 4.50 | Uebe, Ingrid |
Diccionario Visual Altea del Vuelo | Foreign Language | 16500 | 4.50 | Spanish, Language |
Banewreaker | Fantasy | 16520 | 4.00 | Carey, Jacqueline |
Sword-Maker | Fantasy | 16521 | 2.50 | Roberson, Jennifer |
The glasswrights' apprentice | Fantasy | 16523 | 3.50 | Klasky, Mindy L. |
Death Penalty | Mystery | 16525 | 3.00 | Coughlin, William J. |
Desperate measures | Romance | 16539 | 4.00 | Michaels, Fern |
Power lines | Science Fiction | 16540 | 3.50 | McCaffrey, Anne |
Dancing in the Light | Biography | 16553 | 2.25 | MacLaine, Shirley |
Nothing Lasts Forever | General Fiction | 16576 | 3.00 | Sheldon, Sidney |
The devil's alternative | Thriller | 16638 | 3.50 | Forsyth, Frederick |
The phantom of Manhattan | Thriller | 16651 | 3.25 | Forsyth, Frederick |
Nights of rain and stars | General Fiction | 16693 | 6.50 | Binchy, Maeve |
The virgin of Small Plains | General Fiction | 16699 | 6.50 | Pickard, Nancy |
Sister of My Heart | General Fiction | 16701 | 6.50 | Divakaruni, Chitra Banerjee |
Whiskey River | Westerns | 9020 | 3.50 | Compton, Ralph |
Spirit Matters | Consciousness | 16770 | 6.50 | Self, Jim |
The 17 Day Diet | Health | 16777 | 5.50 | Moreno, Mike |
The South Beach Diet | Health | 16778 | 6.50 | Agatston, Arthur |
The mammoth hunters | Historic Fiction | 16779 | 6.50 | Auel, Jean M. |
Left To Die | Mystery | 16822 | 4.00 | Jackson, Lisa |
Burn | Mystery | 16851 | 4.00 | Howard, Linda |
The First Counsel | Mystery | 16856 | 4.00 | Meltzer, Brad |
The 47th samurai | Thriller | 16869 | 5.00 | Hunter, Stephen |
Up country | Thriller | 16884 | 4.00 | DeMille, Nelson |
Hell's Kitchen | Mystery | 16907 | 3.50 | Deaver, Jeffery |
Subterranean | Mystery | 16919 | 4.00 | Rollins, James |
The blue nowhere | Mystery | 16950 | 4.00 | Deaver, Jeffery |
Fear the Worst | Mystery | 16973 | 4.00 | Barclay, Linwood |
Hello, darkness | Mystery | 16989 | 5.50 | Brown, Sandra |
A maiden's grave | Mystery | 17007 | 4.00 | Deaver, Jeffery |
The Dragon's Doom | Fantasy | 17023 | 3.50 | Greenwood, Ed |
Retread Shop | Science Fiction | 17027 | 2.00 | King, T. Jackson |
Memory of Fire | Fantasy | 17029 | 3.00 | Lisle, Holly |
Ironcrown Moon | Science Fiction | 17032 | 4.00 | May, Julian |
The Oak Above the Kings | Fantasy | 17037 | 3.00 | Morrison-Kennealy, Patricia |
Blackmantle | Fantasy | 17039 | 3.50 | Kennealy-Morrison, Patricia |
Kris Longknife: Resolute | Science Fiction | 17048 | 4.00 | Shepherd, Mike |
Kris Longknife: Mutineer | Science Fiction | 17049 | 4.00 | Shepherd, Mike |
Kris Longknife: Defiant | Science Fiction | 17050 | 4.00 | Shepherd, Mike |
The temple of my familiar | General Fiction | 14898 | 3.00 | Walker, Alice |
Shades of Gray | Romance | 17065 | 4.00 | Banks, Maya |
Under Fire | Romance | 17079 | 3.50 | Mann, Catherine |
Obsession | Romance | 1880 | 4.00 | Robards, Karen |
Tiger's eye | Romance | 1876 | 4.00 | Robards, Karen |
Blood Game | Mystery | 17123 | 4.00 | Johansen, Iris |
Midnight Lady - Large Print | Large Print | 17136 | 4.50 | Rogers, Rosemary |
The Proposal & Solid Soul | Romance | 17141 | 3.50 | Jackson, Brenda |
Horse heaven | General Fiction | 17147 | 6.50 | Smiley, Jane |
The son of light | Historic Fiction | 17179 | 6.50 | Jacq, Christian |
Night judgement at Sinos | Thriller | 17182 | 3.50 | Higgins, Jack |
All Is Vanity | General Fiction | 17193 | 6.50 | Schwarz, Christina |
Warriors Don't Cry | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 17205 | 6.50 | Beals,Melba Pattillo |
Cheap, fast, good! | Cookbooks | 17209 | 6.50 | Mills, Beverly |
Lives of the monster dogs | General Fiction | 17210 | 5.50 | Bakis, Kirsten |
The eating disorder sourcebook | Health | 17213 | 6.50 | Costin, Carolyn |
Haggadah for the Liberated Lamb | Religion | 17217 | 5.00 | Unknown |
Quiet Thunder | Christian Fiction | 17224 | 4.50 | Lacy, Al |
13 bullets | Horror | 17242 | 5.50 | Wellington, David |
Hidden Gifts | Christian Fiction | 17253 | 5.50 | Hamlin, Rick |
Family reunion | Christian Fiction | 17254 | 5.00 | Page, Carole Gift |
The Inflation Deception | Political | 17259 | 6.50 | Smith, Craig R. |
The Cloister Walk | Religion | 17260 | 6.50 | Norris, Kathleen |
Dead By Midnight | Mystery | 17300 | 4.00 | Barton, Beverly |
Victim Six | Thriller | 17309 | 4.00 | Olsen, Gregg |
Vector | Mystery | 17315 | 4.00 | Cook, Robin |
Dead aim | Mystery | 17328 | 4.00 | Johansen, Iris |
Final Approach | Thriller | 17343 | 4.00 | Nance, John J. |
Power Plays: Politika | Thriller | 17357 | 4.00 | Clancy, Tom |
The Panic Zone | Mystery | 17359 | 5.00 | Mofina, Rick |
Shadow command | Thriller | 17362 | 5.00 | Brown, Dale |
The servants of twilight | Horror | 17376 | 4.00 | Koontz, Dean |
Friends and Lovers | Light Mystery | 17386 | 2.50 | MacInnes, Helen |
No Place Like Home | Light Mystery | 17387 | 5.00 | Clark, Mary Higgins |
The bachelor list | Romance | 17391 | 3.50 | Feather, Jane |
Sister Of The Dead | Fantasy | 17397 | 4.00 | Hendee, Barb |
Season Of Strangers | Paranormal | 17406 | 4.00 | Martin, Kat |
Walking Switzerland | Travel Stories | 17408 | 4.00 | Lieberman, Marcia and Philip |
Kathmandu Valley | Travel Stories | 17412 | 4.00 | Fleming Jr, Robert L. |
Kayaking Puget Sound | Travel Stories | 17413 | 5.00 | Washburne, Randel |
The Snow Angel | General Fiction | 17422 | 6.50 | Beck, Glenn |
Promise me | Women | 17423 | 7.50 | Brinker, Nancy G. |
Naked Masks Five Plays | Drama and Plays | 17429 | 2.75 | Pirandello, Luigi |
The face of deception | Mystery | 17434 | 4.00 | Johansen, Iris |
The Hollow Hills | Fantasy | 17458 | 6.50 | Stewart, Mary |
Light in shadow | Romance | 17463 | 4.00 | Krentz, Jayne Ann |
Hot rocks | Romance | 17466 | 5.00 | Roberts, Nora |
A Fine Night For Dying | Thriller | 17484 | 5.00 | Higgins, Jack |
Prey | Mystery | 17497 | 2.50 | Cline, C. Terry |
The Valhalla Testament | Mystery | 17501 | 3.00 | Land, Jon |
Rules of Deception | Mystery | 17516 | 4.00 | Reich, Christopher |
The Rule of Nine | Mystery | 17529 | 5.00 | Martini, Steve |
Invasion | Mystery | 17548 | 3.50 | Cook, Robin |
Balance of Power | Mystery | 17553 | 5.00 | Huston, James |
Secret Justice | Mystery | 17554 | 4.00 | Huston, James |
Hawke, the law of a fast gun | Westerns | 17609 | 3.00 | Vaughan, Robert |
Wolves of the Sundown Trail | Westerns | 17610 | 3.00 | Savage, Les |
Bowdrie's law | Westerns | 17617 | 2.50 | L'Amour, Louis |
Other Boleyn Girl Movie Tie-In - Audio Book | Audio Books | 17644 | 14.00 | Gregory, Philippa |
Apollyon - Audio Book | Audio Books | 17648 | 10.00 | LaHaye, Tim |
The Regime: Evil Advances - Audio Book | Audio Books | 17650 | 10.00 | LaHaye, Tim |
Soul Harvest - Audio Book | Audio Books | 17655 | 10.00 | LaHaye, Tim |
Under the Tuscan sun | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 17697 | 6.50 | Mayes, Frances |
Hamlet | Drama and Plays | 17705 | 4.00 | Shakespeare, William |
The Traveler | General Fiction | 17724 | 6.50 | Hawks, John Twelve |
Timescape | Science Fiction | 17735 | 4.00 | Benford, Gregory |
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Labrador Retrievers, 2nd Edition | Animal | 17740 | 6.50 | Bonham, Margaret H. |
Butch Cassidy | Westerns | 17775 | 3.50 | Delfoe, Erin |
All through the night | Light Mystery | 17781 | 4.00 | Clark, Mary Higgins |
Let me call you sweetheart | Light Mystery | 17782 | 3.75 | Clark, Mary Higgins |
Exit Strategy | Paranormal | 17792 | 3.50 | Armstrong, Kelley |
A traitor to memory | Mystery | 17794 | 4.00 | George, Elizabeth |
Don't scream | Mystery | 17806 | 3.50 | Staub, Wendy Corsi |
Senseless | Mystery | 17811 | 3.50 | Burton, Mary |
Blood sport | Mystery | 17814 | 3.00 | Francis, Dick |
Black cross | Mystery | 17822 | 5.00 | Iles, Greg |
Deception plan | Thriller | 17833 | 4.00 | Davis, Patrick A. |
Lost Nation | General Fiction | 17845 | 5.50 | Lent, Jeffrey |
Heart and soul | General Fiction | 17848 | 4.00 | Binchy, Maeve |
Op-Center: Op-Center | Thriller | 17854 | 4.00 | Clancy, Tom |
The Bourne ultimatum | Thriller | 17859 | 4.00 | Ludlum, Robert |
Dangerous angels | Romance | 17870 | 2.75 | Scott, Amanda |
King of storms | Romance | 17882 | 3.50 | Scott, Amanda |
River rising | Romance | 17887 | 3.50 | Garlock, Dorothy |
Past Promises | Romance | 17890 | 2.50 | Landis, Jill Marie |
Silver Wings, Santiago Blue | Romance | 17899 | 4.00 | Dailey, Janet |
The Proud and the Free | Romance | 17900 | 3.50 | Dailey, Janet |
Fearless | Romance | 17903 | 4.00 | Palmer, Diana |
Shifting Calder Wind | Romance | 17905 | 4.00 | Dailey, Janet |
The Embrace | True Crime | 17922 | 3.50 | Jones, Aphrodite |
Morning, Noon & Night | General Fiction | 17925 | 3.75 | Sheldon, Sidney |
The Altman code | Thriller | 17927 | 4.00 | Ludlum, Robert |
Mr. Murder | Horror | 17938 | 4.00 | Koontz, Dean |
Op-Center: Divide & Conquer | Thriller | 17943 | 4.00 | Clancy, Tom |
The Master of Blacktower | Mystery | 17952 | 3.75 | Michaels, Barbara |
The magic circle | Mystery | 17953 | 4.00 | Neville, Katherine |
Silent snow | Mystery | 17977 | 3.50 | Thayer, Steve |
Without Mercy | Mystery | 17980 | 4.00 | Jackson, Lisa |
Scarpetta | Mystery | 17985 | 5.00 | Cornwell, Patricia |
Pandora's daughter | Mystery | 17988 | 4.00 | Johansen, Iris |
Night's landing | Mystery | 18002 | 3.50 | Neggers, Carla |
Cross country | Mystery | 18023 | 5.00 | Patterson, James |
Homeport | Romance | 18027 | 7.00 | Roberts, Nora |
More than friends | Romance | 18032 | 4.00 | Delinsky, Barbara |
No Greater Love | Romance | 18033 | 3.75 | Steel, Danielle |
Carnal Innocence | Romance | 18042 | 5.00 | Roberts, Nora |
Sea Fire | Romance | 18058 | 4.00 | Robards, Karen |
Second Wind | Mystery | 632 | 3.50 | Francis, Dick |
Let me whisper in your ear | Light Mystery | 18083 | 3.50 | Clark, Mary Jane |
While My Pretty One Sleeps | Light Mystery | 18104 | 3.00 | Clark, Mary Higgins |
Double Sin and Other Stories | Light Mystery | 18105 | 1.50 | Christie, Agatha |
Lean on Pete | General Fiction | 18127 | 6.50 | Vlautin, Willy |
Twelve Sharp | Mystery | 18146 | 4.00 | Evanovich, Janet |
Dark justice | Mystery | 18181 | 3.50 | Bernhardt, William |
Isle of dogs | Mystery | 18183 | 4.00 | Cornwell, Patricia |
Night fall | Thriller | 18187 | 4.00 | DeMille, Nelson |
Net Force: Springboard | Thriller | 18198 | 4.00 | Clancy, Tom |
The hunt for Red October | Thriller | 18202 | 5.00 | Clancy, Tom |
Op-Center: Acts of War | Thriller | 18205 | 3.75 | Clancy, Tom |
Accident | Romance | 18221 | 3.50 | Steel, Danielle |
An Unsuitable Bride | Romance | 18225 | 4.00 | Feather, Jane |
Divine evil | Romance | 18239 | 4.00 | Roberts, Nora |
Blood Brothers | Romance | 18244 | 4.00 | Roberts, Nora |
High noon | Romance | 18252 | 6.00 | Roberts, Nora |
Time And Again | Romance | 18254 | 4.00 | Roberts, Nora |
The Gravity of Shadows | Thriller | 18286 | 3.25 | Ramus, David |
The Lawgiver | General Fiction | 18300 | 7.50 | Wouk, Herman |
The Girls from Ames | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 18313 | 7.50 | Zaslow, Jeffrey |
Piloting Through Chaos | Business | 18320 | 6.50 | Gresser, Julian |
The Ubu Plays | Drama and Plays | 18323 | 2.00 | Jarry, Alfred |
Templar Trilogy #03: Order in Chaos #3 | Historic Fiction | 18327 | 5.50 | Whyte, Jack |
The Disgusted Driver's Handbook -- Instructions For Surviving on Roads Infested with Idiots. | Humor | 18330 | 3.50 | Goode, Ben |
If Life Were Fair, Horses Would Ride Half the Time | Humor | 18331 | 3.50 | Goode, Ben |
Some Things Are Worse Than Being Older Than Dirt | Humor | 18332 | 3.50 | Goode, Ben |
Geezerhood: What to expect from life now that you're as old as dirt | Humor | 18333 | 3.50 | Goode, Ben |
Sabine's notebook | Young Adult | 18341 | 5.50 | Bantock, Nick |
Griffin & Sabine | Young Adult | 18342 | 5.50 | Bantock, Nick |
The golden mean | Young Adult | 18343 | 5.50 | Bantock, Nick |
Same-Day Resume | Business | 18346 | 4.50 | Farr, Michael |
Zapp! | Business | 18347 | 4.50 | Byham, William C. |
Fish! | Business | 18348 | 4.00 | Lundin, Stephen C. |
Tears of rage | True Crime | 18353 | 5.50 | Walsh, John |
The power to harm | True Crime | 18354 | 5.50 | Cornwell, John |
Dried flowers | Gardening | 18358 | 4.50 | Kraska, Martha E. |
Raising children in blended families | Philosophy | 18359 | 4.50 | Marsolini, Maxine |
The Bedside, bathtub & armchair companion to Agatha Christie | Light Mystery | 18389 | 7.50 | Christie, Agatha |
Mack Bolan - A dying evil | Thriller | 3900 | 3.00 | Pendleton, Don |
The battlefield ghost | Young Adult | 18415 | 2.00 | Cuyler, Margery |
Nightmare Before Christmas | Young Adult | 18420 | 1.50 | Skinner, Daphne |
I Wonder Why Camels Have Humps: And Other Questions About Animals | Children | 18427 | 3.00 | Ganeri, Anita |
Amazing Math Magic | Children | 18432 | 1.50 | Ho, Oliver |
Eclipse | Mystery | 1762 | 5.00 | Patterson, Richard North |
My Antonia | Classic Novels | 18516 | 5.00 | Cather, Willa |
High spirits | General Fiction | 18530 | 3.50 | Davies, Robertson |
Bleak House | Classic Novels | 18531 | 3.00 | Dickens, Charles |
Pushkin | Biography | 18536 | 7.50 | Feinstein, Elaine |
Le morte d'Arthur Vol 1 | Classic Novels | 18543 | 4.00 | Malory, Sir Thomas |
Le morte d'Arthur Vol 2 | Classic Novels | 18544 | 4.00 | Malory, Sir Thomas |
Valley of the Sun | Westerns | 18643 | 2.50 | L'Amour, Louis |
A portrait of the artist | Classic Novels | 18666 | 4.00 | Joyce, James |
Barchester Towers | Classic Novels | 18671 | 4.00 | Trollope, Anthony |
Love Again | Classic Novels | 18675 | 5.50 | Lessing, Doris |
Mara and Dann | Classic Novels | 18677 | 5.50 | Lessing, Doris |
The Mayor of Casterbridge | Classic Novels | 18689 | 3.00 | Hardy, Thomas |
The ambassadors | Classic Novels | 18705 | 4.00 | James, Henry |
The golden notebook | Classic Novels | 18711 | 6.50 | Lessing, Doris |
The marriages between zones | Classic Novels | 18712 | 3.50 | Lessing, Doris |
The Oresteia | Drama and Plays | 18715 | 5.50 | Aeschylus |
Lady Chatterley's Lover | Classic Novels | 18717 | 5.50 | Lawrence, D. H. |
Buddenbrooks | Classic Novels | 18730 | 3.50 | Mann, Thomas |
Cry, the beloved country | General Fiction | 18737 | 7.00 | Paton, Alan |
Bernard Shaw Book 1 | Biography | 18759 | 7.50 | Holroyd, Michael |
Bernard Shaw Book 2 | Biography | 18767 | 7.50 | Holroyd, Michael |
The warden | Classic Novels | 18783 | 2.50 | Trollope, Anthony |
To the lighthouse | Classic Novels | 18786 | 6.50 | Woolf, Virginia |
Vanity fair | Classic Novels | 18789 | 3.00 | Thackeray, William |
Jonathan Swift | Classic Novels | 18795 | 3.50 | Davis, Herbert |
The necessity of theater | Drama and Plays | 18797 | 6.50 | Woodruff, Paul |
The Night Watcher | Mystery | 18868 | 3.50 | Lutz, John |
Salt of the Earth | True Crime | 18874 | 3.50 | Olsen, Jack |
If Loving You is Wrong | True Crime | 18875 | 3.50 | Olsen, Gregg |
The riders of High Rock | Westerns | 18885 | 5.50 | L'Amour, Louis |
Possessing the secret of joy | General Fiction | 18938 | 3.00 | Walker, Alice |
Gob's grief | General Fiction | 18973 | 6.50 | Adrian, Chris |
Playmates | Mystery | 10720 | 4.00 | Parker, Robert B. |
How the Other Half Lives | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 19029 | 5.00 | Riis, Jacob August |
Dark Road Rising | Paranormal | 19050 | 6.50 | Elrod, P. N. |
Stolen | Paranormal | 19053 | 5.00 | Armstrong, Kelley |
White jade tiger | Young Adult | 19056 | 3.50 | Lawson, Julie |
Black Beauty | Children | 19070 | 2.50 | Sewell, Anna |
The Last Wife of Henry VIII | Historic Fiction | 19083 | 6.50 | Erickson, Carolly |
Half-Past Dawn | Thriller | 19101 | 4.00 | Doetsch, Richard |
The cat who lived high | Light Mystery | 19111 | 2.50 | Braun, Lilian Jackson |
Dance of the Gods | Romance | 19121 | 4.00 | Roberts, Nora |
A Precious Jewel | Romance | 19132 | 4.00 | Balogh, Mary |
Curious George at the railroad station | Children | 19133 | 4.00 | Rey, H. A. |
Two little girls in blue | Light Mystery | 19135 | 4.00 | Clark, Mary Higgins |
Daddy's little girl | Light Mystery | 19136 | 4.00 | Clark, Mary Higgins |
American Feasts | Cookbooks | 19143 | 6.00 | Williams, Sallie Y. |
The cooking contest cookbook | Cookbooks | 19145 | 6.50 | Campagna, Joyce |
Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin | Biography | 19155 | 3.00 | Franklin, Benjamin |
Lysistrata | Drama and Plays | 19157 | 2.50 | Aristophanes |
Women in the Wild: True Stories | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 19164 | 6.50 | McCauley, Lucy |
Babe Ruth | Young Adult | 19168 | 2.50 | Riper, Guernsey Van |
The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide | Political | 19177 | 19.75 | Root, Wayne Allyn |
How Stella got her groove back | General Fiction | 19187 | 5.50 | McMillan, Terry |
Lightning - Audio Book | Audio Books | 19191 | 7.50 | Steel, Danielle |
Chicken Soup for the soul | Christian Fiction | 19196 | 5.50 | Canfield, Jack |
The tower, the zoo, and the tortoise | General Fiction | 19202 | 7.50 | Stuart, Julia |
Best Friends Forever | General Fiction | 19225 | 6.50 | Weiner, Jennifer |
The Highest Tide | General Fiction | 19228 | 6.50 | Lynch, Jim |
The Scroll of Seduction | General Fiction | 19243 | 6.50 | Belli, Gioconda |
Rule Number Two | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 19254 | 6.50 | Kraft, Heidi Squier |
If she only knew | Mystery | 6823 | 3.50 | Jackson, Lisa |
Magnolia Creek | Romance | 19267 | 3.50 | Landis, Jill Marie |
Heat Wave | Romance | 19269 | 3.50 | Landis, Jill Marie |
Marriage Most Scandalous | Romance | 19275 | 4.00 | Lindsey, Johanna |
Body Language | Romance | 19278 | 3.50 | Brockmann, Suzanne |
Heartwishes | Romance | 19280 | 4.00 | Deveraux, Jude |
Shadow Rider: Blood Sky at Morning | Westerns | 19298 | 3.00 | Sherman, Jory |
The Savage Gun | Westerns | 19301 | 3.00 | Sherman, Jory |
Behold a red horse | Westerns | 19302 | 2.50 | Smith, Cotton |
The Texians | Westerns | 19305 | 2.00 | Parkinson, Dan |
Trapper's moon | Westerns | 19308 | 3.00 | Sherman, Jory |
The Vigilante | Westerns | 19309 | 3.00 | Sherman, Jory |
The Baron range | Westerns | 19311 | 3.00 | Sherman, Jory |
Buried evidence | Mystery | 19326 | 4.00 | Rosenberg, Nancy Taylor |
Guns of the Timberlands | Westerns | 19362 | 2.50 | L'Amour, Louis |
Milo Talon | Westerns | 19365 | 2.50 | L'Amour, Louis |
The Sceptred Isle Club | General Fiction | 19375 | 6.50 | Monahan, Brent |
Family Betrayal | General Fiction | 19398 | 4.00 | Neale, Kitty |
Clay's Justice | Westerns | 19458 | 2.00 | Shifren, David |
Living with a rottweiler | Animal | 19459 | 5.00 | Pinches, Kate |
A Woman's Heart | Romance | 19507 | 4.00 | Ross, JoAnn |
Sweetwater | Romance | 19513 | 3.25 | Garlock, Dorothy |
Spark Notes Ulysses | Reference | 19678 | 2.50 | Joyce, James |
The Sugar Solution The Sugar Solution | Health | 19683 | 5.00 | Harrar, Sari |
The uncomplicated guide to diabetes | Health | 19687 | 6.00 | Levin, Marvin E. |
The gardener's weather bible | Gardening | 19691 | 5.00 | Roth, Sally |
The Fiddler of the Reels | Classic Novels | 19704 | 2.00 | Hardy, Thomas |
The enormous room | Classic Novels | 19711 | 3.00 | Cummings, E. E. |
A midsummer night's dream | Drama and Plays | 19717 | 2.50 | Shakespeare, William |
A wonder book | Classic Novels | 19721 | 3.00 | Hawthorne, Nathaniel |
Daisy Miller | Classic Novels | 19727 | 2.00 | James, Henry |
Exiles | Classic Novels | 19729 | 2.00 | Joyce, James |
Selected short stories | Classic Novels | 19730 | 2.00 | Lawrence, D. H. |
First love | Classic Novels | 19737 | 2.00 | Turgenev, Ivan |
Runaway Mistress | Romance | 19756 | 3.50 | Carr, Robyn |
Love and war | Romance | 19763 | 2.25 | Sutherland, Peg |
The Thieves of Faith | Thriller | 19777 | 3.50 | Doetsch, Richard |
Son of a wanted man | Westerns | 19780 | 2.00 | L'Amour, Louis |
All God's Chillun Got Guns | Westerns | 19781 | 1.50 | Cross, Jed |
Vanishing point | Mystery | 19818 | 5.50 | Muller, Marcia |
Hoax | Mystery | 19820 | 5.50 | Tanenbaum, Robert K. |
Out to Pasture but Not over the Hill | Young Adult | 19835 | 4.50 | Wilder, Effie Leland |
Angelas Ashes | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 19844 | 5.50 | McCourt, Frank |
Discover the wealth within you | Business | 19845 | 5.50 | Edelman, Ric |
Monica's story | Biography | 19850 | 5.50 | Morton, Andrew |
The Unsinkable Heather Mills | Biography | 19851 | 5.50 | Simpson, Neil |
Pasadena | General Fiction | 19856 | 5.50 | Ebershoff, David |
The West Coast Trail | Travel Stories | 11904 | 2.50 | Travel Guide, Regional |
The Throat | Horror | 19899 | 4.00 | Straub, Peter |
Dead to the World | Light Mystery | 19903 | 4.00 | Harris, Charlaine |
The Vampire Who Loved Me | Paranormal | 19934 | 3.50 | Medeiros, Teresa |
Deadly Gift | Paranormal | 19936 | 4.00 | Graham, Heather |
Ice Bound | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 19947 | 5.50 | Nielsen, Dr. Jerri |
Capitol Offense | Mystery | 19981 | 5.50 | Doogan, Mike |
Roadside Crosses | Mystery | 20001 | 5.00 | Deaver, Jeffery |
Pay the Devil | Thriller | 20007 | 3.75 | Higgins, Jack |
It Takes a Village | Political | 20019 | 5.50 | Clinton, Hillary Rodham |
The History of the Siege of Lisbon | General Fiction | 20029 | 6.50 | Saramago, Jose |
Glorious Pressed Flower Projects | Crafts | 20063 | 4.50 | Hannemann, Cellestine |
The Gene Guillotine | Health | 20065 | 5.50 | Preskenis, Kate |
Finding Your Religion | Religion | 20082 | 6.50 | McLennan, Rev. Scotty |
Darling Daughters | Romance | 20090 | 3.50 | Macomber, Debbie |
Highlander Unbound | Romance | 20104 | 2.50 | London, Julia |
The Midnight Hour | Romance | 20106 | 4.00 | Robards, Karen |
MLA Handbook for Writers | Reference | 20120 | 4.50 | Gibaldi, Joseph |
Tea Rooms Northwest | Travel Stories | 20123 | 4.50 | DeMontigny, Sharon |
Spitballs & Spaghetti | Young Adult | 20142 | 1.00 | Wolff, Ferida |
Angus, Thongs and Full-frontal Snogging | Young Adult | 20149 | 3.50 | Rennison, Louise |
Becoming Alien | Science Fiction | 20158 | 2.50 | Bova, Ben |
The Labyrinth of Dreams | Science Fiction | 20162 | 2.00 | Chalker, Jack L. |
Beamriders | Science Fiction | 20165 | 2.00 | Caidin, Martin |
The Wolf Worlds | Science Fiction | 20166 | 2.00 | Cole, Allan |
The Glory That Was | Science Fiction | 20184 | 1.50 | De Camp, L. Sprague |
E. T. | Science Fiction | 20186 | 2.00 | Kotzwinkle, William |
City at the Edge of Time | Science Fiction | 20194 | 2.00 | Morris, Janet |
One Up on Wall Street | Business | 20200 | 5.50 | Lynch, Peter |
Self Help From Head to toe | Health | 20207 | 3.50 | Carewise |
The Killing Edge | Mystery | 20224 | 4.00 | Graham, Heather |
Afraid To Die | Mystery | 19108 | 4.00 | Jackson, Lisa |
Firstlight | General Fiction | 20242 | 6.50 | Kidd, Sue Monk |
What Matters Most | Romance | 20243 | 6.50 | Rice, Luanne |
Fatal Terrain | Thriller | 20274 | 4.00 | Brown, Dale |
Detectives in Togas | Young Adult | 20276 | 3.00 | Winterfeld, Henry |
Break in | Mystery | 603 | 3.00 | Francis, Dick |
Love me to Death | Mystery | 20293 | 4.00 | Brennan, Allison |
The Tunnels | Thriller | 20312 | 3.50 | Gagnon, Michelle |
The doomsday conspiracy | General Fiction | 20338 | 3.50 | Sheldon, Sidney |
The Kite | Children | 20349 | 2.00 | Scholastic |
Yeager: an autobiography | Biography | 20356 | 2.50 | Yeager, Chuck |
Under the Influence | Consciousness | 20376 | 4.00 | Milam, James R. |
Missreadings | General Fiction | 14880 | 6.50 | Eco, Umberto |
Fall From Grace | General Fiction | 20407 | 3.00 | Greeley, Andrew M. |
Resurrection | General Fiction | 20410 | 6.50 | Malarkey, Tucker |
The night before | Mystery | 20414 | 3.50 | Jackson, Lisa |
The Children of Men | Mystery | 20416 | 3.75 | James, P. D. |
A Creed for the Third Millennium | Historic Fiction | 20426 | 2.50 | McCullough, Colleen |
Kat scratch fever | Mystery | 20432 | 3.50 | Kijewski, Karen |
A Cold Heart | Audio Books | 13354 | 15.00 | Kellerman, Jonathan |
Mount Vernon Love Story | Large Print | 20446 | 5.50 | Clark, Mary Higgins |
Sunny Chandler's return | Romance | 20464 | 5.50 | Brown, Sandra |
Wyoming Brides | Romance | 20476 | 4.00 | Macomber, Debbie |
The Manning Sisters | Romance | 20488 | 4.00 | Macomber, Debbie |
Come Back Early Today | Health | 20545 | 5.50 | Marley, Marie |
The blue Valleys | General Fiction | 7872 | 5.50 | Morgan, Robert |
Chasing The Night | Mystery | 20567 | 4.00 | Johansen, Iris |
A Journal For Writers and Readers | Reference | 20584 | 5.00 | America, Pen |
Running With Scissors | General Fiction | 20586 | 7.00 | Burroughs, Augusten |
Sam Walton Made in America | Biography | 20593 | 3.00 | Walton, Sam |
Shadow of Doubt | Westerns | 8884 | 2.50 | Barton, Wayne |
The First Man in Rome | Historic Fiction | 20623 | 4.00 | McCullough, Colleen |
The Commandos | Military | 20627 | 4.00 | Walker, Douglas C. |
Power Plays: Wild Card | Thriller | 20652 | 4.00 | Clancy, Tom |
Hard Lovin' Man | Romance | 8571 | 3.50 | Heath, Lorraine |
The Will Rogers Scrapbook | Westerns | 20678 | 6.50 | Sterling, Bryan B. |
Before I Say Good-Bye | Large Print | 20694 | 5.50 | Clark, Mary Higgins |
The Problem of the Media | Political | 20701 | 5.50 | McChesney, Robert W. |
You Can't Keep A Good Woman Down | General Fiction | 20725 | 3.50 | Walker, Alice |
My New American Life | General Fiction | 20726 | 6.50 | Prose, Francine |
The Great Man | General Fiction | 20728 | 6.50 | Christensen, Kate |
The Corpse Garden | True Crime | 8706 | 3.50 | Wilson, Colin |
Early Frost | Classic Novels | 20768 | 6.50 | Meyers, Jeffrey |
The Eighty-Dollar Champion | Animal | 20772 | 6.50 | Letts, Elizabeth |
Puccini Without Excuses | Biography | 20775 | 6.50 | Berger, William |
Musicophilia | Music | 20776 | 6.50 | Sacks, Oliver |
Rattlesnake Blues | Biography | 20784 | 3.00 | Banks, Leo W. |
From the Land of Shadows | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 20785 | 5.50 | Smith, Donald B. |
Everything's an Argument | Reference | 20791 | 5.00 | Lunsford, Andrea A. |
The Aims of Argument | Reference | 20792 | 5.00 | Crusius, Timothy W. |
From Critical Thinking to Argument | Reference | 20793 | 5.00 | Barnet, Sylvan |
Everything's an Argument | Reference | 20794 | 5.00 | Lunsford, Andrea A. |
Silver Canyon | Westerns | 20866 | 2.50 | L'Amour, Louis |
The Cherokee trail | Westerns | 20896 | 2.00 | L'Amour, Louis |
West from Singapore | Westerns | 20915 | 2.00 | L'Amour, Louis |
Lone Star Ranger | Westerns | 20935 | 3.00 | Grey, Zane |
The Story Hour | Children | 20952 | 3.00 | Horizons, Child |
The Truth About Men, Sex, and Pleasure | Psychology | 20964 | 3.75 | Zilbergeld, Ph.D. Bernie |
You Can Buy Happiness | Women | 20969 | 5.50 | Strobel, Tammy |
Is That a Sick Cat in Your Backpack | Young Adult | 20996 | 2.00 | Strasser, Todd |
Is That a Dead Dog in Your Locker | Young Adult | 20997 | 2.00 | Strasser, Todd |
Water Around, Earth Below! | Young Adult | 20999 | 2.00 | Brightfield, Richard |
Cry Of The Icemark | Young Adult | 21003 | 4.50 | Hill, Stuart |
How to eat fried worms | Young Adult | 21009 | 2.50 | Rockwell, Thomas |
There's a Boy in the Girl's Bathroom | Young Adult | 21010 | 2.50 | Sachar, Louis |
Crispin The Cross of Lead | Young Adult | 21014 | 3.00 | AVI |
Sword and sorceress V | Science Fiction | 6134 | 2.00 | Bradley, Marion Zimmer |
Thorn Queen | Paranormal | 21049 | 3.50 | Mead, Richelle |
Midnight Predator | Paranormal | 21053 | 5.00 | Atwater-Rhodes, Amelia |
The Inhabited Woman | General Fiction | 21075 | 5.50 | Beli, Gioconda |
A Division of the Spoils | Historic Fiction | 21079 | 2.50 | Scott, Paul |
Hidden Leaves | Horror | 21083 | 3.50 | Andrews, V. C. |
All-Romanized English-Japanese Dictionary | Foreign Language | 21103 | 5.00 | Kai, Hyojun Romaji |
Too much Tuscan Sun | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 21127 | 6.50 | Castagno, Dario |
A Gift from Brittany | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 21128 | 6.50 | Price, Marjorie |
All About the Cairn Terrier | Animal | 21131 | 5.50 | Gordon, John F. |
Labrador Retriever | Animal | 21134 | 6.00 | Rehkopf, Linda |
Michelangelo the Sculptor | Art | 21135 | 5.00 | Parronchi, Alessandro |
Shooting Stars | Art | 21137 | 5.00 | Spears, Ricky |
Two Guys Four Corners | Art | 21138 | 5.00 | Imus, Don |
The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man | Biography | 21140 | 2.00 | Johnson, James Weldon |
The Hawkstone | Children | 21146 | 2.50 | Williams, Jay |
Pasta & Noodles | Cookbooks | 21157 | 4.00 | White, Merry |
Timon of Athens | Drama and Plays | 21162 | 3.00 | Shakespeare, William |
Cymbeline | Drama and Plays | 21163 | 3.00 | Shakespeare, William |
Queen of the Reformation | Christian Fiction | 21170 | 4.50 | Ludwig, Charles |
Mistress of the Game Mistress of the Game | General Fiction | 21174 | 4.00 | Sheldon, Sidney |
Finding the Center | General Fiction | 21176 | 3.00 | Naipaul, V. S. |
Strange highways | Horror | 21179 | 3.50 | Koontz, Dean |
Blood Game | Mystery | 21189 | 5.50 | Johansen, Iris |
Moose Country | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 21196 | 5.00 | Campbell, Sam |
The General | Thriller | 21213 | 3.50 | Davis, Patrick A. |
Down the Colorado | Travel Stories | 21215 | 4.50 | Carrier, Jim |
Angel | Romance | 21269 | 3.50 | Bradford, Barbara Taylor |
Remodeled to Death | Light Mystery | 21312 | 3.00 | Wolzien, Valerie |
Elected for Death | Light Mystery | 21313 | 3.00 | Wolzien, Valerie |
One Last Town | Westerns | 13570 | 3.00 | Braun, Matt |
Buck Colter | Westerns | 17576 | 3.00 | Braun, Matt |
Divine | Audio Books | 20439 | 10.00 | Kingsbury, Karen |
Gunpowder Wind | Westerns | 21350 | 2.00 | Parkinson, Dan |
The Lady Elizabeth | Historical Fiction | 21356 | 6.50 | Weir, Alison |
Shoplifters I have Known | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 21381 | 2.50 | Floyd |
Hymns | Music | 21384 | 4.00 | LDS |
The Pilgrim's Progress | Young Adult | 21385 | 3.00 | Bunyan, John |
The God of Animals | General Fiction | 21387 | 6.50 | Kyle, Aryn |
When Death Comes Suddenly | Other Side | 21393 | 6.50 | Duncombe, Patricia W. |
Hunter's Run | Westerns | 21398 | 3.00 | Gray, Judson |
Under Siege | Thriller | 21472 | 3.00 | Coonts, Stephen |
The Fourth K | Thriller | 21477 | 3.50 | Puzo, Mario |
Day of Judgement | Thriller | 21485 | 2.00 | Higgins, Jack |
Darkesr Hour | Horror | 21521 | 3.00 | Andrews, V. C. |
Ruby | Horror | 21522 | 3.75 | Andrews, V. C. |
Ellen Foster | General Fiction | 21539 | 5.00 | Gibbons, Kaye |
Seven Plays | Drama and Plays | 21558 | 3.00 | Strindberg, August |
The Rommel Plot | Military | 21572 | 1.50 | Tarrant, John |
War in the Modern World | Military | 21575 | 1.50 | Ropp, Theodore |
The Case of Abraham Lincoln | Audio Books | 21580 | 9.50 | Fenster, Julie M. |
Lincoln | Political | 21590 | 2.50 | Vidal, Gore |
Understanding Human Sexual Inadequacy | Psychology | 21592 | 1.50 | Belliveau, Fred |
Farmer's Almanac 2013 | Reference | 21595 | 3.00 | Harris |
Angels Fall | Audio Books | 21617 | 12.50 | Roberts, Nora |
The Irresistible Revolution | Religion | 21618 | 5.50 | Claiborne, Shane |
Get Fit with Bicycling | Sports | 21619 | 1.50 | Bicycling |
Montana's Trout Streams | Sports | 21620 | 5.50 | Holt, John |
Unfinished Business | Women | 21623 | 2.50 | Scarf, Maggie |
Encounters with Aging | Women | 21624 | 5.50 | Lock, Margaret |
Collateral Damage | Thriller | 21646 | 5.00 | Brown, Dale |
Gunsmoke Craze | Westerns | 21656 | 2.50 | Dawson, Peter |
Blood on the Land | Westerns | 21659 | 2.00 | Bonham, Frank |
Spirit | Music | 21661 | 5.50 | Lewis, Leona |
Dragon's Gold | Science Fiction | 21674 | 2.00 | Anthony, Piers |
Serpent's Silver | Science Fiction | 21675 | 2.50 | Anthony, Piers |
2010: Odyssey Two | Science Fiction | 21676 | 5.00 | Clarke, Arthur C. |
Cradle | Science Fiction | 21677 | 2.50 | Clarke, Arthur C. |
Cerberus: A Wolf in the Fold | Science Fiction | 21679 | 2.00 | Chalker, Jack L. |
The Pritcher Mass | Science Fiction | 21685 | 2.00 | Dickson, Gordon R. |
The Rhinemann Exchange | Thriller | 21689 | 2.00 | Ludlum, Robert |
Mountains Beyond Mountains | Audio Books | 21692 | 15.00 | Kidder, Tracy |
Time Storm | Science Fiction | 21702 | 2.00 | Dickson, Gordon R. |
Starburst | Science Fiction | 21705 | 2.00 | Pohl, Frederik |
King of the Range | Westerns | 21712 | 2.00 | Brand, Max |
The Bank Robber | Westerns | 21716 | 2.00 | Tippette, Giles |
The Watcher | Westerns | 21717 | 2.50 | Kammen, Robert |
The Last Stand of Fox Company | Military | 21756 | 6.00 | Drury, Bob |
Badger | Westerns | 21767 | 2.00 | O'Rourke, Frank |
Arrowsmith | Classic Novels | 18674 | 3.50 | Lewis, Sinclair |
Larry's Party | General Fiction | 21855 | 5.50 | Shields, Carol |
Eternal | Paranormal | 21886 | 5.00 | Cast, P. C. |
Four Major Plays | Drama and Plays | 21894 | 2.50 | Ibsen, Henrik |
Negrophobia | Psychology | 21901 | 5.00 | James, Darius |
If Hollers let him go | Classic Novels | 21911 | 3.50 | Himes, Chester |
What we must know about Communisn | Classic Novels | 21914 | 3.50 | Overstreet, Harry |
Mosquitoes | Classic Novels | 21917 | 3.50 | Faulkner, William |
Wildflowers | Gardening | 21924 | 4.50 | Seymour, Jacqueline |
Buckskin #1: Rifle River | Westerns | 21959 | 2.00 | Lebeau, Roy |
Gunman's Curse | Westerns | 21964 | 2.00 | Sherman, Jory |
Ryan | Westerns | 21967 | 2.00 | Sherman, D. R. |
The Spy Wore Red | Military | 22034 | 2.50 | Aline |
Delia's Crossing | Horror | 22041 | 4.00 | Andrews, V. C. |
Venus Prime: Vol 5 The Diamond Moon | Science Fiction | 22061 | 2.00 | Clarke, Arthur C. |
The Two Mrs. Grenvilles | General Fiction | 22091 | 2.25 | Dunne, Dominick |
Hour of the Horde | Science Fiction | 22121 | 2.00 | Dickson, Gordon R. |
Bad moon rising | Horror | 4166 | 3.50 | Maberry, Jonathan |
Conflict | Science Fiction | 22139 | 2.00 | Anderson, Poul |
The Tears of the Singers | Science Fiction | 22152 | 2.00 | Snodgrass, Melinda |
The Gates of Heaven | Science Fiction | 22165 | 2.00 | Preuss, Paul |
The Best of Trek #2 | Science Fiction | 22167 | 2.00 | Irvin, Walter |
Spock Messiah | Science Fiction | 22168 | 2.00 | Cogswell, Theodore R. |
Shadow of Earth | Science Fiction | 22173 | 2.00 | Eisenstein, Phyllis |
Star Trek: Mutiny on the Enterprise | Science Fiction | 22177 | 2.00 | Vardeman, Robert E. |
The Eleventh Commandment | Science Fiction | 22178 | 2.00 | DelRey, Lester |
Beneath the Silent Sea | Thriller | 22183 | 2.00 | Henrick, Richard P. |
The Far Call | Science Fiction | 22202 | 2.00 | Dickson, Gordon R. |
The Strategy of Peace | Political | 22222 | 3.00 | Kennedy, John F. |
A Maggot | General Fiction | 22231 | 2.25 | Fowles, John |
Roger's version | General Fiction | 22232 | 2.50 | Updike, John |
Fortune's Daughter | General Fiction | 22234 | 2.50 | Hoffman, Alice |
Sisterchicks: On the loose | General Fiction | 22242 | 6.50 | Gunn, Robin Jones |
The Day the Red Baron Died | Military | 22250 | 2.00 | Titler, Dale |
The Trail of Fu Manchu #7 | Mystery | 22253 | 2.00 | Rohmer, Sax |
The Coffin Quilt | General Fiction | 22260 | 5.50 | Rinaldi, Ann |
Ox | Science Fiction | 22273 | 3.00 | Anthony, Piers |
Bio of a space tyrant vol.3: Politician | Science Fiction | 22275 | 2.50 | Anthony, Piers |
A Breath of Snow and Ashes - Audio Book | Audio Books | 13315 | 17.50 | Gabaldon, Diana |
A Jungle of Stars | Science Fiction | 22303 | 2.00 | Chalker, Jack L. |
Writers of the Future | Science Fiction | 22314 | 2.00 | Hubbard, L. Ron |
Time Gate | Science Fiction | 22322 | 2.00 | Jakes, John |
Home-World | Science Fiction | 22323 | 2.00 | Harrison, Harry |
The Best of Trek #4 | Science Fiction | 22327 | 2.00 | Irwin, Walter |
Twilight World | Science Fiction | 22330 | 2.00 | Anderson, Poul |
Gunn 009 Boothill Bounty | Westerns | 22360 | 2.00 | Sherman, Jory |
The Night of the Iguana | Classic Novels | 22361 | 3.00 | Williams, Tennessee |
Five Women Wearing the Same Dress | Drama and Plays | 22362 | 3.50 | Ball, Alan |
Hot & Cool | Short Stories | 22365 | 3.50 | Breton, Maricela |
The Bonfire of the Vanities | General Fiction | 22381 | 3.00 | Wolfe, Tom |
Brak the Barbarian #1: I, Barbarian | Science Fiction | 22385 | 2.50 | Jakes, John |
John Paul Jones | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 22415 | 3.00 | Morison, Samuel Eliot |
The Fifties | Biography | 22416 | 6.50 | Halberstam, David |
A bad day to die | Westerns | 8971 | 3.00 | Butts, J. Lee |
Brotherhood of blood | Westerns | 8973 | 3.00 | Butts, J. Lee |
Hell in the nations | Westerns | 8975 | 3.00 | Butts, J. Lee |
Hell to Pay | Westerns | 8976 | 3.00 | Butts, J. Lee |
And Kill Them All | Westerns | 8972 | 3.00 | Butts, J. Lee |
Gun Work | Westerns | 8974 | 3.00 | Butts, J. Lee |
Cliffs Notes on: Of Human Bondage | Reference | 22581 | 1.50 | Maugham, W. Somerset |
How to Win at Contract Bridge | Reference | 22582 | 2.00 | Frey, Richard L. |
Death is forever | Mystery | 1276 | 4.00 | Lowell, Elizabeth |
The Best of Trek #14 | Science Fiction | 22620 | 2.00 | Irwin, Walter |
Executioner #147: Payback Game | Thriller | 22625 | 2.00 | Pendleton, Don |
The Osterman Weekend | Thriller | 22630 | 2.50 | Ludlum, Robert |
Silent Witness | Mystery | 22645 | 5.00 | Patterson, Richard North |
Arigato | Mystery | 22650 | 3.50 | Condon, Richard |
The Whisper of the Axe | Mystery | 22651 | 3.50 | Condon, Richard |
Tombstone | Westerns | 22655 | 2.50 | Tippette, Giles |
The Return of Sherlock Holmes | Classic Novels | 22665 | 3.50 | Doyle, Arthur Conan |
Navajo Indian Coloring Book | Children | 22710 | 1.50 | Asch, Connie |
13 Colonies - Coloring Book | Children | 22711 | 2.50 | Bellerophon |
The Story of an African Farm | General Fiction | 22716 | 3.50 | Schreiner, Olive |
Die in plain sight | Mystery | 22722 | 4.00 | Lowell, Elizabeth |
The Creative Pasta Cookbook | Cookbooks | 22753 | 3.50 | Stewart, Jillian |
The Floating City | General Fiction | 22758 | 6.50 | Ball, Pamela |
Water Gardening | Gardening | 22759 | 4.50 | Gardens, Denver Botanic |
Felix Mendelssohn | Music | 22767 | 3.50 | Elvers, Rudolf |
Planet Drum | Music | 22768 | 4.50 | Hart, Mickey |
The Taming of the Wolf | Paranormal | 22791 | 4.00 | Dare, Lydia |
Lady Midnight | Romance | 22809 | 2.00 | Greene, Maria |
Reckless Splendor | Romance | 22810 | 2.00 | Greene, Maria |
A Christmas Wedding | General Fiction | 22831 | 4.00 | Greeley, Andrew M. |
Sacrifice | Horror | 22834 | 4.00 | Everson, John |
The King of the Castle | Romance | 22867 | 2.00 | Holt, Victoria |
The lighthouse | Mystery | 22891 | 8.00 | James, P. D. |
Engleby | General Fiction | 22903 | 5.50 | Faulks, Sebastian |
Jemima J | General Fiction | 22907 | 5.50 | Green, Jane |
And the Shadows Took Him | General Fiction | 22909 | 5.50 | Chacon, Daniel |
Swine not? | General Fiction | 22914 | 6.50 | Buffett, Jimmy |
Mountain Man's Vengeance | Westerns | 22933 | 2.00 | Lake, Robert |
Combat | Thriller | 22938 | 4.00 | Coonts, Stephen |
Mr. Food's Favorite Cookies | Cookbooks | 22952 | 5.50 | Ginsburg, Art |
Mr. Food Makes Desert | Cookbooks | 22955 | 5.00 | Ginsburg, Art |
Mr. Food Cooks Chicken | Cookbooks | 22956 | 5.00 | Ginsburg, Art |
Mr. Food Cooks Pasta | Cookbooks | 22957 | 5.00 | Ginsburg, Art |
Valfierno | General Fiction | 22969 | 6.50 | Caparros, Martin |
Crown Jewel | Romance | 22984 | 4.00 | Michaels, Fern |
The Disappearing Jewel of Madagascar | Young Adult | 22992 | 1.50 | Brouwer, Sigmund |
High Maintenance | General Fiction | 22996 | 6.50 | Belle, Jennifer |
Great Short Works of Henry Van Dyke | Classic Novels | 23021 | 2.50 | Dyke, Henry Van |
Break for the Border | Westerns | 23047 | 2.00 | Bonham, Frank |
Deep Black: Biowar | Thriller | 23091 | 4.00 | Coonts, Stephen |
Stony Man: Blood Star | Thriller | 23094 | 2.75 | Pendleton, Don |
Mack Bolan - Storm Front | Thriller | 23097 | 3.00 | Pendleton, Don |
Consider This, Senora | General Fiction | 23105 | 5.00 | Doerr, Harriet |
Heart Song | Horror | 23130 | 3.75 | Andrews, V. C. |
Executioner #179: War Hammer | Thriller | 23133 | 2.00 | Pendleton, Don |
Executioner #167: Double Action | Thriller | 23134 | 2.00 | pendleton, don |
Executioner #138: Kill Trap | Thriller | 23136 | 2.00 | Pendleton, Don |
Executioner #150: Death Load | Thriller | 23137 | 2.00 | Pendleton, Don |
Executioner #191: Extreme Force | Thriller | 23138 | 2.00 | Pendleton, Don |
Executioner #233: Tough Justice | Thriller | 23139 | 2.00 | Pendleton, Don |
Executioner #251: Kill Radius | Thriller | 23140 | 2.00 | Pendleton, Don |
The Loner #04: The Big Gundown | Westerns | 23152 | 3.50 | Johnstone, J. A. |
The Bostonians | Classic Novels | 23162 | 7.50 | James, Henry |
The Alchemist | Mystery | 23169 | 2.00 | Goddard, Ken |
Spy | Thriller | 23177 | 5.00 | Bell, Ted |
The Bourne Objective | Thriller | 23178 | 5.00 | Ludlum, Robert |
Shadow Creek | Mystery | 23202 | 6.50 | Fielding, Joy |
Poor Little Bitch Girl | Romance | 23220 | 4.00 | Collins, Jackie |
The Race | Mystery | 23264 | 5.00 | Patterson, Richard North |
More Twisted | Mystery | 23269 | 4.00 | Deaver, Jeffery |
Help! I'm Trapped in Obedience School | Young Adult | 23311 | 2.50 | Strasser, Todd |
May Bird Among the Stars | Young Adult | 23319 | 3.00 | Anderson, Jodi Lynn |
CliffsQuickReview: Algebra II | Reference | 23322 | 4.50 | Cliff |
CliffsQuickReview: Trigonometry | Reference | 23323 | 4.50 | Cliff |
Gandhi | Eastern Religion | 23330 | 2.00 | Parekh, Bhikhu |
Unspoken | Mystery | 23342 | 4.00 | Jackson, Lisa |
Am. Exp.#11:Frontier Fighter Davy C | Historic Fiction | 23371 | 2.00 | Bishop, Lee |
Final Target | Mystery | 23393 | 4.00 | Johansen, Iris |
Thomas Wolfe | Biography | 23427 | 2.00 | Turnbull, Andrew |
Mommie Dearest | Biography | 23431 | 2.00 | Crawford, Christina |
Aristotle | Classic Novels | 23446 | 3.50 | Kaplan, Justin D. |
Tropic of Cancer | Classic Novels | 23463 | 6.50 | Miller, Henry |
Polanski | Biography | 23482 | 5.50 | Sandford, Christopher |
In Search of Biddy Early | Other Side | 23486 | 3.50 | Lenihan, Edward |
Flim-Flam | Other Side | 23487 | 3.50 | Randi, James |
The Wild Things | Audio Books | 23488 | 15.00 | Eggers, Dave |
Wolf Moon | Westerns | 23528 | 2.00 | Victor, Sam |
The Darkest Surrender | Paranormal | 23533 | 4.00 | Showalter, Gena |
Daughter of Light | Horror | 23542 | 5.50 | Andrews, V. C. |
Questions and Answers about Space | Children | 23552 | 3.00 | Capella |
Metamorphosis | Science Fiction | 23553 | 3.00 | McKinney, Jack |
It's Called a Breakup Because it's Broken | Women | 23554 | 6.50 | Behrendt, Greg |
Andorra | General Fiction | 21540 | 5.50 | Cameron, Peter |
Silas Marner | Classic Novels | 23571 | 5.00 | Eliot, George |
A Dog Called Kitty | Young Adult | 23594 | 3.00 | Wallace, Bill |
Othello | Drama and Plays | 23599 | 3.50 | Shakespeare, William |
As You Like It | Drama and Plays | 23601 | 3.00 | Shakespeare, William |
Start Something That Matters | Business | 23603 | 3.50 | Mycoskie, Blake |
Deceptions and myths of the Bible | Religion | 14383 | 4.50 | Graham, Lloyd |
The Last Victim | Romance | 23647 | 4.00 | Robards, Karen |
Annie John | General Fiction | 23663 | 4.00 | Kincaid, Jamaica |
The hills of homicide | Westerns | 8744 | 3.00 | L'Amour, Louis |
West from Singapore | Westerns | 20915 | 2.00 | L'Amour, Louis |
The key-lock man | Westerns | 8741 | 2.00 | L'Amour, Louis |
Jerusalem | Drama and Plays | 23682 | 6.50 | Butterworth, Jez |
Escape the night | Mystery | 23696 | 2.50 | Patterson, Richard North |
Gorgeous Lies | General Fiction | 7813 | 6.50 | McPhee, Martha |
High country bride | Romance | 23718 | 4.00 | Miller, Linda Lael |
To Catch a King | Thriller | 23724 | 2.00 | Higgins, Jack |
The Way of All Flesh | Classic Novels | 23733 | 3.00 | Butler, Samuel |
The Aids Cover-up? | Health | 23734 | 4.50 | Antonio, Gene |
Law for Hire: Saving Masterson | Westerns | 23739 | 3.00 | Brooks, Bill |
Law for Hire: Protecting Hickok | Westerns | 23740 | 3.00 | Brooks, Bill |
Pussyfoot | Light Mystery | 10066 | 2.50 | Douglas, Carole Nelson |
Cat in a Kiwi Con | Light Mystery | 10068 | 3.50 | Douglas, Carole Nelson |
Sister Time | Science Fiction | 6601 | 4.00 | Ringo, John |
Serpent | Mystery | 21086 | 6.00 | Cussler, Clive |
Cat in a Neon Nightmare | Light Mystery | 23775 | 3.50 | Douglas, Carole Nelson |
Congo | Thriller | 23819 | 3.50 | Crichton, Michael |
The Word | General Fiction | 23860 | 2.00 | Wallace, Irving |
Kalki | Political | 23879 | 5.50 | Vidal, Gore |
The Making of the President 1960 | Political | 23880 | 2.00 | White, Theodore H. |
Bridget Jones's diary | General Fiction | 23987 | 5.50 | Fielding, Helen |
Day One | Military | 24002 | 2.00 | Wyden, Peter |
Back to the bedroom | Mystery | 24003 | 3.75 | Evanovich, Janet |
Evolution | Children | 24009 | 6.50 | Hawkey, Raymond |
The Complete Guide to Walking | Sports | 24015 | 6.00 | Fenton, Mark |
An Anniversary to Die For | Light Mystery | 10505 | 3.50 | Wolzien, Valerie |
Fox and His Friends | Children | 24037 | 2.00 | Marshall, Edward |
Pigling Bland | Children | 24055 | 3.00 | Potter, Beatrix |
Cinderella | Children | 24068 | 4.50 | Disney, Walt |
Forbidden Land | Historic Fiction | 24133 | 3.00 | Sarabande, William |
Given up for Dead | Military | 24138 | 6.50 | Sloan, Bill |
Black Notice | Mystery | 24150 | 4.00 | Cornwell, Patricia |
In the Heart of the Sea | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 24171 | 5.50 | Philbrick, Nathaniel |
Being Alien | Science Fiction | 24186 | 2.00 | Bova, Ben |
Starfire | Science Fiction | 24188 | 2.00 | Preuss, Paul |
The Killing Star | Science Fiction | 24202 | 3.00 | Pellegrino, Charles |
Softball Skills & Drills | Sports | 24211 | 6.00 | Garman, Judi |
Coaching Fastpitch Softball Successfully | Sports | 24212 | 6.00 | Veroni, Kathy J. |
Stealth War | Thriller | 24213 | 3.50 | Rovin, Jeff |
An Exchange of Eagles | Military | 24222 | 2.00 | Sela, Owen |
The Writer's Survival Manual | Reference | 24226 | 2.00 | Meyer, Carol |
A woman of substance | Romance | 24233 | 3.00 | Bradford, Barbara Taylor |
Team Yankee | Thriller | 24237 | 2.50 | Coyle, Harold |
Texas Iron | Westerns | 24274 | 2.00 | Lake, Robert |
Witch & Wizard #5: The lost | Mystery | 1747 | 5.00 | Patterson, James |
Dutchman's Flat | Westerns | 24307 | 2.00 | L'Amour, Louis |
Sweetwater Creek | Romance | 24330 | 5.50 | Siddons, Anne Rivers |
The Overflowing Life | Religion | 24347 | 4.00 | Baldwin, Stanley C. |
Bring on the Empty Horses | Biography | 24364 | 2.00 | Niven, David |
Heiress | Romance | 24379 | 3.00 | Dailey, Janet |
Ten Minute Facelift | Health | 24381 | 5.00 | Harding, Jennie |
The Perricone Prescription | Health | 24383 | 5.50 | Perricone, Nicholas |
Potatoes Not Prozac | Health | 24384 | 5.50 | DesMaisons, Kathleen |
The Sands of Valor | Military | 24394 | 2.00 | Wagner, Geoffrey |
Prizzi's Honor | Mystery | 24396 | 2.00 | Condon, Richard |
Walk on the Wild Side | Paranormal | 24432 | 3.50 | Warren, Christine |
Father Mother God | Religion | 24481 | 5.50 | Greenhouse, Lucia |
Hold the Dream | Romance | 24490 | 2.50 | Bradford, Barbara Taylor |
Mastered by Love | Romance | 24508 | 4.00 | Laurens, Stephanie |
Across five Aprils | Young Adult | 24590 | 2.00 | Hunt, Irene |
Miss Seeton Uncover | Light Mystery | 24602 | 2.00 | Charles, Hampton |
Code of Honor | Thriller | 24604 | 4.00 | Coyle, Harold |
Riding & Pony Care | Animal | 24619 | 3.50 | Usborne |
Dr. Rat | General Fiction | 24625 | 6.50 | Kotzwinkle, William |
The Seamstress | General Fiction | 24631 | 6.50 | Peebles, Frances De Pontes |
The Madonnas of Leningrad | General Fiction | 24632 | 6.50 | Dean, Debra |
Heart so White | General Fiction | 24636 | 6.50 | Marias, Javier |
I, Elizabeth | Historic Fiction | 24651 | 6.50 | Miles, Rosalind |
Potrait of an Unknown Woman | Historic Fiction | 24652 | 6.50 | Bennett, Vanora |
The Call of Fife & Drum | Historic Fiction | 24654 | 5.00 | Fast, Howard |
Riding lessons | General Fiction | 24661 | 6.50 | Gruen, Sara |
Sea Robber | Historic Fiction | 24676 | 6.50 | Severin, Tim |
A Colorful Death | Light Mystery | 24679 | 5.50 | Dunn, Carola |
Swimsuit | Mystery | 24711 | 7.50 | Patterson, James |
A book of angels | New Age | 24723 | 4.50 | Burnham, Sophy |
Windows of the Past | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 24726 | 4.50 | Brown, Judith M. |
Nasty Women | Psychology | 24728 | 3.50 | Carter, Jay |
The Ideal Bride | Romance | 24751 | 4.00 | Laurens, Stephanie |
Here's Why: Science in Sports | Science | 24777 | 2.50 | Barr, George |
The Eye of Moloch | Thriller | 24783 | 6.50 | Beck, Glenn |
The Lazarus Vendetta | Thriller | 24785 | 8.00 | Ludlum, Robert |
Out and About Portland with Kids | Travel Stories | 24791 | 5.50 | Nix, Nelle |
Grange House | General Fiction | 24805 | 6.50 | Blake, Sarah |
Obsidian Butterfly | Paranormal | 19054 | 4.00 | Hamilton, Laurell K. |
Cocktail Hour Under the Tree of Forgetfulness | Biography | 24841 | 6.50 | Fuller, Alexandra |
Every breath you take | Romance | 24846 | 4.00 | McNaught, Judith |
Lovers & Gamblers | Romance | 24847 | 3.00 | Collins, Jackie |
The Revenge of Moriarty | Classic Novels | 24873 | 3.50 | Doyle, Arthur Conan |
The runaway jury | Mystery | 24882 | 4.00 | Grisham, John |
A Mighty Fortress | Science Fiction | 24885 | 7.50 | Weber, David |
The Bride | Romance | 24888 | 3.00 | Garwood, Julie |
A Treasure Revealed | Romance | 24894 | 2.50 | Griffin, Pamela |
Hill Country Cattleman | Romance | 24895 | 3.00 | Kingery, Laurie |
Courting Miss Callie | Romance | 24896 | 2.75 | Clark, Dorothy |
Temptation and Surrender | Romance | 24907 | 3.00 | Laurens, Stephanie |
Blue smoke and murder | Mystery | 1279 | 4.00 | Lowell, Elizabeth |
Plague Ship | Mystery | 24955 | 5.00 | Cussler, Clive |
Black Wind | Mystery | 24961 | 5.00 | Cussler, Clive |
Net Force: Point of Impact | Thriller | 24966 | 4.00 | Clancy, Tom |
Consent to kill | Mystery | 24976 | 7.00 | Flynn, Vince |
The Last Gunfighter: Reprisal | Westerns | 24995 | 3.00 | Johnstone, William W. |
Betrayed | Paranormal | 25074 | 4.50 | Cast, P. C. |
Heart of Darkness | Paranormal | 25076 | 4.00 | Showalter, Gena |
Night chills | Horror | 25107 | 3.50 | Koontz, Dean |
The Funhouse | Horror | 25108 | 3.50 | Koontz, Dean |
Circles of Seven Vol 3 | Young Adult | 25134 | 5.50 | Davis, Bryan |
Tears of a Dragon Vol 4 | Young Adult | 25135 | 5.50 | Davis, Bryan |
WolfCry | Paranormal | 25148 | 4.00 | Atwater-Rhodes, Amelia |
Springs Gentle Promise | Romance | 25163 | 3.50 | Oke, Janette |
Black Ice | Thriller | 9754 | 3.50 | Dickinson, Matt |
OutCast Gun | Westerns | 25177 | 2.00 | Lutz, Giles |
Pistolero | Westerns | 25178 | 2.00 | Walt, Denver |
Power Plays: Cutting Edge | Thriller | 25188 | 4.00 | Clancy, Tom |
Dictator's Ransom | Thriller | 25189 | 4.00 | Marcinko, Richard |
The Liberty Corps | Thriller | 25194 | 2.00 | Roberts Mark |
Assassin | Thriller | 25196 | 3.50 | Hagberg, David |
Rides a Stranger | Westerns | 9774 | 3.00 | Brooks, Bill |
South Africa | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 25244 | 6.50 | Welsh, Frank |
Dissolution | Historic Fiction | 25266 | 6.50 | Sansom, C. J. |
Rug Making | Crafts | 25267 | 3.50 | BetterHomesGardens |
The Well Seasoned Wok | Cookbooks | 25273 | 6.50 | Yan, Martin |
And The Bride Wore White | Religion | 25277 | 6.50 | Gresh, Dannah |
Dear Partner | Religion | 25278 | 3.50 | Copeland, Kenneth |
Sweet Anger - Audio Book | Audio Books | 25301 | 15.00 | Brown, Sandra |
Betrayal - Audio Book | Audio Books | 25308 | 12.50 | Steel, Danielle |
Evening class | General Fiction | 25313 | 4.00 | Binchy, Maeve |
By the River Piedra I sat down and wept | General Fiction | 25324 | 6.50 | Coelho, Paulo |
Dream When You're Feeling Blue | General Fiction | 25339 | 6.50 | Berg, Elizabeth |
The Griffin's Flight | Fantasy | 25366 | 4.00 | Taylor, K. J. |
The Griffin's War | Fantasy | 25367 | 4.00 | Taylor, K. J. |
Familie Jgel Auf Reisen | Foreign Language | 25394 | 2.00 | Hoffmann, Anny |
Le Passage Des Ephemeres | Foreign Language | 25398 | 3.50 | Harpman, Jacquline |
A Place of Hiding | Mystery | 25414 | 4.00 | George, Elizabeth |
Ancient Egypt | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 25448 | 6.50 | Hart, George |
The Unabridged Crossword Puzzle Dictionary | Reference | 25458 | 4.50 | Sisson, A. F. |
The Silver Glove | Young Adult | 25461 | 2.00 | Charnas, Suzy Mckee |
Beyond the Burning Time | Young Adult | 25463 | 2.50 | Lasky, Kathryn |
Men at War: The Fighting Agents | Thriller | 25490 | 4.00 | Griffin, W. E. B. |
Incubus dreams | Paranormal | 3077 | 6.50 | Hamilton, Laurell K. |
Burnt Offerings | Paranormal | 25505 | 4.00 | Hamilton, Laurell K. |
Choosers Of The Slain | Science Fiction | 25506 | 4.00 | Ringo, John |
Midnight Bayou | Romance | 25513 | 4.00 | Roberts, Nora |
Chase The Dawn | Romance | 25521 | 3.50 | Feather, Jane |
Come Spring | Romance | 25526 | 2.75 | Landis, Jill Marie |
The Duchess | Historic Fiction | 25552 | 6.50 | Foreman, Amanda |
Between the Acts | Classic Novels | 25574 | 5.50 | Woolf, Virginia |
Ann Vickers | Classic Novels | 25598 | 3.00 | Lewis, Sinclair |
It is Well with My Soul | Biography | 25609 | 6.50 | Johnson, Ell Mae Cheeks |
Venus of Shadows | Science Fiction | 25636 | 2.50 | Sargent, Pamela |
Strapless | General Fiction | 25687 | 6.50 | Davis, Deborah |
The Coldest Night | General Fiction | 25689 | 6.50 | Olmstead, Robert |
The Australians #05 The Adventurers | Historic Fiction | 25691 | 2.50 | Long, William Stuart |
e-mail from God for Kids | Christian Fiction | 25721 | 5.00 | Cloninger, Claire |
Cliffs Notes on: The Aeneid | Reference | 25737 | 2.50 | Virgil |
Love by Design | Romance | 25747 | 6.50 | Roberts, Nora |
I'll Be Home for Christmas | Romance | 25748 | 4.00 | Michaels, Fern |
The Parsifal Mosaic | Thriller | 25758 | 2.25 | Ludlum, Robert |
Music and My World | Children | 25792 | 2.00 | Kindermusik |
How to Plan Perfect Kitchens | Do It Yourself | 25795 | 4.50 | OrthoBooks |
Love's Labor's Lost | Drama and Plays | 25796 | 2.00 | Shakespeare, William |
Shootout at Picture Rock | Westerns | 25842 | 3.00 | West, Joseph A. |
The stainless steel rat wants you | Science Fiction | 25856 | 2.00 | Harrison, Harry |
A Season for Slaughter | Science Fiction | 25858 | 3.00 | Gerrold, David |
Emissary of Love | New Age | 25867 | 5.50 | Twyman, James F. |
A Slipping-Down Life | General Fiction | 25873 | 2.00 | Tyler, Anne |
Fall from Grace | Mystery | 25883 | 5.00 | Patterson, Richard North |
Fatheralong | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 25896 | 5.50 | Wideman, John Edgar |
The Weekend Novelist | Reference | 25899 | 4.50 | Ray, Robert J. |
Job Interviewers | Reference | 25901 | 4.50 | Dermody, Jack |
The Everything Creative Wedding Book | Reference | 25902 | 6.50 | Rung, Jennifer Lata |
Decision at Doona | Science Fiction | 25907 | 2.50 | McCaffrey, Anne |
Fear Collector | Thriller | 25915 | 5.00 | Olsen, Gregg |
Once late with a. 38 | Westerns | 8917 | 3.00 | Brandvold, Peter |
The Genesis Machine | Science Fiction | 25971 | 2.00 | Hogan, James P. |
The Psychotechnic League | Science Fiction | 25978 | 2.00 | Anderson, Poul |
Charlie Brown's 'Cyclopedia' Vol 1 | Children | 25983 | 3.50 | Schulz, Charles |
Witch in the House | Young Adult | 25987 | 2.00 | Chew, Ruth |
King Lear | Drama and Plays | 25992 | 3.50 | Shakespeare, William |
King's Test | Science Fiction | 25999 | 2.50 | Weis, Margaret |
Independence Day | General Fiction | 26020 | 6.50 | Ford, Richard |
Star Trek: The Children of Hamlin | Science Fiction | 26026 | 3.00 | Carter, Carmen |
The lost king | Science Fiction | 26028 | 2.50 | Weis, Margaret |
Voyage to a Forgotten Sun | Science Fiction | 26034 | 2.00 | Pfeil, Donald J. |
Colony | Science Fiction | 26035 | 2.00 | Bova, Ben |
The Infinity Link | Science Fiction | 26037 | 2.50 | Carter, Jeffrey A. |
Body Armor=2000 | Science Fiction | 26038 | 2.00 | Haldeman, Joe |
The Glass Lady | Science Fiction | 26041 | 2.50 | Savage, D. J. |
Crouching vampire, hidden fang | Paranormal | 26067 | 4.00 | MacAlister, Katie |
NWestTerr #2: Conquest | Historic Fiction | 26080 | 2.50 | Payne, Oliver |
Fresh Disasters - Audio Book | Audio Books | 13431 | 15.00 | Woods, Stuart |
Grimspace | Science Fiction | 26102 | 4.00 | Aguirre, Ann |
Showdown at Juniper Pass | Westerns | 9013 | 3.50 | Conwell, Kent |
Cry of the Deep | Thriller | 21490 | 2.00 | Henrick, Richard P. |
.45-Caliber Deathtrap | Westerns | 8907 | 3.00 | Brandvold, Peter |
Helldorado | Westerns | 8926 | 3.00 | Brandvold, Peter |
By dawn's early light | Thriller | 3490 | 4.00 | Hagberg, David |
Grumpy old men | General Fiction | 26128 | 5.50 | Prebble, Stuart |
The thrill of the grass | General Fiction | 26130 | 2.50 | Kinsella, W. P. |
Old Moccasins on the Trail | Westerns | 26145 | 2.50 | Edson, J. T. |
Valley of Hunted Men | Westerns | 26178 | 2.00 | Scott, Bradford |
Defiance Mountain | Westerns | 26179 | 2.00 | Bonham, Frank |
The Valdez Horses | Westerns | 26181 | 2.00 | Hoffman, Lee |
Workout Diary | Sports | 26218 | 5.00 | Hinkler |
Two Weeks in Another Town | General Fiction | 26222 | 2.00 | Shaw, Irwin |
Lady with a Gun | Westerns | 26243 | 2.00 | Shears, J.A. |
A Creek Called Wounded Knee | Westerns | 26246 | 2.00 | Jones, Douglas C. |
My soccer book | Children | 26250 | 3.00 | Gibbons, Gail |
My fun with Learning | Children | 26252 | 4.50 | Southwestern |
The Last Kashmiri Rose | Mystery | 24159 | 3.50 | Cleverly, Barbara |
On Wings of Eagles | Mystery | 577 | 3.50 | Follett, Ken |
The Messie Motivator: New Strategies to Restoring | Women | 26266 | 4.50 | Felton, Sandra |
So Much Summer | Young Adult | 26270 | 3.50 | Stevenson, Kris C. |
The Court | Mystery | 26281 | 3.50 | Coughlin, William J. |
The Light of Western Stars | Westerns | 26302 | 2.50 | Grey, Zane |
Dead Man's Medal | Westerns | 26319 | 2.00 | Cummings, Jack |
Lannigan's Revenge | Westerns | 26321 | 2.00 | Marshall, Mel |
Buckskin #5: Gunsight Gap | Westerns | 26325 | 2.00 | Lebeau, Roy |
Buffalo Hunt | Westerns | 26328 | 2.00 | Marshall, Mel |
The Saga of Henry Starr | Westerns | 26332 | 2.00 | Conley, Robert J. |
The Reluctant Partner | Westerns | 26336 | 2.00 | Durham, John |
Jericho | Historic Fiction | 26337 | 2.50 | Tobin, Greg |
Powder Smoke | Westerns | 26352 | 2.00 | MacDonald, William Colt |
Master Georgie | General Fiction | 26362 | 6.50 | Bainbridge, Beryl |
The Marriage Art | Philosophy | 26366 | 2.00 | Eichenlaub, John E. |
The Dakotas | Historic Fiction | 26367 | 2.00 | Davis, Kathryn |
Song of Wovoka | Historic Fiction | 26370 | 2.50 | Murray, Earl |
NWestTerr #3: Defiance | Historic Fiction | 26371 | 2.00 | Payne, Oliver |
Second Opinions | Health | 26372 | 5.50 | Groopman, Jerome |
Cast A Long Shadow | Westerns | 26405 | 2.00 | Bonham, Frank |
Last Stage West | Westerns | 26407 | 2.00 | Bonham, Frank |
Fort Hogan | Westerns | 26409 | 2.00 | Bonham, Frank |
Starr's Showdown | Westerns | 26414 | 2.00 | Wisler, G. Clifton |
Promises: Nightstar\Beyond Tomorrow | Romance | 26427 | 4.00 | Michaels, Fern |
Mr. Littlejohn | Westerns | 26448 | 2.00 | Judd, Cameron |
Stranger with a Gun | Westerns | 26467 | 2.00 | Lomax, Bliss |
Stampede | Westerns | 26471 | 2.00 | Knott, Will C. |
Cry Baby | Light Mystery | 26485 | 4.25 | Cunningham, Fay |
The Drowning Pool | Large Print | 26486 | 4.25 | Seewald, Jacqueline |
Will America Survive? | Political | 26510 | 3.00 | White, E. G. |
Roughshod | Westerns | 26529 | 2.00 | Shaw, Thomas |
El Segundo | Westerns | 26537 | 2.00 | Blackburn, Tom W. |
Lincoln County | Westerns | 26541 | 2.00 | Cutter, Tom |
Shane | Westerns | 26547 | 2.50 | Schaefer, Jack |
Iron Man, Iron Horse | Westerns | 26548 | 2.00 | Keene, James |
The Age of Belief | Religion | 26563 | 2.00 | Fremantle, Anne |
The Call of the Wild and White Fang | Classic Novels | 26566 | 3.50 | London, Jack |
The New Centurions | Mystery | 26568 | 2.00 | Wambaugh, Joseph |
The vanished man | Mystery | 26573 | 4.00 | Deaver, Jeffery |
The man who listens to horses | Animal | 26621 | 5.50 | Roberts, Monty |
Letters through the veil | Other Side | 26626 | 5.50 | Walton, Loryn "Solana" |
He still moves stones | Religion | 26627 | 4.50 | Lucado, Max |
Code of the lifemaker | Science Fiction | 26649 | 4.50 | Hogan, James P. |
Steel tiger | Thriller | 26651 | 2.50 | Berent, Mark |
Net Force: Night Moves | Thriller | 26677 | 4.00 | Clancy, Tom |
Net Force: State of War | Thriller | 26681 | 4.00 | Clancy, Tom |
Power Plays: Shadow Watch | Thriller | 26682 | 4.00 | Clancy, Tom |
Circle of three | General Fiction | 26684 | 3.75 | Gaffney, Patricia |
Shadow Fires | Horror | 26731 | 4.00 | Koontz, Dean |
Seize the Night | Horror | 26732 | 4.00 | Koontz, Dean |
Tales of the city #1: Tales of the city | General Fiction | 26780 | 6.50 | Maupin, Armistead |
Figure of 8 | Horror | 26786 | 3.50 | Lynch, Patrick |
The second time around | Light Mystery | 26792 | 4.00 | Clark, Mary Higgins |
The War Game | Military | 26794 | 2.00 | Horowitz, Irving Louis |
Exile | Mystery | 26808 | 5.00 | Patterson, Richard North |
Sam Hook | Westerns | 21768 | 2.00 | Wheeler, Richard S. |
The Gangs of New York | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 26902 | 7.50 | Asbury, Herbert |
No More Vietnams | Political | 26906 | 2.75 | Nixon, Richard |
Star Trek: Time for yesterday | Science Fiction | 26947 | 2.00 | Crispin, A. C. |
Buckskin # 23: California crossfire | Westerns | 26954 | 3.00 | Dalton, Kit |
Golden Hawk #04: Hell's Children | Westerns | 26955 | 2.00 | Knott, Will C. |
Buckskin Run | Westerns | 26961 | 3.00 | L'Amour, Louis |
The Rocky Road to Romance | Mystery | 26990 | 4.00 | Evanovich, Janet |
Operation Kronstadt | Military | 27022 | 6.50 | Ferguson, Harry |
Journey to the Center of the Earth | Young Adult | 27058 | 3.50 | Verne, Jules |
The diablo grant | Westerns | 9205 | 2.50 | Reasoner, James |
Siege on the Belle | Westerns | 12303 | 3.00 | Reasoner, James |
Getting to yes | Business | 27124 | 5.00 | Fisher, Roger |
The Complete Prose of Marianne Moore | Poems | 27140 | 5.50 | Moore, Marianne |
Permanent Californians | Travel Stories | 27152 | 5.50 | Culbertson, Judi |
To Serve a King | Historic Fiction | 27167 | 6.50 | Morin, Donna Russo |
Managerial courage | Business | 27171 | 3.50 | Hornstein, Harvey A. |
One-minute Bible stories, New Testament | Children | 27172 | 1.00 | Henderson, Florence |
Death and the Dogwalker | Light Mystery | 27184 | 2.25 | Orde, A. J. |
Stepping | General Fiction | 27192 | 2.00 | Thayer, Nancy |
A Vintage Affair | General Fiction | 27194 | 6.50 | Wolff, Isabel |
While Still We Live | Light Mystery | 27203 | 3.00 | MacInnes, Helen |
The color of dusk | Poems | 27207 | 5.50 | Caton, Robin |
Magic in the Tree | Young Adult | 27214 | 2.00 | Chew, Ruth |
Here Lies Bridget | Young Adult | 27216 | 5.00 | Harbison, Paige |
The Clinton Tapes | Political | 27228 | 6.50 | Branch, Taylor |
Rudolph's Second Christmas | Seasonal | 27237 | 4.50 | May, Robert Lewis |
Panzer Battles | Military | 24144 | 3.50 | Von Mellenthin, Maj. Gen. F.W. |
Go, Graduate! All the Best from Bikini Bottom | Children | 27243 | 1.00 | Lewman, David |
Strong Enough to Die | Mystery | 3888 | 4.00 | Land, Jon |
Dragon Tales: Dinosaurs and Dragons | Children | 27278 | 1.50 | Snyder, Margaret |
Dancing in the Wings | Children | 27280 | 2.00 | Allen, Debbie |
The Mystery of the Jeweled Eggs | Children | 27281 | 1.00 | Bergen, Lara |
Stray Kat Waltz | Mystery | 1182 | 3.50 | Kijewski, Karen |
Lie down with lions | Mystery | 27297 | 4.00 | Follett, Ken |
LMMan #31: Ambush of the Mountain Man | Westerns | 27334 | 3.50 | Johnstone, William W. |
The story of Apollo 11 | Children | 27374 | 3.50 | Stein, R. Conrad |
Something to remember me by | Children | 27375 | 4.00 | Bosak, Susan V. |
Flash and Bones | Mystery | 27393 | 4.00 | Reichs, Kathy |
The Nutcracker Suite | Music | 27396 | 4.00 | Boyd, Bill |
Wedding and Love Songs for a New Century | Music | 27399 | 6.50 | LeonardPublishingCorporation |
Piano Adventures | Music | 27400 | 3.00 | Faber, Nancy |
A Lucky Thing | Children | 27418 | 1.25 | Schertle, Alice |
The bear that heard crying | Children | 27419 | 1.75 | Kinsey-Warnock, Natalie |
The Rough-Face Girl | Children | 27429 | 1.50 | Martin, Rafe |
The proverbial mouse | Children | 27432 | 2.00 | Miller, Moira |
Loop the loop | Children | 27438 | 1.75 | Dugan, Barbara |
The Tale of Samuel Whiskers | Children | 27440 | 2.00 | Potter, Beatrix |
Jack Russell terriers | Animal | 27460 | 3.50 | Coile, D. Caroline |
Sheep, A Complete Owner's Manual | Animal | 27461 | 3.50 | Müller, Hans Alfred |
Hell to pay | Biography | 27472 | 4.50 | Olson, Barbara |
Richard Deacon's microwave cookery | Cookbooks | 27487 | 2.50 | Deacon, Richard |
America's Rising Star Chefs | Cookbooks | 27488 | 4.50 | Mondavi, Robert |
English: Ephesus | Guides | 27492 | 3.50 | DO-GU |
The Perricone promise | Health | 27507 | 5.50 | Perricone, Nicholas |
The ultimate weight solution | Health | 27509 | 5.50 | McGraw, Dr. Phil |
The Great Depression | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 27529 | 3.00 | Shannon, David A. |
Leaving Home | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 27539 | 5.00 | Keillor, Garrison |
Divorce busting | Philosophy | 27547 | 4.50 | Weiner-Davis, Michele |
Backtalk | Philosophy | 27548 | 5.00 | Ricker, Audrey |
How Could You Do That? | Philosophy | 27549 | 5.50 | Schlessinger, Laura C. |
The groom's game plan | Reference | 27555 | 4.00 | Jewel, Dan |
The Complete Mother of the Groom | Reference | 27556 | 4.50 | Rabin, Sydell |
The everything Wedding Checklist | Reference | 27557 | 3.50 | Anastasio, Janet |
The Catholic family | Religion | 27559 | 3.50 | Sander, William |
Fire in the belly | Religion | 27560 | 4.50 | Keen, Sam |
Love in Plain Sight | Romance | 27563 | 4.00 | Macomber, Debbie |
Cycles of fire | Science | 27577 | 5.50 | Hartmann, William K. |
Breaking the Slump | Sports | 27584 | 5.50 | Roberts, Jimmy |
Inside edge | Sports | 27586 | 5.50 | Brennan, Christine |
Skating for the Gold | Sports | 27587 | 2.00 | Lovitt, Chip |
Buchanan's Railway | Westerns | 27590 | 2.00 | Ward, Jonas |
Shadow Rider: Apache Sundown | Westerns | 27595 | 3.00 | Sherman, Jory |
Across the wide Missouri | Westerns | 27596 | 2.50 | DeVoto, Bernard |
Life Lessons for Mothers | Women | 27597 | 3.00 | Francis, Cindy |
Vivien Leigh | Biography | 27607 | 4.50 | Edwards, Anne |
His way | Biography | 27608 | 4.50 | Kelley, Kitty |
The laws of money, the lessons of life | Business | 27609 | 4.50 | Orman, Suze |
Aura | General Fiction | 27615 | 5.00 | Fuentes, Carlos |
Charlotte Gray | General Fiction | 27620 | 6.50 | Faulks, Sebastian |
McClane's Field guide to saltwater fishes | Guides | 27623 | 5.50 | McClane, A. J. |
Chonda Pierce on her soapbox | Humor | 27625 | 5.00 | Pierce, Chonda |
Living somewhere between estrogen and death | Humor | 27626 | 4.50 | Johnson, Barbara |
Pain is inevitable but misery is optional so, stick a geranium in your hat and be happy! | Humor | 27627 | 4.50 | Johnson, Barbara |
The alpine obituary | Light Mystery | 27634 | 3.50 | Daheim, Mary |
In Review | Military | 27640 | 4.50 | Eisenhower, Dwight D. |
Mayada, Daughter of Iraq | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 27644 | 5.50 | Sasson, Jean P. |
The wave of light | Other Side | 27646 | 5.00 | Sumners, Roxanne |
Art lessons | Psychology | 27649 | 4.50 | Haynes, Deborah J. |
Sins | Romance | 27658 | 2.00 | Gould, Judith |
The BGB-BOX | Sports | 27660 | 5.50 | Rudiger, Margit |
The S-Factor | Sports | 27661 | 5.50 | Kelley, Sheila |
Skinny bitch | Women | 27662 | 5.50 | Freedman, Rory |
Grave secrets | Mystery | 27664 | 5.00 | Reichs, Kathy |
Port Mortuary | Mystery | 27665 | 5.50 | Cornwell, Patricia |
Indefensible | Mystery | 27680 | 4.00 | Callow, Pamela |
The Last Exile | Thriller | 27681 | 4.00 | Seymour, E. V. |
Monday Mourning | Mystery | 27699 | 4.00 | Reichs, Kathy |
Don't Cry | Mystery | 27704 | 4.00 | Barton, Beverly |
10-minute scrapbook pages | Crafts | 27708 | 5.50 | Boehme, Raquel |
515 scrapbooking ideas | Crafts | 27709 | 5.50 | Vanessa-Ann |
Forever My Love | Romance | 27734 | 2.75 | Graham, Heather |
Oriental Lacquer | Reference | 27740 | 4.50 | Hamlyn, Paul |
European Porcelain | Reference | 27741 | 4.50 | Hamlyn, Paul |
The Mephisto Threat | Thriller | 27744 | 4.00 | Seymour, E. V. |
Search for the strangler | True Crime | 27745 | 3.75 | Sherman, Casey |
Three cups of tea | Young Adult | 27746 | 3.50 | Mortenson, Greg |
The bravest thing | Young Adult | 27751 | 2.50 | Napoli, Donna Jo |
Portrait of a Killer: Jack the Ripper-- Case Closed | True Crime | 344 | 4.00 | Cornwell, Patricia |
Alice in wonderland | Young Adult | 27763 | 2.50 | Carroll, Lewis |
Into the blue | Young Adult | 27770 | 2.25 | Baglio, Ben M. |
The Sweetest Thing | Young Adult | 27774 | 4.00 | Minter, J. |
The Puritans | Christian Fiction | 27782 | 5.50 | Cavanaugh, Jack |
Buckskin #16: Winchester Valley/Gunsmoke Gorge | Westerns | 9043 | 2.50 | Dalton, Kit |
Leaving Epitaph | Westerns | 9207 | 3.00 | Randisi, Robert J. |
The Judas Tree | Westerns | 13555 | 3.25 | Braun, Matt |
The Charlemagne Pursuit | Thriller | 3240 | 5.00 | Berry, Steve |
Party Foods | Cookbooks | 27843 | 4.00 | HomeEconomicsTeachers of CA |
Bushwhacked | Political | 27864 | 4.50 | Ivins, Molly |
Ragged Dick & Mark, the Match Boy | Classic Novels | 27871 | 5.00 | Alger, Horatio |
Democracy in America | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 27872 | 3.00 | Heffner, Richard D. |
Wayward winds | Christian Fiction | 27878 | 5.50 | Phillips, Michael R. |
Lady and Tramp at Zoo | Children | 27893 | 2.00 | Disney, Walt |
Hazard's Command | Historic Fiction | 27897 | 2.00 | Stuart, V. A. |
One door away from heaven | Horror | 27904 | 4.00 | Koontz, Dean |
MacArthur | Military | 27908 | 2.00 | Blair, Clay |
Dead Ringer | Mystery | 27925 | 4.00 | Scottoline, Lisa |
The Tristan Betrayal | Thriller | 27941 | 4.00 | Ludlum, Robert |
Aphrodite | Thriller | 27944 | 3.75 | Andrews, Russell |
Travelin Jamboree | Audio Books | 27962 | 5.50 | BabyBrand |
The Traveling Companion | Children | 28007 | 2.50 | Andersen, Hans Christian |
Vegetarian baby | Cookbooks | 28010 | 5.00 | Yntema, Sharon |
Phil Mendez's Kissyfur and the big contest | Children | 16023 | 2.00 | Lord, Suzanne |
Plain Perfect | Christian Fiction | 28022 | 6.50 | Wiseman, Beth |
Journey | General Fiction | 28030 | 5.50 | Michener, James A. |
Children of the dust | Historic Fiction | 28033 | 5.50 | Carlile, Clancy |
The parting | Christian Fiction | 28048 | 6.50 | Lewis, Beverly |
The forbidden | Christian Fiction | 28049 | 6.50 | Lewis, Beverly |
Necessary losses | Psychology | 28063 | 3.00 | Viorst, Judith |
Romancing the West | Poems | 28073 | 5.50 | Dawson, Robert |
Maternal and child health nursing | Reference | 28076 | 7.50 | Pillitteri, Adele |
True faith | True Crime | 28082 | 3.50 | Gold, Alan |
Marcelo In The Real World | Young Adult | 28092 | 4.00 | Stork, Francisco X. |
Sand Dollar Summer | Young Adult | 28096 | 2.50 | Jones, Kimberly K. |
The Talbot Odyssey | Thriller | 21487 | 5.00 | Demille, Nelson |
Irish Lace | General Fiction | 28150 | 3.50 | Greeley, Andrew M. |
Younger than springtime | General Fiction | 28152 | 3.50 | Greeley, Andrew M. |
Irish love | General Fiction | 28153 | 3.50 | Greeley, Andrew M. |
Irish gold | General Fiction | 28154 | 3.00 | Greeley, Andrew M. |
A midwinter's tale | General Fiction | 28155 | 3.50 | Greeley, Andrew M. |
Irish whiskey | General Fiction | 28156 | 3.50 | Greeley, Andrew M. |
Teddy in the undersea kingdom | Children | 28178 | 2.00 | Mogensen, Jan |
The adventures of Webb Ellis | Children | 28187 | 3.50 | Rieback, Milton |
Dancing with manatees | Children | 28190 | 1.75 | McNulty, Faith |
Tootle | Children | 28191 | 1.25 | LittleGoldenBook |
Desire Under the Elms | Drama and Plays | 28193 | 2.00 | O'Neill, Eugene |
Great Modern Reading | Classic Novels | 28200 | 3.50 | Maugham, W. Somerset |
A mirror of Chaucer's world | Classic Novels | 28201 | 5.00 | Loomis, Roger Sherman |
Family Circle Cooking Volume 8 | Cookbooks | 28206 | 3.50 | FamilyCircle |
The Imperial Theme | Drama and Plays | 28220 | 3.50 | Knight, G. Wilson |
These People Are Us | General Fiction | 28221 | 6.50 | Singleton, George |
Eat more, weigh less | Health | 28225 | 6.50 | Ornish, Dean |
Sweeney astray | Poems | 28235 | 3.50 | Heaney, Seamus |
In the eye of the storm | Religion | 28237 | 4.50 | Lucado, Max |
Emergency first aid | Reference | 28242 | 4.50 | Mosher, Charles |
Writing Research Papers | Reference | 28245 | 3.50 | Lester, James D. |
Spelling Improvement | Reference | 28246 | 3.50 | Fergus |
Androcles and the Lion | Classic Novels | 28266 | 2.50 | Shaw, Bernard |
The Lessons | General Fiction | 28268 | 6.50 | Alderman, Naomi |
The Spanish gambit | Thriller | 28276 | 5.50 | Hunter, Stephen |
The fire theft | Mystery | 28278 | 5.50 | Graham, Mark |
According to Hoyle | Reference | 28292 | 2.00 | Frey, Richard L. |
The house of mirth | General Fiction | 28312 | 5.00 | Wharton, Edith |
On the occasion of my last afternoon | General Fiction | 28315 | 6.00 | Gibbons, Kaye |
The last time they met | General Fiction | 28317 | 6.50 | Shreve, Anita |
Evita | Biography | 28323 | 5.50 | Fraser, Nicholas |
Forbidden knowledge | Psychology | 28325 | 5.00 | Shattuck, Roger |
The back rub book | Health | 28346 | 5.50 | Rush, Anne Kent |
Plautus - Three Comedies | Classic Novels | 28357 | 4.50 | Segal, Erich |
Dark Tort | Light Mystery | 20326 | 4.00 | Davidson, Diane Mott |
Hamster hotel | Young Adult | 28407 | 2.00 | Baglio, Ben M. |
Constancia | General Fiction | 28456 | 5.50 | Fuentes, Carlos |
Daughters of Copper Woman | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 28462 | 4.00 | Cameron, Anne |
Return to Sender | Romance | 4628 | 4.00 | Michaels, Fern |
Making miracles happen | Awakening | 28474 | 5.50 | Smith, Gregory White |
The Rule of Four | Thriller | 28493 | 5.50 | Caldwell, Ian |
The Killing Ground | Thriller | 28494 | 5.00 | Higgins, Jack |
Gossip Girl: You know you love me | Young Adult | 28500 | 5.00 | von Ziegesar, Cecily |
Because I'm worth it | Young Adult | 28501 | 5.00 | von Ziegesar, Cecily |
On the bright side, I'm now the girlfriend of a sex god | Young Adult | 28502 | 4.00 | Rennison, Louise |
The master puppeteer | Young Adult | 28504 | 3.00 | Paterson, Katherine |
Sole Survivor | Horror | 28543 | 2.50 | Koontz, Dean |
Winter moon | Horror | 28549 | 3.50 | Koontz, Dean |
Careless in Red | Mystery | 28561 | 4.00 | George, Elizabeth |
The summer of the Great-Grandmother | General Fiction | 28587 | 6.50 | L'Engle, Madeleine |
The Voyage Out | Classic Novels | 28600 | 5.50 | Woolf, Virginia |
Will Storr vs. the supernatural | Other Side | 28604 | 6.50 | Storr, Will |
One minute for myself | Consciousness | 28605 | 4.50 | Johnson, Spencer |
Meatballs: 40 Recipes | Cookbooks | 28615 | 6.50 | ParragonBooks |
Collins easy learning French dictionary | Foreign Language | 28620 | 5.00 | HarperCollins |
Fallen hearts | Horror | 28650 | 2.50 | Andrews, V. C. |
Blood Sins | Mystery | 28661 | 4.00 | Hooper, Kay |
Wobegon Boy | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 28672 | 5.50 | Keillor, Garrison |
Carnal Sin | Paranormal | 28677 | 4.00 | Brennan, Allison |
The Pistoleer | Westerns | 28690 | 3.00 | Blake, James Carlos |
Fiction | Short Stories | 28691 | 5.50 | Gwynn, R. S. |
Bloody Valentine | Mystery | 28692 | 3.00 | Patterson, James |
Leonard Bernstein | Biography | 28701 | 2.00 | Briggs, John |
Christopher unborn | General Fiction | 28708 | 5.50 | Fuentes, Carlos |
What came before he shot her | Mystery | 28725 | 4.00 | George, Elizabeth |
Moth Smoke | General Fiction | 28736 | 6.50 | Hamid, Mohsin |
Intimate selving in Arab families | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 28740 | 5.50 | Joseph, Suad |
Warlord | Thriller | 28744 | 5.00 | Bell, Ted |
Taber's Cyclopedic medical dictionary | Reference | 28767 | 5.50 | Taber |
Fundamentals of urine and body fluid analysis | Reference | 28768 | 5.50 | Brunzel, Nancy A. |
Walking on water | General Fiction | 28784 | 4.50 | L'Engle, Madeleine |
Longarm 023 The town tamer | Westerns | 28790 | 2.00 | Evans, Tabor |
I have lived a thousand years | Young Adult | 28797 | 3.50 | Bitton-Jackson, Livia |
Atticus | General Fiction | 28801 | 5.50 | Hansen, Ron |
The Heart and the Fist | Military | 28804 | 6.50 | Greitens, Eric |
Get back in the game | Sports | 28815 | 6.50 | Leiden, Terry |
The way things ought to be | Political | 28826 | 3.50 | Limbaugh, Rush |
Six presidents, too many wars | Political | 28827 | 4.50 | Lawrence, Bill |
Tough times never last, but tough people do! | Awakening | 28828 | 2.25 | Schuller, Robert H. |
Come...and Behold Him | Religion | 28829 | 4.50 | Hayford, Jack |
The House of the Seven Gables | Classic Novels | 28844 | 3.00 | Hawthorne, Nathaniel |
The truth about Vitamin E | Health | 28849 | 2.00 | Ebon, Martin |
Castro's Daughter | Thriller | 28864 | 4.00 | Hagberg, David |
Bronze mystique | Romance | 4425 | 3.50 | Delinsky, Barbara |
Thinking about race | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 28884 | 5.50 | Zack, Naomi |
Hope in a Jar | General Fiction | 28902 | 6.50 | Harbison, Beth |
H.R.H. | Romance | 28909 | 4.00 | Steel, Danielle |
First Impressions | Romance | 28911 | 4.00 | Roberts, Nora |
Texas Tracker #6 Showdown in Austin | Westerns | 28916 | 2.75 | Calhoun, Tom |
The incense game | Mystery | 28999 | 6.50 | Rowland, Laura Joh |
Sea of Death | Thriller | 21474 | 2.50 | Henrick, Richard P. |
Texas West | Westerns | 19356 | 3.00 | McGuire, Tim |
Floodtide | Classic Novels | 23448 | 3.50 | Yerby, Frank |
The third victim | Mystery | 29043 | 4.00 | Gardner, Lisa |
Shadows in the white city | Mystery | 29049 | 3.50 | Walker, Robert W. |
100 ways America is screwing up the world | Political | 29051 | 5.50 | Tirman, John |
Angels All Over Town | Romance | 29062 | 3.75 | Rice, Luanne |
No shirt. No shoes-- no problem! | Humor | 29063 | 4.00 | Foxworthy, Jeff |
Smokin' Seventeen | Mystery | 29065 | 4.50 | Evanovich, Janet |
Wyoming Tough | Romance | 2829 | 4.00 | Palmer, Diana |
To Darkness And to Death | Mystery | 29088 | 3.50 | Spencer-Fleming, Julia |
Rogue Stallion | Romance | 29093 | 2.50 | Palmer, Diana |
The Touch | Historic Fiction | 29097 | 5.50 | McCullough, Colleen |
We Interrupt This Broadcast | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 29119 | 12.50 | Garner, Joe |
What the Night Knows | Horror | 29126 | 5.00 | Koontz, Dean |
Camp Ford | Westerns | 8916 | 3.00 | Boggs, Johnny D. |
East of the border | Westerns | 8897 | 3.00 | Boggs, Johnny D. |
Intrusions | General Fiction | 29207 | 6.00 | Hegi, Ursula |
Stranger in the room | Mystery | 29214 | 4.00 | Williams, Amanda Kyle |
Dear America the Winter of Red Snow | Young Adult | 29274 | 3.50 | Stewart, Abigail Jane |
Border war | Westerns | 29292 | 2.00 | Ingram, Hunter |
Once upon a dead man | Westerns | 29297 | 3.00 | Brandvold, Peter |
Texas Tracker #1 Shoot-out at Corpus Christi | Westerns | 29298 | 2.50 | Calhoun, Tom |
A drifting man | Westerns | 29300 | 2.50 | Lutz, Giles |
Scruples two | Romance | 29310 | 3.50 | Krantz, Judith |
Heart of the Night | Romance | 29321 | 2.50 | Delinsky, Barbara |
True Blue & Carrera's Bride | Romance | 29325 | 3.50 | Palmer, Diana |
Wait for me | Romance | 29336 | 3.25 | Cameron, Stella |
Surrender | Romance | 29354 | 3.50 | Graham, Heather |
A View from the Tub | Business | 29378 | 5.50 | Szerman, Millie |
The ladies' man | General Fiction | 29383 | 6.00 | Lipman, Elinor |
Kiss of Midnight | Paranormal | 29399 | 4.00 | Adrian, Lara |
No escape | Mystery | 1296 | 3.50 | Lowell, Heather |
All the tea in China | Health | 29441 | 5.50 | Chow, Kit |
The cradle will fall | Light Mystery | 29449 | 3.50 | Clark, Mary Higgins |
Shadow dance | Mystery | 29469 | 4.00 | Garwood, Julie |
Paradise alley | General Fiction | 29475 | 3.50 | Stallone, Sylvester |
A history of the Arab Peoples | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 29483 | 4.50 | Hourani, Albert |
Grendel | Thriller | 29490 | 4.00 | Gardner, John |
Whiskey Beach | Audio Books | 29531 | 13.00 | Roberts, Nora |
Shopaholic & Sister | General Fiction | 29533 | 3.50 | Kinsella, Sophie |
Under abduction | Horror | 29543 | 3.50 | Neiderman, Andrew |
Family Storms | Horror | 29545 | 4.00 | Andrews, V. C. |
Cloudburst | Horror | 29548 | 4.00 | Andrews, V. C. |
Shooting Stars Omnibus | Horror | 29551 | 4.00 | Andrews, V. C. |
Nobody knows | Light Mystery | 29557 | 3.50 | Clark, Mary Jane |
Wuthering Heights | Classic Novels | 29564 | 2.50 | Bronte, Emily |
Gabriella And Alexander | Romance | 29570 | 4.00 | Roberts, Nora |
TIC: Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn | Children | 29575 | 5.00 | Twain, Mark |
TIC: Pinocchio | Children | 29577 | 5.00 | Collodi, Carlo |
Eleven Days | Mystery | 867 | 3.25 | Harstad, Donald |
Gracelin O'Malley | Historic Fiction | 27621 | 6.50 | Moore, Ann |
Look At Lisa Go | Children | 29630 | 2.00 | FisherPrice |
What his father did | Children | 29632 | 4.00 | Greene, Jacqueline Dembar |
Double Trouble Groundhog Day | Children | 29662 | 2.00 | Roberts, Bethany |
Rub's Wish | Children | 29663 | 2.00 | Bridges, Shirin Yim |
A Kiss Goodbye | Children | 29665 | 2.00 | Penn, Audrey |
Going to the Dentist | Children | 29675 | 2.00 | Civardi, Anne |
The Night Before Kindergarten | Children | 29677 | 2.00 | Wing, Natasha |
The night before summer vacation | Children | 29678 | 2.00 | Wing, Natasha |
Off to Kindergarten | Children | 29679 | 2.00 | Johnston, Tony |
The McCaffertys: Matt | Romance | 29692 | 3.50 | Jackson, Lisa |
The McCaffertys: Slade | Romance | 29695 | 3.50 | Jackson, Lisa |
Killing Mister Watson | General Fiction | 23706 | 6.50 | Matthiessen, Peter |
Sword of the rightful king | Young Adult | 29717 | 3.50 | Yolen, Jane |
The art of raising a puppy | Animal | 29719 | 4.50 | Monks of New Skete |
I, Rigoberta Mench | Biography | 29720 | 4.50 | Burgos-Debray, Elisabeth |
The Last Girls | General Fiction | 29749 | 6.50 | Smith, Lee |
Heart of the Matter | General Fiction | 29771 | 6.50 | Giffin, Emily |
The rose of Sebastopol | General Fiction | 29781 | 6.50 | McMahon, Katharine |
What Doesn't Kill You | Mystery | 16627 | 4.00 | Johansen, Iris |
The life and death of a man | Classic Novels | 29801 | 4.50 | Hemingway, Ernest |
The fiery trial | Classic Novels | 29802 | 4.50 | Sandburg, Carl |
John F. Kennedy: War Hero | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 29831 | 2.00 | Tregaskis, Richard |
Born On A Blue Day | Biography | 29832 | 5.50 | Tammet, Daniel |
Songs of the Gorilla Nation | Health | 29833 | 4.50 | Prince-Hughes, Dawn |
May There be a Road | Westerns | 29839 | 2.50 | L'Amour, Louis |
Making of the President, 1964 | Political | 29860 | 2.00 | White, Theodore H. |
Hoyle Casino | Reference | 29862 | 3.00 | Sierra |
Hoyle Puzzle & Board games | Reference | 29863 | 3.00 | Encore |
Patriot's dream | Mystery | 29870 | 3.50 | Michaels, Barbara |
The Camden Town murder | True Crime | 29886 | 5.50 | Napley, Sir David |
Valley of the shadow | Westerns | 29890 | 2.00 | Garfield, Brian |
For the Win | Young Adult | 29916 | 5.50 | Doctorow, Cory |
Girlhood Journeys: Shannon | Young Adult | 29921 | 3.00 | Kudlinski, Kathleen V. |
Girlhood Journeys: Marie - Book one | Young Adult | 29922 | 3.00 | Kudlinski, Kathleen V. |
Girlhood Journeys: Marie - Book two | Young Adult | 29923 | 3.00 | Greene, Jacqueline D. |
Cliffs Notes on: Tess of the D'Urbervilles | Reference | 29946 | 2.50 | Hardy |
Cliffs Notes on: Huckleberry Finn | Reference | 29947 | 2.50 | Twain |
Cliffs Notes on: Canterbury tales | Reference | 29949 | 2.50 | Chaucer |
Cliffs Notes on: Red badge of courage | Reference | 29950 | 2.50 | Crane |
Cliffs Notes on: Moby Dick | Reference | 29951 | 2.50 | Melville, Herman |
Cliffs Notes on: The pearl | Reference | 29952 | 2.50 | Steinbeck, John |
Cliffs Notes on: Return of the Native | Reference | 29953 | 2.50 | Hardy |
Cliffs Notes on: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight | Reference | 29954 | 2.50 | Gawain |
Cliffs Notes on: Romeo and Juliet | Reference | 29956 | 2.50 | Shakespeare, William |
Cliffs Notes on: Henry V | Reference | 29958 | 2.50 | Shakespeare, William |
Cliffs Notes on: King Lear | Reference | 29959 | 2.50 | Shakespeare, William |
Cliffs Notes on: Silas Marner | Reference | 29960 | 2.50 | Eliot |
Cliffs Notes on: Lord Jim | Reference | 29961 | 2.50 | Conrad |
Cliffs Notes on: Black boy | Reference | 29963 | 2.50 | Wright |
Cliffs Notes on: The Great Gatsby | Reference | 29964 | 2.50 | Fitzgerald, F. Scott |
Cliffs Notes on: Great expectations | Reference | 29965 | 2.50 | Dicksens |
Cliffs Notes on: Madame Bovary | Reference | 29967 | 2.50 | Flaubert, Gustave |
Cliffs Notes on: Rise of Silas Lapham | Reference | 29968 | 2.50 | Howell |
Cliffs Notes on: Gulliver Travels | Reference | 29969 | 2.50 | Swift |
Sesame Street First Look and Find | Children | 29975 | 4.00 | Burroughs, Caleb |
It's raining cats and dogs | Children | 29989 | 3.50 | ChathamRiverPress |
Pixel's real test | Children | 30003 | 2.00 | Spelvin, Justin |
Three plays: Our town/skin of teeth/matchmaker | Drama and Plays | 30015 | 3.50 | Wilder, Thornton |
The Iceman Cometh | Drama and Plays | 30018 | 3.50 | O'Neill, Eugene |
Sentinel | Thriller | 30042 | 5.50 | Dunn, Matthew |
Deep Black: Artic Gold | Thriller | 30047 | 4.00 | Coonts, Stephen |
2012: The War for Souls | Horror | 30075 | 4.00 | Strieber, Whitley |
The twelfth card | Mystery | 30082 | 5.00 | Deaver, Jeffery |
Daniel X #1: The Dangerous Days of | Mystery | 30083 | 4.00 | Patterson, James |
Rogue Forces | Thriller | 30103 | 5.00 | Brown, Dale |
Angel Light | General Fiction | 30121 | 3.50 | Greeley, Andrew M. |
Lover's Lane | Romance | 30148 | 3.50 | Landis, Jill Marie |
Into the Shadow | Paranormal | 30162 | 4.00 | Dodd, Christina |
Cordina's crown jewel | Romance | 30167 | 2.25 | Roberts, Nora |
Stories of the east | Classic Novels | 30176 | 3.50 | Maugham, W. Somerset |
America's neighborhood bats | Animal | 30177 | 3.50 | Tuttle, Merlin D. |
Live the balanced weigh | Cookbooks | 30181 | 3.00 | Willis, Linda |
Pain is inevitable but misery is optional | Humor | 30198 | 4.50 | Johnson, Barbara |
Clear and Convincing Proof | Mystery | 30215 | 5.50 | Wilhelm, Kate |
The Integrity Advantage | Business | 30224 | 4.50 | Gostick, Adrian |
Safely Prosperous or Really Rich | Business | 30225 | 5.50 | Ruff, Howard |
The Wall Street Journal guide to planning your financial future | Business | 30226 | 4.50 | Morris, Kenneth M. |
You've Earned It, Don't Lose It | Business | 30227 | 5.50 | Orman, Suze |
Hammett | Classic Novels | 30230 | 2.00 | Gores, Joe |
The magic lamp | Consciousness | 30232 | 5.50 | Ellis, Keith |
Texas Tracker #4 Gunfight at Santa Angela | Westerns | 8967 | 2.50 | Calhoun, Tom |
East of Desolation | Thriller | 30275 | 3.50 | Higgins, Jack |
Sex, art, and American culture | Philosophy | 30286 | 5.50 | Paglia, Camille |
The Islamic Modest Dress | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 30289 | 4.50 | Mutahhari, M. |
Manhunt: The 12-Day Chase for Lincoln's Killer | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 30293 | 5.50 | Swanson, James L. |
Reporting for the Media | Reference | 30304 | 6.50 | Bender, John |
The budget kit | Reference | 30306 | 4.50 | Lawrence, Judy |
Cars Cars | Reference | 30308 | 4.50 | Davis, S. C. H. |
The friendly Stars | Science | 30315 | 2.50 | Martin, Martha Evans |
Venus Equilateral | Science Fiction | 30317 | 2.00 | Smith, George O. |
The hormone survival guide for perimenopause | Women | 30328 | 5.50 | Jackson, Nisha |
The terminal man | Thriller | 30346 | 3.00 | Crichton, Michael |
Todd and the talking Pinata | Children | 30368 | 1.00 | Fuller, Chip |
Walt Disney's 101 Dalmatians | Children | 30371 | 1.50 | Kate Hannigan |
Storm Warriors | Young Adult | 30386 | 3.25 | Carbone, Elisa |
My Bedtime Book of Two-Minute Stories | Children | 30391 | 4.00 | Garland, Rosemary |
Junk day on Juniper street | Children | 30405 | 2.50 | Moore, Lilian |
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End | Children | 30427 | 1.50 | Sutherland, T. T. |
Ricardo's Day | Children | 30429 | 1.50 | Ancona, George |
Mr. Squiggles's Halloween Party | Children | 30433 | 1.75 | Scholastic |
Franklin and the Baby | Children | 30434 | 1.50 | Franklin |
A Mystery for Thoreau | Young Adult | 30446 | 5.00 | Platt, Kin |
Freefall | Romance | 30453 | 4.00 | Ross, JoAnn |
The death relic | Mystery | 30464 | 5.00 | Kuzneski, Chris |
Live with lighting | Classic Novels | 30484 | 3.50 | Wilson, Mitchell |
The King Must Die | Historic Fiction | 30486 | 5.00 | Renault, Mary |
Napoleon 1812 | Military | 30489 | 4.50 | Nicolson, Nigel |
The frontier war #8 | Historic Fiction | 30491 | 2.00 | Scofield, Jonathan |
the whole sky burned | Military | 30494 | 2.00 | Victor, Charles |
The Soul of Selling | Business | 30498 | 4.50 | Costello, Carol |
A woman called fancy | Classic Novels | 30503 | 3.50 | Yerby, Frank |
Cold fire | Horror | 30507 | 4.00 | Koontz, Dean |
The Little Girl Who Was Too Fond of Matches: A Novel | General Fiction | 30509 | 6.50 | Soucy, Gaetan |
#02: The return of Tarzan | Science Fiction | 30525 | 3.00 | Burroughs, Edgar Rice |
#03: The beast of Tarzan | Science Fiction | 30526 | 3.00 | Burroughs, Edgar Rice |
#04: The son of Tarzan | Science Fiction | 30527 | 3.00 | Burroughs, Edgar Rice |
#24: Tarzan and the Castaways | Science Fiction | 6159 | 3.00 | Burroughs, Edgar Rice |
#17: Tarzan and the Lion Man | Science Fiction | 6144 | 3.00 | Burroughs, Edgar Rice |
The Bat Staffel | Science Fiction | 30543 | 2.00 | Hogan, Robert J. |
Le Gendre de M. Poirier | Classic Novels | 30550 | 2.00 | Wells, Benj. W. |
Graziella | Classic Novels | 30551 | 2.00 | Warren, F. M. |
Caribbean | General Fiction | 30563 | 3.50 | Michener, James A. |
Executioner #039: The New War | Thriller | 30581 | 2.00 | Pendleton, Don |
Executioner #047: Renegade Agent | Thriller | 30582 | 2.00 | Pendleton, Don |
Executioner #040: Double Crossfire | Thriller | 30583 | 2.00 | Pendleton, Don |
Executioner #041: The Violent Streets | Thriller | 30584 | 2.00 | Pendleton, Don |
Executioner #045: Paramilitary Plot | Thriller | 30585 | 2.00 | Pendleton, Don |
Executioner #046: Bloodsport | Thriller | 30586 | 2.00 | Pendleton, Don |
Top of the Hill | General Fiction | 30588 | 2.00 | Shaw, Irwin |
Hot Blooded | Mystery | 967 | 3.50 | Jackson, Lisa |
Abraham Lincoln - Vampire Hunter | Horror | 30608 | 6.50 | Grahame-Smith, Seth |
More Die of Heartbreak | General Fiction | 30648 | 2.50 | Bellow, Saul |
The Tenants | Classic Novels | 30678 | 2.50 | Malamud, Bernard |
Hot properties | General Fiction | 30679 | 2.00 | Yglesias, Rafael |
A breath of air | Classic Novels | 30683 | 3.50 | Godden, Rumer |
Beaststalker | Horror | 30708 | 2.50 | Smith, James V. |
Book #2: Reefs | Science Fiction | 30715 | 2.00 | O'Donnell, Kevin |
Lava | Science Fiction | 30716 | 2.00 | O'Donnell, Kevin |
Fire and Fog | Science Fiction | 30719 | 2.00 | Vardeman, Robert E. |
Undersea City | Science Fiction | 30724 | 2.00 | Pohl, Frederik |
Pillar of night | Science Fiction | 30730 | 2.00 | Vardeman, Robert E. |
Great British short stories | Short Stories | 30737 | 2.00 | Huberman, Edward |
The Destroyer #04: Mafia fix | Thriller | 30739 | 2.00 | Sapir, Richard |
When good men are tempted | Religion | 30751 | 5.50 | Perkins, Bill |
The many-colored land | Science Fiction | 30760 | 2.00 | May, Julian |
The Golden Torc | Science Fiction | 30761 | 2.00 | May, Julian |
Cliffs | Science Fiction | 30789 | 2.00 | O'Donnell, Kevin |
Book #1: Caverns | Science Fiction | 30790 | 2.00 | O'Donnell, Kevin |
Warlock Enraged | Science Fiction | 30793 | 2.00 | Stasheff, Christopher |
Now you see her | Mystery | 30814 | 3.50 | Howard, Linda |
Somerset and all the Maughams | Classic Novels | 30821 | 3.50 | Maugham, Robin |
The marrying game | General Fiction | 30826 | 5.50 | Saunders, Kate |
The spider, and other stories | Children | 30864 | 3.00 | Ewald, Carl |
The cauldron | Military | 30880 | 2.00 | Zeno |
Panther in the Sky | Historic Fiction | 30893 | 3.00 | Thom, James Alexander |
Harlow | Biography | 30911 | 2.00 | Shulman, Irving |
Hour of the gun | Westerns | 30914 | 2.00 | Krepps, Robert |
Morgette in the Yukon | Westerns | 8912 | 2.00 | Boyer, Glenn G. |
Best Western Stories | Westerns | 21940 | 2.00 | Brand, Max |
The Best Laid Plans | General Fiction | 8175 | 4.00 | Sheldon, Sidney |
Too Much Money | General Fiction | 30984 | 6.50 | Dunne, Dominick |
Fatal charms and other tales of today | General Fiction | 7251 | 2.25 | Dunne, Dominick |
Justice : Crimes, Trials, and Punishments | General Fiction | 7265 | 6.50 | Dunne, Dominick |
A Season in Purgatory | General Fiction | 7253 | 3.00 | Dunne, Dominick |
A rose for her grave | True Crime | 5424 | 3.00 | Rule, Ann |
Sharpe's Escape | Historic Fiction | 31006 | 6.50 | Cornwell, Bernard |
The Violent Foam | Poems | 31018 | 6.50 | Zamora, Daisy |
An American Spy | Thriller | 31023 | 6.50 | Steinhauer, Olen |
What the Dead Know | Mystery | 31041 | 4.00 | Lippman, Laura |
Wyoming Fierce | Romance | 11029 | 4.00 | Palmer, Diana |
The rhythm of leaves | General Fiction | 31100 | 6.50 | Taylor, Murry A. |
Beyond the Shadows | Fantasy | 31125 | 4.00 | Weeks, Brent |
Cass Timberlane | Classic Novels | 31136 | 3.50 | Lewis, Sinclair |
Practical Soups | Cookbooks | 31139 | 3.00 | Parragon |
Modern Irish drama | Drama and Plays | 31141 | 5.50 | Harrington, John P. |
The Oedipus cycle | Drama and Plays | 31142 | 4.50 | Sophocles |
Paradise | General Fiction | 31152 | 6.50 | Morrison, Toni |
10000 Dreams Interpreted | New Age | 31181 | 6.50 | Miller, Gustavus Hindman |
American Chronicles: Dawn of the Century | Historic Fiction | 31198 | 2.00 | Vaughan, Robert |
Gravity | Mystery | 31209 | 5.50 | Gerritsen, Tess |
Life Support | Mystery | 31210 | 5.50 | Gerritsen, Tess |
In the surgical theatre | Poems | 31251 | 4.50 | Levin, Dana |
Same-Day Resume | Reference | 31254 | 4.00 | Farr, J. Michael |
Men in Black II | Science Fiction | 31258 | 3.50 | Gordon, Robert |
Alas, Babylon | Science Fiction | 31259 | 6.50 | Frank, Pat |
Conduct under fire | Military | 31311 | 5.50 | Glusman, John A. |
Grand Canyon Country | Travel Stories | 31318 | 3.50 | Elmer; Carlos |
Sex, what you don't know can kill you | Women | 31328 | 4.50 | McIlhaney, Joe S. |
But I love him | Women | 31329 | 5.50 | Murray, Jill |
#03 Bobbsey Twins At the Seashore | Young Adult | 31336 | 3.00 | Hope, Laura Lee |
#05 Bobbsey Twins Mystery At Snow Lodge | Young Adult | 31337 | 3.00 | Hope, Laura Lee |
#07 Bobbsey Twins Mystery At Meadowbrook | Young Adult | 31338 | 3.00 | Hope, Laura Lee |
#08 Bobbsey Twins Big Adventure At Home | Young Adult | 31339 | 3.00 | Hope, Laura Lee |
#09 Bobbsey Twins Search In The Great City | Young Adult | 31340 | 3.00 | Hope, Laura Lee |
#10 Bobbsey Twins Blueberry Island | Young Adult | 31341 | 3.00 | Hope, Laura Lee |
#12 Bobbsey Twins Adventure In Washington | Young Adult | 31342 | 3.00 | Hope, Laura Lee |
Dear Ameica: Dreams in the golden country | Young Adult | 31348 | 5.00 | Lasky, Kathryn |
Dear Ameica: So far from home | Young Adult | 31349 | 5.00 | Denenberg, Barry |
The prophecy of Zephyrus | Young Adult | 31361 | 4.50 | Hesse, G. A. |
Fourth grade rats | Young Adult | 31367 | 2.50 | Spinelli, Jerry |
Ananda Cook Book | Children | 31374 | 4.50 | Praver, Asha |
A severed wasp | General Fiction | 31405 | 6.50 | L'Engle, Madeleine |
Downfall | Military | 31445 | 2.00 | Westheimer, David |
Do you want to live forever | Military | 31447 | 2.00 | Suskind, Richard |
Reunion | Military | 31448 | 2.00 | Miller, Merle |
Without mercy | Thriller | 31479 | 5.50 | Higgins, Jack |
Bleach Vol 4: Quincy Archer hates you | Young Adult | 31494 | 4.00 | Kubo, Tite |
Bleach Vol 5: Right Arm of the Giant | Young Adult | 31495 | 4.00 | Kubo, Tite |
Bleach Vol 6: The Death Trilogy Overture | Young Adult | 31496 | 4.00 | Kubo, Tite |
A Bride in the Bargain | Christian Fiction | 31499 | 6.50 | Gist, Deeanne |
Wild animus | General Fiction | 31526 | 6.50 | Shapero, Rich |
Teaching in nursing | Reference | 31552 | 5.00 | Billings, Diane M. |
Heartbreak Hotel | Romance | 31554 | 4.00 | Siddons, Anne Rivers |
King's Oak | Romance | 31555 | 3.50 | Siddons, Anne Rivers |
Fox's Earth | Romance | 31557 | 4.00 | Siddons, Anne Rivers |
Carrera's Bride : Long Tall Texans | Romance | 31568 | 2.50 | Palmer, Diana |
Dead of Night: True Story of serial killer | True Crime | 31580 | 3.50 | Lasseter, Don |
Palace of desire | General Fiction | 31587 | 6.50 | Mahfouz, Naguib |
Victors & Lords | Historic Fiction | 31607 | 2.00 | Stuart, V. A. |
Sundance #11: The Comancheros | Westerns | 31614 | 2.00 | Slade, Jack |
Good Stuff | Biography | 31620 | 4.50 | Grant, Jennifer |
Low country | Romance | 31668 | 4.00 | Siddons, Anne Rivers |
Not quite Scaramouche | Fantasy | 31677 | 3.50 | Rosenberg, Joel |
The quilter's apprentice | General Fiction | 31681 | 5.00 | Chiaverini, Jennifer |
Postcards from History from the Heart | Crafts | 31696 | 3.00 | Elbert, E. Duane |
Scrap bonanza! | Crafts | 31697 | 3.50 | Halpin, Linda |
Celebrate! With Little Quilts | Crafts | 31699 | 2.50 | Berg, Alice |
Baltimore Bouquets | Crafts | 31700 | 2.50 | Deitrich, Mimi |
Color: The Quilters Guide | Crafts | 31701 | 3.50 | Barnes, Christine |
Fast patch | Crafts | 31703 | 5.50 | Hallock, Anita |
Designing your own quilts | Crafts | 31704 | 5.50 | Soltow, Willow Ann |
Quilted Legends of the West | Crafts | 31706 | 3.50 | Zehner, Judy |
The wonders of Christmas | Crafts | 31707 | 2.50 | Craig, Sharyn Squier |
Woodworking Projects | Do It Yourself | 31709 | 4.50 | Gutierrez, Al |
New ideas for lap quilting | Crafts | 31714 | 5.50 | Bonesteel, Georgia |
America's heritage quilts | Crafts | 31715 | 5.50 | Wilens, Patricia |
Holiday touches for the country home | Crafts | 31719 | 3.50 | Young, Anne Van Wagner |
Leisure Arts presents Christmas keepsakes | Crafts | 31721 | 3.50 | Young, Anne Van Wagner |
Flower drying with a microwave | Crafts | 31722 | 2.50 | Joosten, Titia |
My grandmother's patchwork quilt | Crafts | 31724 | 4.50 | Bolton, Janet |
Joy of Quilting | Crafts | 31725 | 5.50 | Hanson, Joan |
Quilter's color workbook | Crafts | 31726 | 3.50 | Olsen, Kirstin |
Quick quilts | Crafts | 31728 | 4.50 | Wright, Susan Ramey |
Quick quilts from the heart | Crafts | 31729 | 4.50 | Porter, Liz |
Best-selling bazaar patchwork | Crafts | 31730 | 4.50 | Abrelat, Barbara H. |
All through the house | Crafts | 31733 | 4.50 | OxmoorHouse |
Quiltmaking Tips and Techniques | Crafts | 31736 | 5.00 | Townswick, Jane |
Lap quilting | Crafts | 31739 | 3.00 | Bonesteel, Georgia |
Greetings in Cross-Stitch | Crafts | 31740 | 4.50 | OxmoorHouse |
Sensational silk | Crafts | 31744 | 2.50 | Brown, Gail |
American country furniture | Do It Yourself | 31745 | 4.50 | Engler, Nick |
The Postmistress | General Fiction | 31750 | 6.50 | Blake, Sarah |
Living your past lives | Other Side | 14988 | 2.00 | Schlotterbeck, Karl |
Before the Poison | Mystery | 31757 | 6.50 | Robinson, Peter |
Suspicion of Madness | Mystery | 31758 | 4.00 | Parker, Barbara |
Cookies | Cookbooks | 31780 | 2.50 | SunsetBooks |
I'm too tired to cook book | Cookbooks | 31782 | 1.00 | Veg-All |
Angels: Guardians of the Light | Other Side | 31849 | 5.50 | Haughey, Karen M. |
Good-bye to bad backs | Sports | 31850 | 4.50 | Scott, Judith |
The Goodbye Summer | General Fiction | 8818 | 4.00 | Gaffney, Patricia |
Yale University heart book | Reference | 31884 | 5.00 | Zaret, Barry L. |
Saying grace | General Fiction | 7432 | 5.50 | Gutcheon, Beth |
#2 The talent show from the black lagoon | Children | 31900 | 2.00 | Thaler, Mike |
#3 The class election from the Black Lagoon | Children | 31901 | 2.00 | Thaler, Mike |
Time to say goodbye | Romance | 4539 | 3.75 | Gould, Judith |
Longarm 033 The Laredo Loop | Westerns | 15963 | 2.50 | Evans, Tabor |
Lone Star #044 In the Cherokee Strip | Westerns | 22939 | 1.50 | Ellis, Wesley |
Lone Star #041 And the White River Curse | Westerns | 9364 | 1.50 | Ellis, Wesley |
Lone Star #039 And the California Oil War | Westerns | 9363 | 1.50 | Ellis, Wesley |
Sewing for children | Crafts | 31937 | 3.50 | Singer |
Sewing specialty fabrics | Crafts | 31944 | 3.50 | Singer |
More sewing for the home | Crafts | 31946 | 3.50 | Singer |
Sewing pants that fit | Crafts | 31948 | 3.50 | Singer |
Sewing activewear | Crafts | 31951 | 3.50 | Singer |
The new lawn expert | Gardening | 31955 | 4.50 | Hessayon, D. G. |
It's Your Money Isn't It | Business | 31959 | 3.50 | Reid, G. Edward |
Quilts from Heaven | Religion | 31966 | 5.50 | McDowell, Cindy |
The Quilt of Life: A Patchwork of Devotional Thoughts | Religion | 31968 | 3.00 | Tatem, Mary |
Nothing to fear | Religion | 31969 | 3.50 | Venden, Morris |
The Spirit of Prophecy | Religion | 31971 | 2.50 | White, E. G. |
Knowing God | Religion | 31973 | 2.50 | Thiele, Edwin Richard |
Built to last | Religion | 31974 | 2.00 | Nelson, Dwight K. |
Beyond Belief | Religion | 31978 | 2.50 | Sequeira, Jack |
Hope | Religion | 31979 | 2.50 | Espinosa, Joseph |
The widows of Eastwick | General Fiction | 8403 | 6.50 | Updike, John |
Adrienne Rich's poetry | Poems | 31986 | 3.00 | Gelpi, Barbara Charlesworth |
The country between us | Poems | 31987 | 3.00 | Forche, Carolyn |
Liberty and Tyranny | Political | 31990 | 4.50 | Levin, Mark R. |
Precious Moments Through the Day Stories | Children | 31999 | 3.50 | BakerBookHouse |
2 States: The Story of My Marriage | General Fiction | 32005 | 5.50 | Bhagat, Chetan |
Sam's letters to Jennifer | Mystery | 32007 | 6.50 | Patterson, James |
The exile | Thriller | 32044 | 4.00 | Folsom, Allan |
Tea Time for the Traditionally Built | General Fiction | 32046 | 6.50 | Smith, Alexander Mccall |
Killer Dreams | Mystery | 32055 | 4.00 | Johansen, Iris |
Midnight Mass | Horror | 32068 | 3.50 | Wilson, F. Paul |
Rin Tin Tin | Animal | 32070 | 6.50 | Orlean, Susan |
Newton Forster, or the Merchant Service | Historic Fiction | 32077 | 6.50 | Marryat, Frederick |
The Phantom Ship | Historic Fiction | 32078 | 6.50 | Marryat, Frederick |
King Henry V | Drama and Plays | 32088 | 4.50 | Shakespeare, William |
The lost world | Thriller | 32098 | 4.00 | Crichton, Michael |
Dawn | Horror | 32121 | 3.00 | Andrews, V. C. |
Midnight whispers | Horror | 32124 | 3.00 | Andrews, V. C. |
Twilight's child | Horror | 32126 | 3.00 | Andrews, V. C. |
Web of dreams | Horror | 32127 | 3.75 | Andrews, V. C. |
The two towers | Fantasy | 32141 | 4.00 | Tolkien, J. R. R. |
Tabernacle | Mystery | 24224 | 2.00 | Cook, Thomas H. |
All that remains | Mystery | 331 | 4.00 | Cornwell, Patricia |
Protect and Defend | Mystery | 32278 | 4.00 | Patterson, Richard North |
The wedding game | Romance | 32294 | 3.50 | Feather, Jane |
What the Lady Wants | Romance | 29307 | 4.00 | Crusie, Jennifer |
Stokes guide to observing insect lives | Guides | 32322 | 5.50 | Stokes, Donald |
From the corner of his eye | Horror | 32382 | 4.00 | Koontz, Dean |
There are no children here | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 32402 | 6.50 | Kotlowitz, Alex |
Jesus and the children | Children | 32405 | 1.25 | Jones, Mary Alice |
Company of liars | General Fiction | 32423 | 6.50 | Maitland, Karen |
Visions of the Flying artist | Biography | 32459 | 5.50 | Nankervis, Medora |
The Ocean Tribe | Historic Fiction | 32472 | 3.25 | Prentiss, Charlotte |
Kentucky rich | Romance | 4631 | 4.00 | Michaels, Fern |
Saks & Violins: A Bed-and-Breakfast Mystery | Light Mystery | 32479 | 3.50 | Daheim, Mary |
Where Are the Children? | Light Mystery | 32481 | 3.00 | Clark, Mary Higgins |
The Undertakers Widow | Mystery | 32500 | 3.75 | Margolin, Phillip |
In a class by itself | Romance | 32530 | 4.50 | Brown, Sandra |
Comprehensive A-Z crossword dictionary | Reference | 32539 | 3.75 | Schaffer, Edy Garcia |
Next | Thriller | 32554 | 5.00 | Crichton, Michael |
Hostage in the Woods | Young Adult | 32564 | 3.00 | Wall, Cynthia |
Disappearing Act | Young Adult | 32565 | 3.00 | Wall, Cynthia |
Evil in Carnations | Light Mystery | 32567 | 3.50 | Collins, Kate |
Sorrow on Sunday | Light Mystery | 32573 | 4.00 | Purser, Ann |
Fear on Friday | Light Mystery | 32583 | 4.00 | Purser, Ann |
Weeping on Wednesday | Light Mystery | 32584 | 4.00 | Purser, Ann |
Found Guilty at Five | Light Mystery | 32585 | 4.00 | Purser, Ann |
On the Run | Mystery | 32611 | 4.00 | Johansen, Iris |
Prince Caspian | Young Adult | 32623 | 2.50 | Lewis, C. S. |
Something Wicked | Mystery | 22775 | 5.00 | Jackson, Lisa |
Tom Jones | Classic Novels | 32694 | 6.00 | Fielding, Henry |
Must love fangs | Paranormal | 32743 | 4.00 | Sims, Jessica |
Rainbow Six | Thriller | 3325 | 4.25 | Clancy, Tom |
The Random house basic dictionary, Spanish-English, English-Spanish | Foreign Language | 32749 | 2.00 | Sola, Donald F. |
The art of framing | Crafts | 32761 | 6.50 | Feetham, Piers |
Mostly shaker from the New Yankee workshop | Do It Yourself | 32762 | 5.50 | Abram, Norm |
Popular mechanics home how to. Plumbing and heating | Do It Yourself | 32764 | 5.00 | Jackson , Albert |
Practical home improvement | Do It Yourself | 32766 | 6.00 | Lawrence, Mike |
Bedroom decorating | Do It Yourself | 32767 | 4.50 | TheHomeDecoratingInstitute |
Log cabins | Do It Yourself | 32770 | 4.50 | Brewster, Janice |
101 Ideas Kitchens | Do It Yourself | 32771 | 4.50 | Tanqueray, Rebecca |
Redemption | Romance | 32775 | 4.00 | Daniels, B. J. |
Christmas at Cardwell Ranch/Keeping Christmas | Romance | 32776 | 3.50 | Daniels, B. J. |
A Season of Angels | Romance | 32778 | 5.00 | Macomber, Debbie |
A Valentine Wedding | Romance | 32788 | 3.00 | Feather, Jane |
Burnt Mountain | Romance | 32791 | 4.00 | Siddons, Anne Rivers |
A torrid piece of murder | Light Mystery | 10408 | 2.00 | Roe, C. F. |
A relative act of murder | Light Mystery | 10427 | 2.50 | Roe, C. F. |
A Hidden Cause of Murder | Light Mystery | 32802 | 2.75 | Roe, C. F. |
How to rock climb! | Sports | 32824 | 5.50 | Long, John |
A deadly game | True Crime | 32825 | 5.50 | Crier, Catherine |
The Giant Book of True Crime | True Crime | 32826 | 5.50 | Wilson, Colin |
A Woman's Silent Testimony | Women | 32829 | 5.50 | Tomlinson, Daniel A. |
The Eye of the Warlock | Young Adult | 32837 | 2.50 | Catanese, P. W. |
English passengers | Historic Fiction | 32851 | 5.50 | Kneale, Matthew |
Killoe | Westerns | 20837 | 2.00 | L'Amour, Louis |
Whispers | Horror | 32857 | 4.00 | Koontz, Dean |
Kids are Americans too | Political | 32864 | 4.50 | O'Reilly, Bill |
Shut up & sing | Political | 32865 | 4.50 | Ingraham, Laura |
In Too Deep: Book One of the Looking Glass Trilogy | Romance | 32868 | 5.50 | Krentz, Jayne Ann |
Coming home | Romance | 32869 | 5.50 | Pilcher, Rosamunde |
Those who trespass | Political | 32908 | 5.50 | O'Reilly, Bill |
Man and the living world | Science | 32910 | 2.00 | Von Frisch, Karl |
Ruff Justice #04: Widow creek | Westerns | 32912 | 2.00 | Longtree, Warren T. |
Rusty irons | Westerns | 32914 | 2.50 | Cushman, Dan |
When Texans ride | Westerns | 32917 | 2.00 | Grinstead, J. E. |
Outlaw loot | Westerns | 32929 | 2.00 | Lehman, Paul Evan |
The 19th Wife | General Fiction | 17426 | 6.50 | Ebershoff, David |
The Eleventh Commandment | Mystery | 21376 | 4.00 | Archer, Jeffrey |
Dying for Mercy | Light Mystery | 33014 | 4.00 | Clark, Mary Jane |
Night of many dreams | General Fiction | 8350 | 6.50 | Tsukiyama, Gail |
Hide Yourself Away | Light Mystery | 33025 | 3.50 | Clark, Mary Jane |
Under the doom | Large Print | 33031 | 6.50 | King, Stephen |
Post-prison writings + speeches | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 33039 | 2.00 | Cleaver, Eldridge |
John Carter: The Movie Novelization | Science Fiction | 33045 | 5.00 | Moore, Stuart |
Stony Man: Silent Invader | Thriller | 33075 | 3.00 | Pendleton, Don |
Tombstone | Westerns | 33087 | 2.00 | Braun, Matt |
Gunsight Pass | Westerns | 33089 | 2.00 | Raine, William MacLeod |
The Hell Road | Westerns | 33090 | 2.50 | Hogan, Ray |
The Feud at Spanish Ford | Westerns | 33091 | 2.00 | Bonham, Frank |
The Cemetery Yew | Light Mystery | 10400 | 3.00 | Riggs, Cynthia |
Once too often | Light Mystery | 33124 | 4.50 | Simpson, Dorothy |
Riders of the buffalo grass | Westerns | 33125 | 2.00 | Lomax, Bliss |
The valley of dry bones | Westerns | 33126 | 2.00 | Gooden, Arthur Henry |
Across the Great Divide | Westerns | 33136 | 2.00 | James, Simon |
The branded man | Westerns | 33137 | 2.00 | Evarts, Hal G. |
Tejanos | Westerns | 33139 | 2.00 | Granger, K. R. G. |
The Winter's Tale | Drama and Plays | 33149 | 3.00 | Shakespeare, William |
Chicken Soup: Boost Your Brain Power! | Christian Fiction | 33194 | 5.00 | Pasinski, Dr. Marie |
Chicken Soup: Christmas though the eyes | Christian Fiction | 33196 | 2.50 | Canfield, Jack |
A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23 | Religion | 32805 | 5.00 | Keller, W. Phillip |
Virgin earth | Historic Fiction | 33213 | 6.50 | Gregory, Philippa |
Sunshaker's war | Fantasy | 33257 | 2.50 | Deitz, Tom |
The Heir Apparent - Vol 4 | Fantasy | 33259 | 2.50 | Rosenberg, Joel |
The Haunting of Josie | Mystery | 33281 | 3.50 | Hooper, Kay |
Touch of darkness | Paranormal | 33288 | 4.00 | Dodd, Christina |
Into the Flame | Paranormal | 33289 | 4.00 | Dodd, Christina |
Lone Star #017 And the San Antonio Raid | Westerns | 9359 | 1.50 | Ellis, Wesley |
A Tangled Knot of Murder | Light Mystery | 10428 | 2.50 | Roe, C. F. |
Sleeping With Anemone | Light Mystery | 33322 | 3.50 | Collins, Kate |
Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature | Reference | 33345 | 3.50 | Guerin, Wilfred L. |
Ferguson's Ferry | Westerns | 33362 | 2.00 | Loomis, Noel |
Wildhorse Range | Westerns | 33368 | 2.00 | Echols, Allan K. |
Fliers of Antares | Science Fiction | 33370 | 2.00 | Akers, Alan Burt |
Two-part invention | General Fiction | 33390 | 5.50 | L'Engle, Madeleine |
Wild and wicked | Romance | 30155 | 3.50 | Jackson, Lisa |
Return to Willow Lake | Romance | 33423 | 4.00 | Wiggs, Susan |
21: Bringing Down the House - Movie Tie-In | Thriller | 33425 | 4.00 | Mezrich, Ben |
Adventuring With Children | Travel Stories | 33428 | 5.50 | Jeffrey, Nan |
Love Kills: A Britt Montero Novel | Mystery | 188 | 4.00 | Buchanan, Edna |
Toxic Bachelors - Audio Book | Audio Books | 13408 | 6.50 | Steel, Danielle |
Raise the Titanic | Mystery | 33453 | 4.00 | Cussler, Clive |
The five people you meet in heaven | General Fiction | 6875 | 6.50 | Albom, Mitch |
Washington Square | Classic Novels | 33474 | 3.50 | James, Henry |
The Canterbury Tales | Classic Novels | 33475 | 3.50 | Chaucer, Geoffrey |
Pedro Paramo | Classic Novels | 33500 | 3.50 | Rulfo, Juan |
The broken mirror | Health | 33511 | 6.50 | Phillips, Katharine A. |
The Voice of the Night | Horror | 33525 | 3.00 | Koontz, Dean |
Learning to Love | Romance | 33534 | 4.00 | Macomber, Debbie |
The last two bachelors | Romance | 33543 | 3.00 | Macomber, Debbie |
Sunrise Point | Romance | 33567 | 4.00 | Carr, Robyn |
The MacKade Brothers: Devin and Shane | Romance | 33570 | 7.50 | Roberts, Nora |
Diamond In The Rough | Romance | 33572 | 3.50 | Palmer, Diana |
Wyoming Bold | Romance | 33577 | 4.00 | Palmer, Diana |
Rimfire Bride | Romance | 33587 | 4.00 | Luck, Sara |
Mistress Shakespeare | Mystery | 33630 | 6.50 | Harper, Karen |
Tough justice | Thriller | 33638 | 6.50 | Turney, Russell |
Broken Sky #3 | Young Adult | 33644 | 2.25 | Wooding, Chris |
Forward In Time | Science Fiction | 33648 | 2.00 | Bova, Ben |
Star Trek: Prime directive | Science Fiction | 33650 | 3.00 | Reeves, Judith |
The Wild Road | Science Fiction | 33654 | 4.00 | King, Gabriel |
Roaring Lead | Westerns | 33663 | 2.00 | MacDonald, William Colt |
Action at Arcanum | Westerns | 33674 | 2.00 | MacDonald, William Colt |
Texas, blood red | Westerns | 33675 | 2.00 | Rifkin, Shepard |
Rio Grande deadline | Westerns | 33679 | 2.00 | Elston, Allan Vaughan |
The carrot seed | Children | 33692 | 1.00 | Krauss, Ruth |
The Dew Breaker | General Fiction | 33699 | 6.50 | Danticat, Edwidge |
The murder of Napoleon | Biography | 33717 | 2.00 | Weider, Ben |
Little Bitty Lies | Romance | 33735 | 6.50 | Andrews, Mary Kay |
Savannah Blues | Romance | 33736 | 6.50 | Andrews, Mary Kay |
The big lifters | Science Fiction | 33738 | 2.00 | Ing, Dean |
Interstellar pig | Young Adult | 33745 | 2.00 | Sleator, William |
Shadows in the water | Young Adult | 33753 | 2.50 | Lasky, Kathryn |
Hungry As The Sea | Mystery | 33776 | 3.50 | Smith, Wilbur |
Kidnapped | Classic Novels | 33792 | 3.00 | Stevenson, Robert Louis |
Mission Earth #08: Disaster | Science Fiction | 33806 | 2.50 | Hubbard, L. Ron |
The end of the road | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 33828 | 5.50 | Bodett, Tom |
The concubine | Romance | 33833 | 2.00 | Lofts, Norah |
Purgatory | Westerns | 33854 | 2.00 | Wisler, G. Clifton |
Skinny Dip | General Fiction | 33862 | 6.50 | Hiaasen, Carl |
High country | Westerns | 33880 | 2.00 | Dawson, Peter |
Three rivers | Romance | 33892 | 2.00 | Latow, Roberta |
Buckskin #4: Colt Creek | Westerns | 33902 | 2.00 | LeBeau, Roy |
Gunfire at purgatory gate | Westerns | 33904 | 2.00 | Ryerson, Martin |
The Ides of March | Classic Novels | 33908 | 4.50 | Wilder, Thornton |
A man Betrayed | Fantasy | 33910 | 3.00 | Jones, J. V. |
The Dark Crusade | Science Fiction | 33924 | 4.00 | Hunt, Walter H. |
The Dark Ascent | Science Fiction | 33925 | 4.00 | Hunt, Walter H. |
The Dark Path | Science Fiction | 33926 | 4.00 | Hunt, Walter H. |
The dark wing | Science Fiction | 33927 | 4.00 | Hunt, Walter H. |
Alpha | Science Fiction | 33929 | 4.00 | Asaro, Catherine |
The forever man | Science Fiction | 33939 | 2.00 | Dickson, Gordon R. |
In LA-LA Land We Trust | Light Mystery | 9799 | 2.00 | Campbell, R. Wright |
Looking backward, from the year 2000 | Science Fiction | 33968 | 2.00 | Reynolds, Mack |
Star Trek: New frontier Book 7 | Science Fiction | 33972 | 3.25 | David, Peter |
Challenge: Spirit of America, Book 1 | Historic Fiction | 33983 | 2.00 | Whited, Charles |
The Texians | Westerns | 34018 | 2.00 | Wyatt, Zach |
Washington square/The Europeans | Classic Novels | 34028 | 3.50 | James, Henry |
Death of a Politician | Mystery | 34044 | 2.00 | Condon, Richard |
Trying to save Piggy Sneed | General Fiction | 7566 | 5.00 | Irving, John |
Moment of Truth | Mystery | 2067 | 4.00 | Scottoline, Lisa |
Born to Gunsmoke | Westerns | 34097 | 2.00 | Thompson, Thomas |
Desert law | Westerns | 34113 | 2.00 | Kelland, Clarence Budington |
The Alamo | Westerns | 34117 | 2.00 | Tinkle, Lon |
Texas gunfighter | Westerns | 34118 | 2.00 | Floren, Lee |
Dead man's range | Westerns | 34119 | 2.00 | Hopkins, Tom J. |
The Valley of Fear | Classic Novels | 34130 | 3.50 | Doyle, Arthur Conan |
Robert Kennedy and his times | Biography | 34133 | 2.50 | Schlesinger, Arthur M. |
Kennedys: Dynasty and Disaster | Biography | 34135 | 3.00 | Davis, John H. |
Pandora's Daughter | Audio Books | 34144 | 7.50 | Johansen, Iris |
The narrows | Mystery | 34166 | 5.00 | Connelly, Michael |
The soul's code | Philosophy | 34180 | 6.50 | Hillman, James |
See, I told you so | Political | 34186 | 5.50 | Limbaugh, Rush |
Alone | Mystery | 34192 | 4.00 | Gardner, Lisa |
Once In Paris | Romance | 17894 | 3.00 | Palmer, Diana |
God was here but he left early | General Fiction | 34257 | 2.00 | Shaw, Irwin |
Billy Straight | Mystery | 34291 | 4.00 | Kellerman, Jonathan |
The Genesis quest | Science Fiction | 34299 | 2.00 | Moffitt, Donald |
Second genesis | Science Fiction | 34300 | 2.00 | Moffitt, Donald |
Law of Survival | Science Fiction | 34307 | 3.50 | Smith, Kristine |
Fallway | Science Fiction | 34309 | 2.50 | Downing, Paula |
Badge of Honor: The traffickers | Thriller | 34320 | 5.50 | Griffin, W. E. B. |
The bishop's heir | Fantasy | 34334 | 2.00 | Kurtz, Katherine |
Alvin journeyman | Science Fiction | 34340 | 3.50 | Card, Orson Scott |
Blue Adept | Science Fiction | 34347 | 3.75 | Anthony, Piers |
The Earth Lords | Science Fiction | 34349 | 2.00 | Dickson, Gordon R. |
Twice-Told tales | Classic Novels | 34365 | 3.50 | Hawthorne, Nathaniel |
Freedom Fighters #10: Volunteers for Glory | Historic Fiction | 34395 | 2.00 | Scofield, Jonathan |
Red River Story | Historic Fiction | 34396 | 3.00 | Silver, Alfred |
Milkweed | Young Adult | 34443 | 5.00 | Spinelli, Jerry |
The Great Juggling Kit | Young Adult | 34446 | 2.00 | Ashman, Stuart |
Silent Witness | Audio Books | 34454 | 12.50 | Fuhrman, Mark |
The Kingdom | Mystery | 34467 | 5.00 | Cussler, Clive |
The divine comedy: Purgatorio | Classic Novels | 34480 | 3.50 | Alighieri, Dante |
Patches of Godlight: Father Tim's Favorite Quotes | General Fiction | 34490 | 6.50 | Karon, Jan |
Blue River | General Fiction | 34491 | 6.00 | Canin, Ethan |
Brick Lane | General Fiction | 34505 | 6.50 | Ali, Monica |
Suspicion of Guilt | Mystery | 1649 | 3.00 | Parker, Barbara |
Soulmate | Consciousness | 34519 | 6.50 | Chopra, Deepak |
Prime cut | Light Mystery | 34537 | 4.00 | Davidson, Diane Mott |
Dead as a doornail | Light Mystery | 34540 | 4.00 | Harris, Charlaine |
Distant neighbors | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 34546 | 4.50 | Riding, Alan |
Enterprise One to One | Business | 34547 | 4.50 | Peppers, Don |
Captivated & Entranced | Romance | 34566 | 4.00 | Roberts, Nora |
Winnie-the-Pooh | Young Adult | 34593 | 2.50 | Milne, A. A. |
Tall in the saddle | Westerns | 34617 | 2.00 | Young, Gordon |
Idiot's Guide to Boating and Sailing | Reference | 34622 | 5.50 | Sargeant, Frank |
Becoming Your Spouse's Better Half | Psychology | 34624 | 6.50 | Johnson, Rick |
Discovering Joy in Your Creativity | Religion | 34628 | 4.50 | Faith, Women of |
Healing is a Choice | Philosophy | 34632 | 6.50 | Arterburn, Stephen |
Purity of blood | General Fiction | 8018 | 6.50 | Pérez-Reverte, Arturo |
Hatchet | Young Adult | 34640 | 2.50 | Paulsen, Gary |
ICE: Case of the hound of the Baskervilles | Children | 34645 | 1.50 | Doyle, Arthur Conan |
Eleven came back | Classic Novels | 34665 | 3.50 | Seeley, Mabel |
Uncommon cures for everyday ailments | Health | 34667 | 5.50 | BottomLineHealth |
Praskle Zrcadlo | Foreign Language | 34669 | 4.50 | Christie, Agatha |
Anna V Redmonde | Foreign Language | 34670 | 4.50 | Montgomery, L. M. |
Anna V Glene St. Mary | Foreign Language | 34671 | 4.50 | Montgomery, L. M. |
Anna Z Avonlea | Foreign Language | 34672 | 4.50 | Montgomery, L. M. |
Blind date | General Fiction | 34680 | 2.00 | Kosinski, Jerzy |
Fear of Flying | General Fiction | 34718 | 2.00 | Jong, Erica |
Three who made a revolution | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 34733 | 2.00 | Wolfe, Bertram D. |
Bander snatch | Science Fiction | 34753 | 2.00 | O'Donnell, Kevin |
Genesis | Science Fiction | 34781 | 3.50 | Anderson, Poul |
Menace under Marswood | Science Fiction | 34782 | 2.00 | Lanier, Sterling E. |
Book Three Paratwa Saga: The Paratwa | Science Fiction | 34787 | 3.50 | Hinz, Christopher |
The Kid | Westerns | 34815 | 2.00 | Seelye, John |
Trial by fire | Mystery | 1969 | 3.50 | Rosenberg, Nancy Taylor |
Nowhere To Run | Light Mystery | 34827 | 3.50 | Clark, Mary Jane |
Firefly beach | Romance | 34830 | 3.50 | Rice, Luanne |
Destination doubtful | Westerns | 34833 | 2.00 | Turner, William O. |
Bad Pets on the Loose | Young Adult | 34852 | 3.50 | Zullo, Allan |
The Gatekeeper | Thriller | 34861 | 4.00 | Gagnon, Michelle |
Summer Pleasures | Romance | 34864 | 3.75 | Roberts, Nora |
Reluctant gunman | Westerns | 34885 | 2.00 | Raine, William MacLeod |
The Mermaid Collector | General Fiction | 32645 | 6.50 | Marks, Erika |
True to Form | General Fiction | 20722 | 6.50 | Berg, Elizabeth |
The Stepmother | General Fiction | 25320 | 6.50 | Adams, Carrie |
The Last Time I Saw You | General Fiction | 34911 | 6.50 | Berg, Elizabeth |
Sacred and profane | Mystery | 34946 | 3.50 | Kellerman, Faye |
The happy highwaymen | Thriller | 34949 | 2.00 | Charteris, Leslie |
These rugged cliffs | Christian Fiction | 34950 | 5.50 | Ford, Michelle |
WW III: Arctic Front | Thriller | 34998 | 3.00 | Slater, Ian |
WW III: World in flames | Thriller | 34999 | 3.00 | Slater, Ian |
Rose Harbor in Bloom | Large Print | 35014 | 6.50 | Macomber, Debbie |
American Indians #01: Comanche Revenge | Historic Fiction | 35024 | 2.00 | Sommers, Jeanne |
Noble outlaw | Westerns | 35033 | 2.50 | Braun, Matt |
Untitled: A Booklover's Mystery | Light Mystery | 10192 | 3.00 | Kaewert, Julie |
The Sweet Potato Queens' Field Guide to Men : Every Man I Love Is Either Married, Gay, or Dead | General Fiction | 26983 | 6.50 | Browne, Jill Conner |
The Sweet Potato Queens' big-ass cookbook (and financial planner) | General Fiction | 7011 | 6.50 | Browne, Jill Conner |
Unsigned: A Booklover's Mystery | Light Mystery | 35046 | 3.00 | Kaewert, Julie |
Unbound: A Booklover's Mystery | Light Mystery | 35047 | 3.00 | Kaewert, Julie |
Final rounds | Sports | 35060 | 5.50 | Dodson, James |
Thanksgiving | Mystery | 31388 | 4.00 | Evanovich, Janet |
Death Angel | Mystery | 932 | 4.00 | Howard, Linda |
The Ideal Man | Mystery | 4512 | 4.00 | Garwood, Julie |
The Multiple Man | Science Fiction | 35081 | 2.00 | Bova, Ben |
Millennium | Science Fiction | 35083 | 2.00 | Bova, Ben |
The gun | Historic Fiction | 35085 | 2.00 | Forester, C. S. |
Out of the Sun | Science Fiction | 35088 | 2.00 | Bova, Ben |
Test of fire | Science Fiction | 35089 | 2.00 | Bova, Ben |
Endgame Enigma | Science Fiction | 35102 | 2.50 | Hogan, James P. |
Seeds of war | Science Fiction | 35113 | 2.00 | Randle, Kevin |
War heaven | Thriller | 35123 | 2.50 | Maloney, Mack |
633 Squadron #6: Operation Titan | Military | 35129 | 2.00 | Smith, Frederick E. |
Hasan | Science Fiction | 35133 | 2.00 | Anthony, Piers |
#01:Tarzan of the apes | Science Fiction | 35134 | 2.00 | Burroughs, Edgar Rice |
Spellsinger #04:The moment of the magician | Fantasy | 35136 | 2.00 | Foster, Alan Dean |
Spellsinger #02:The hour of the gate | Fantasy | 35138 | 2.00 | Foster, Alan Dean |
Into the Out of | Science Fiction | 35148 | 2.00 | Foster, Alan Dean |
An Engagement in Seattle | Romance | 2745 | 4.00 | Macomber, Debbie |
You Remind Me of Me | General Fiction | 35199 | 6.50 | Chaon, Dan |
First on the moon | Science Fiction | 35203 | 2.00 | Walters, Hugh |
Satellite E One | Science Fiction | 35206 | 2.00 | Castle, Jeffery Lloyd |
Marooned | Science Fiction | 35207 | 2.00 | Caidin, Martin |
Iron Dawn | Science Fiction | 35217 | 3.50 | Stover, Matthew Woodring |
Princess | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 35252 | 3.50 | Sasson, Jean P. |
Do You Promise Not to Tell | Light Mystery | 35258 | 3.50 | Clark, Mary Jane |
The Golden Ocean | General Fiction | 35272 | 6.50 | O'Brian, Patrick |
Princess Sultana's daughters | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 35277 | 6.50 | Sasson, Jean |
Diamond Spur | Romance | 35282 | 3.50 | Palmer, Diana |
The Fatal Fashione | Mystery | 10148 | 3.50 | Harper, Karen |
White sister | Mystery | 15301 | 4.00 | Cannell, Stephen J. |
Secrets On Saturday | Light Mystery | 32579 | 4.00 | Purser, Ann |
Final Seconds | Mystery | 1286 | 3.00 | Lutz, John |
Saint's Gate | Mystery | 19217 | 4.00 | Neggers, Carla |
Think of a Number | Mystery | 2346 | 4.00 | Verdon, John |
Whispered promises | Romance | 35369 | 4.00 | Roberts, Nora |
The big Fisherman | Christian Fiction | 35373 | 2.00 | Douglas, Lloyd C. |
Talking straight | Business | 35374 | 2.75 | Iacocca, Lee |
The Vigilante/Santa Fe Showdown | Westerns | 35382 | 3.00 | Sherman, Jory |
Never coming back | Thriller | 33837 | 6.50 | Weaver, Tim |
The Blessing | Romance | 35398 | 3.50 | Deveraux, Jude |
Lashtrow: Hell on a Holiday | Westerns | 35407 | 2.00 | Richmond, Roe |
Paint your wagon | Westerns | 35426 | 2.00 | Scullin, George |
Rebel trail | Westerns | 35430 | 2.00 | Bennett, Dwight |
Hanging in Wild Wind | Westerns | 23964 | 3.00 | Cotton, Ralph |
Wolf Cub Scout Book | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 35490 | 4.00 | America, Boy Scouts of |
Cooking 'Round the Clock | Cookbooks | 35500 | 5.50 | Ray, Rachael |
I have a friend | Children | 35502 | 3.00 | Muntean, Michaela |
Little Bear (I can read) | Children | 35511 | 2.50 | Minarik, Else Holmelund |
On secret service | Historic Fiction | 35523 | 4.00 | Jakes, John |
Push | General Fiction | 35553 | 6.50 | Sapphire |
The zone | Health | 35568 | 6.50 | Sears, Barry |
Mastering the zone | Health | 35569 | 6.50 | Sears, Barry |
Deception on His Mind | Mystery | 35571 | 5.50 | George, Elizabeth |
With No One as Witness | Mystery | 35576 | 4.00 | George, Elizabeth |
Whiteout | Mystery | 35593 | 4.00 | Follett, Ken |
Across the wire | Biography | 35613 | 6.50 | Urrea, Luis Alberto |
Teacher man | Non-Fiction/True Adventure | 35614 | 7.50 | McCourt, Frank |
Curse of the bane | Young Adult | 35625 | 4.00 | Delaney, Joseph |
Second Honeymoon | Mystery | 34707 | 6.50 | Patterson, James |
The new encyclopedia of modern sewing | Crafts | 35707 | 2.50 | Blondin, Frances |
It Doesn't Take a Hero | Military | 35712 | 3.50 | Schwarzkopf, Norman |
The Best American essays | Short Stories | 35713 | 4.50 | Atwan, Robert |
Net Force: Changing of the Guard | Thriller | 35731 | 4.00 | Clancy, Tom |
Rules Of Play | Romance | 33298 | 6.50 | Roberts, Nora |
Land of ghosts | Thriller | 35741 | 4.00 | Seymour, E. V. |
The girl at the Lion d'or | General Fiction | 35744 | 5.50 | Faulks, Sebastian |
O'Hurley's Return | Romance | 35760 | 6.50 | Roberts, Nora |
Summer Dreams | Romance | 35761 | 6.50 | Roberts, Nora |
The townsmen | Classic Novels | 35766 | 4.50 | Buck, Pearl S. |
Here I stand | Classic Novels | 35775 | 6.50 | Bainton, Roland H. |
Questions & Answers Space | Children | 35782 | 3.50 | Capella |
Shapes and colors | Children | 35785 | 3.50 | Filipek, Nina |
The Shunning | Christian Fiction | 35788 | 6.50 | Lewis, Beverly |
Much Ado about Nothing | Drama and Plays | 35790 | 3.50 | Shakespeare, William |
Crown Dreams #2: American Dreams | Historic Fiction | 35805 | 4.00 | Jakes, John |
Aircraft Spotter's Guide | Military | 35821 | 5.50 | Jackson, Robert |
Spycatcher | Thriller | 35836 | 5.00 | Dunn, Matthew |
J. K. Rowling: Unauthorized Biography | Young Adult | 35842 | 2.50 | Rowling, J. K. |
The Karate kid | Young Adult | 35846 | 2.50 | Hiller, B. B. |
Smoke Screen | Thriller | 3876 | 4.00 | Mills, Kyle |
One Touch of Topaz | Romance | 29871 | 4.00 | Johansen, Iris |
Webster's Travelers Phrase Book | Travel Stories | 35877 | 2.00 | G&Cmerriam |
The art forger | General Fiction | 35905 | 6.50 | Shapiro, B. A. |
Sweet Inspirations | Cookbooks | 35937 | 4.00 | Lynch, Patti |
Touch & Go | Mystery | 29224 | 5.00 | Gardner, Lisa |
The Devil's Elixir | Thriller | 35997 | 5.00 | Khoury, Raymond |
Into the Storm | Thriller | 35998 | 6.50 | Clancy, Tom |
Rough Justice | Mystery | 36033 | 4.00 | Scottoline, Lisa |
The official dictionary of unofficial English | Reference | 36073 | 6.50 | Barrett, Grant |
Gift wrapping | Crafts | 36074 | 5.50 | Ekiguchi, Kunio |
Bombs in orbit | Science Fiction | 36078 | 2.00 | Sutton, Jeff |
Free Fall | Romance | 36080 | 3.50 | Michaels, Fern |
The Defiance | Science Fiction | 17427 | 3.00 | Baldwin, Bill |
The Final Battle | Science Fiction | 6271 | 3.00 | Dietz, William C. |
The Trophy | Science Fiction | 36101 | 2.00 | Baldwin, Bill |
The mercenaries | Science Fiction | 36102 | 2.50 | Baldwin, Bill |
Galactic Convoy | Science Fiction | 36103 | 2.00 | Baldwin, Bill |
Guardian Angel | Horror | 29540 | 4.00 | Neiderman, Andrew |
The Utopia Experiment | Thriller | 36146 | 4.00 | Ludlum, Robert |
Blizzard! | Young Adult | 36173 | 4.50 | Murphy, Jim |
Secret Santa | Young Adult | 36174 | 2.50 | Athkins, D. E. |
Luke Sutton: Outrider | Westerns | 36212 | 2.00 | Kelley, Leo P. |
Luke Sutton: Outlaw | Westerns | 36213 | 2.00 | Kelley, Leo P. |
The road from Coorain | Biography | 36226 | 5.50 | Conway, Jill Ker |
Black Hills | Romance | 36251 | 4.00 | Roberts, Nora |
Entranced | Romance | 36254 | 3.50 | Roberts, Nora |
Morrigan's Cross | Romance | 36257 | 4.00 | Roberts, Nora |
The Bride & Groom First and Forever Cookbook | Cookbooks | 28614 | 5.50 | Barber, Mary Corpening |
The Bookman's Wake | Mystery | 36276 | 4.00 | Dunning, John |
Double homicide | Mystery | 36278 | 4.00 | Kellerman, Jonathan |
Henri Rousseau | Children | 36351 | 2.50 | Raboff, Ernest |
Plum Spooky | Mystery | 29046 | 4.00 | Evanovich, Janet |
The door in the dragon's throat | Young Adult | 36408 | 3.00 | Peretti, Frank |
Breathless | Horror | 31168 | 5.00 | Koontz, Dean |
Wagons West #24: Celebration! | Historic Fiction | 36420 | 2.50 | Ross, Dana Fuller |
The last tycoon | Classic Novels | 36424 | 5.50 | Fitzgerald, F. Scott |
A Sister's Secret | Christian Fiction | 36427 | 6.50 | Brunstetter, Wanda E. |
The overlords | Westerns | 8943 | 3.50 | Braun, Matt |
Double the Bounty | Large Print | 36451 | 5.50 | Randisi, Robert J. |
The gang that couldn't shoot straight | Classic Novels | 36539 | 3.50 | Breslin, Jimmy |
The 9th girl | Mystery | 36549 | 5.00 | Hoag, Tami |
Seducing an Angel | Romance | 2523 | 4.00 | Balogh, Mary |
Bitten | Paranormal | 36574 | 3.50 | Armstrong, Kelley |
Cold case | Mystery | 36601 | 4.00 | White, Stephen |
Spunk: Three Tales by Zora Neale Hurston | Drama and Plays | 11763 | 4.50 | Hurston, Zora Neale |
The lilac bus | General Fiction | 36613 | 3.50 | Binchy, Maeve |
Hotshot | Mystery | 36616 | 4.00 | Garwood, Julie |
Sideways stories from Wayside School | Young Adult | 36625 | 2.50 | Sachar, Louis |
Sideways arithmetic from Wayside School | Young Adult | 36626 | 2.50 | Sachar, Louis |
More sideways arithmetic from Wayside School | Young Adult | 36627 | 2.50 | Sachar, Louis |
Report to the principal's office | Young Adult | 36631 | 2.50 | Spinelli, Jerry |
The ghost in the Tokaido inn | Young Adult | 36632 | 3.00 | Hoobler, Dorothy |
The sky is falling | General Fiction | 36652 | 4.00 | Sheldon, Sidney |
No safe place | Mystery | 36662 | 4.00 | Patterson, Richard North |
Predator | Mystery | 36692 | 5.00 | Cornwell, Patricia |
Personal injuries | Mystery | 36696 | 5.50 | Turow, Scott |
Casting the Runes and Other Ghost Stories | Horror | 36733 | 5.50 | James, M. R. |
Four tragedies | Drama and Plays | 36735 | 3.50 | Shakespeare, William |
Making America #15: The Homesteaders | Historic Fiction | 36737 | 2.00 | Willoughby, Lee Davis |
Rivers West #04: The Powder River | Westerns | 22657 | 2.50 | Blevins, Winfred |
Buckskin Man | Westerns | 24877 | 2.00 | Blackburn, Tom W. |
Second Chance Ranch | Romance | 3141 | 2.50 | Harris, Leann |
Voyage to Santa Fe | Westerns | 36751 | 2.00 | Giles, Janice Holt |
In for the kill | Mystery | 30073 | 3.50 | Lutz, John |
Huckleberry Finn and Zombie Jim | Horror | 36803 | 6.50 | Czolgos, W. Bill |
Deadly Sanctuary | Horror | 36804 | 6.50 | Nobel, Sylvia |
Night of the Living Dandelion | Light Mystery | 36808 | 3.50 | Collins, Kate |
Gumbo Limbo | Mystery | 36845 | 3.25 | Corcoran, Tom |
Almost like being in love | Romance | 36864 | 3.50 | Dodd, Christina |
Betrayal in Bella Terra | Romance | 36865 | 4.00 | Dodd, Christina |
Close to You | Romance | 36866 | 3.50 | Dodd, Christina |
Shotgun Alley | Mystery | 1195 | 3.50 | Klavan, Andrew |
Duma Key | Horror | 36903 | 5.00 | King, Stephen |
Proof of Intent | Mystery | 36932 | 3.50 | Coughlin, William |
Birthright | Romance | 36937 | 4.00 | Roberts, Nora |
Chasing Fire | Romance | 36940 | 4.00 | Roberts, Nora |
The MacGregor Grooms | Romance | 36948 | 4.00 | Roberts, Nora |
The Matarese Circle | Thriller | 36975 | 4.00 | Ludlum, Robert |
Home | Audio Books | 35423 | 22.00 | Robinson, Marilynne |
The city who fought | Science Fiction | 37006 | 3.00 | McCaffrey, Anne |
Drink to yesterday | Classic Novels | 30983 | 3.50 | Coles, Manning |
A man rides through | Fantasy | 37010 | 5.50 | Donaldson, Stephen R. |
The mirror of her dreams | Fantasy | 37012 | 2.50 | Donaldson, Stephen R. |
If Angels Burn | Paranormal | 25507 | 3.50 | Viehl, Lynn |
Amnesia | Horror | 29544 | 3.50 | Neiderman, Andrew |
The Beast | Mystery | 37068 | 5.00 | Kellerman, Faye |
Four Contemporary America Plays | Drama and Plays | 37081 | 2.00 | Cerf, Bennett |
100 Modern poems | Poems | 37089 | 1.50 | Rodman, Selden |
Dragon Steel | Young Adult | 37095 | 2.50 | Yep, Laurence |
Julie of the wolves | Young Adult | 37096 | 2.50 | George, Jean Craighead |
The status seekers | Classic Novels | 37105 | 3.50 | Packard, Vance |
Spare Parts | Mystery | 835 | 2.50 | Henson, Rick |
Curse of the Mistwraith | Fantasy | 37122 | 3.00 | Wurts, Janny |
Sword-singer | Fantasy | 37128 | 2.50 | Roberson, Jennifer |
Exiles of the Rynth | Science Fiction | 37129 | 2.00 | Douglas, Carole Nelson |
The sword | Fantasy | 37138 | 3.50 | Chester, Deborah |
Captives of the Savage Empire | Fantasy | 37146 | 2.00 | Lorrah, Jean |
The wicked day | Fantasy | 37149 | 2.25 | Stewart, Mary |
Shadowfane | Fantasy | 37156 | 2.00 | Wurts, Janny |
Silver Nails | Fantasy | 37157 | 3.50 | Yeovil, Jack |
Daniel X #2: Watch the Skies | Mystery | 37160 | 4.00 | Patterson, James |
Daniel X #3: Demons and Druids | Mystery | 37161 | 4.00 | Patterson, James |
Hearts unbound | Romance | 33586 | 4.00 | Luck, Sara |
Warning at One | Light Mystery | 32574 | 4.00 | Purser, Ann |
Hand of Fate | Mystery | 37190 | 6.50 | Wiehl, Lis |
One father, one family | Religion | 37191 | 4.50 | Fitch., Alger |
Eden Burning | Romance | 37201 | 4.00 | Lowell, Elizabeth |
The crossword answer book | Reference | 37202 | 6.50 | Newman, Stanley |
Duane's depressed | General Fiction | 23195 | 4.00 | McMurtry, Larry |
The war of the worlds | Classic Novels | 37276 | 3.50 | Wells, H. G. |
Stay Awake | General Fiction | 37279 | 6.50 | Chaon, Dan |
War Gamers' World | Fantasy | 37322 | 2.00 | Walker, Hugh |
Hearts afire | Romance | 37336 | 4.00 | Luck, Sara |
Op-Center: Mission of honor | Thriller | 37352 | 4.00 | Clancy, Tom |
Strike Force | Thriller | 37354 | 5.00 | Brown, Dale |
Chromosome 6 | Mystery | 37379 | 3.75 | Cook, Robin |
The outside man | Mystery | 37397 | 3.50 | Patterson, Richard North |
Op-Center: Mirror Image | Thriller | 37400 | 3.50 | Clancy, Tom |
The rule of Benedict | Awakening | 37411 | 6.50 | Chittister, Joan D. |
Cook Yourself Thin Faster | Cookbooks | 37413 | 4.50 | Deen, Lauren |
The Lost Throne | Mystery | 37426 | 5.00 | Kuzneski, Chris |
The player on the other side | Light Mystery | 37445 | 2.00 | Queen, Ellery |
Silent God | Religion | 37450 | 4.50 | Bentz, Joseph |
Death In Hyde Park | Light Mystery | 10300 | 3.25 | Paige, Robin |
#364 Slocum And the Dynamite Kid | Westerns | 20129 | 3.00 | Logan, Jake |